Five boys in giant killer robots are sent to the Earth from space colonies to take down Oz, an evil organization within the United Earth Sphere Alliance. However, not everything goes according to plan. (Or anything, really.)
While Heero is in Alliance captivity, Quatre, Trowa and Wufei all carry out their missions against Oz. Meanwhile, something is lost in translation between Noin and her longtime compatriot, but it sure isn't lost on Otto.
It's Relena and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. As Oz carries out its convoluted plan to off the Vice Foreign Minister, Duo helps Heero get back on his feet. Figuratively and literally.
Heero just can't get away from Relena, who has a devious plan to force him into the worst torture imaginable: being her prom date. Things naturally escalate from there, with mobile suit fights, teenage melodrama and Oz's next phase in their plan.
It's all coming together. All five Gundam pilots finally meet. Treize's plan to overthrow the Alliance reaches its climactic moment. And there's a musical number. Wait. What.
While Trowa and Wufei close in on Treize after his successful coup d'état, Zechs finally gets his mother-lovin' Tallgeese. Noin is thrilled.
After Oz's successful coup d'etat, the Gundams scramble to get a win. But Lady Une has a plan, Zechs has a Tallgeese and Heero is just about ready to explode.
Relena's had enough. While she goes on a rampage Heero-style, Heero recuperates, Duo attends a party and Wufei tries to have a character arc.
"Okay. So there I was..." Heero, Trowa, Zechs & Noin tell stories. And Trowa gets punched in the face. That's it. That's the episode.
Quatre and Duo come back from vacation to take the fight to Oz, while Lady Une makes good on her punishment of apologizing to each and every colony.
Now that our heroes are all in space, they reflect on how they got to where they are…
A special one-shot episode celebrating the 20th anniversary of Mobile Suit; Gundam Wing premiering on Toonami! It's the year 2000 all over again, and censoring cartoons is the name of the game.