Die A-Laws beginnen nach Piloten zu suchen, die Kampf-Erfahrung mit Gundams haben. Trotz der Zweifel, die Kati und Soma an der Organisation und ihren neuen Positionen hegen, versprechen sie Sergei alle geheimen Informationen zukommen zu lassen.
After entrusting Lyle Dylandy with top secret information pertaining to Celestial Being's activities, Setsuna goes to confront Sumeragi Lee Noriega who, consummed by guilt over the countless lives lost during the organization's military interventions four years prior, found refuge in Bill Katagiri and worsened her drinking condition. Meanwhile, Wan Liu Mei leaks information to Ribbons and Saji Crossroad is given access to Celestial Being's archives and learns about the existence of the Throne Gundams. A-LAWS forces mount an attack on Celestial Being's ship, the location of which was among the data acquired by Ribbons, and Tiera is left alone to defend the Ptolemaios. Setsuna, accompanied by Lyle and Sumeragi, heads towards the ship and boards the 00 Gundam, easily dispatching the attacking units and saving the Ptolemaios.
Setsuna, de retour parmi Celestial Being, décide d'aller recruter un nouveau « Lockon Stratos ». Il s'agit du frère jumeau de Neil Dylandy, Lyle. Il profite de son passage pour forcer Sumeragi Lee Noriega à retourner sur le Ptolémée, où ils essaient de mettre en place un nouveau système sur le Gundam 0.