Setsuna und Tieria werden von Ali al-Saachez und seinem neuen Gundam in die Enge getrieben. Tieria möchte Lockon rächen, unterschätzt jedoch die Kraft des gegenüberstehenden Feindes. Anhand von Tierias Benehmen erkennt Lyle, dass al-Saachez für den Tod seines Bruders verantwortlich ist.
Setsuna and Tieria face off against Ali Al-Saachez’s Arche Gundam, but are sorely outmatched until Allelujah and Lockon arrive and drive off the Arche. Lockon learns the circumstances behind his brother's death and his motivations for fighting for Celestial Being. The A-LAWs attempt to intercept the Ptolemaios II's return to space; the Ptolemaios' success forces Commander Homer Katagiri to accept the help of the Innovators to prevent any more sacrifices. When Kati sends a message to Celestial Being expressing respect for Leesa Kujo's tactics, Sumeragi realizes that Kati is a member of the A-LAWs and recognizes that Sumeragi is Celestial Being's tactical forecaster.
L'infiltration de Setsuna et Tieria tourne au vinaigre : ils sont démasqués par Billy Katagiri. De retour sur le Ptolémée, Sumeragi établit une nouvelle stratégie pour s'échapper des fonds marins : elle est persuadée que les A-Laws ne sauraient tarder à leur tendre un piège.