Nach der Rettung durch die Katharon Resistance Gruppe, findet die Ptolemaios 2 Zuflucht in der Arabischen Wüste. Klaus Grad überlegt an der Seite von Celestial Being zu kämpfen, doch seine Crew hat andere Pläne.
Setsuna escorts Marina back to Azadistan after the Meisters stop at Kataron's Middle Eastern base. Saji leaves the base as he does not trust the Celestial Being's action. Suddenly, an Earth Federation ship arrives in the area and detains Saji before Sergei decides to release him. An A-LAWs task force arrives with Mr. Bushido, Soma and Barrack leading the squad before automaton droids were deployed to massacre Kataron guerrillas and civilians. Lockon arrives with Tieria and Alelujah to hold back the A-LAWs task force with Lockon gunning down the droids in rage while Soma hesitates to attack him when she sees the droids attack the guerrillas and civilians. Setsuna and Marina arrive in Azadistan, only to face Ali with a mobile suit as he watches the country burning.
Les membres de Celestial Being décident de se rendre à la base de l'organisation de Katharon dans le Moyen-Orient d'une part pour rencontrer de potentiels alliés, d'autre part pour ramener Marina Ismaïl auprès d'une membre qui désirait la voir. Saji profite de l'occasion pour tenter de se séparer définitivement de Celestial Being.