A short informative piece highlighting one of the many dangers of the modern world........The Woman!
More archived footage...this informative piece is warning against one of the many dangers of the modern world, namely....The Bouncer....
A short informative piece about one of the many dangers of the modern world...in this case, Physical Intimacy and the horrific world of STDs.
A short informative piece exploring one of the wonders of the modern age, namely the Internet.
A short, informative piece highlighting one of the many travesties of the modern world....Racism!
Here's a short, informative piece about of the wonders of the modern age....the mobile phone!
A short, informative piece I dragged out of the archives explaining one of society's little foibles....Religion!
A short, informative piece pulled from the archives...this one deals with the issue of lesbianity and offers an insight into how this practice was once viewed....
A short and informative piece offering insight into one of the many wonders of modern day society...namely the Workplace
A short and informative look at the world of mental health, and what can happen when it goes wrong
A short and informative piece highlighting the dangerous world of narcotics...
A short, yet informative piece highlighting the perilous proclivities of the homosexual gay man...
A short and informative piece pulled from the archives highlighting the very important process of education...
There are many dangerous realities and truths permeating our everyday lives. Luckily censorship is here to protect us...this short, informative piece explains exactly how...
Whilst trawling the archives I found this short but informative piece highlighting one of our greatest institutions...the Military!
A short piece I found the other day...best viewed in high definition, with low expectations....
A short, informative video highligthing the dangers of the environment and the terrible fate that awaits mankind should he fail to properly prepare...
An in-depth look into all things bizarre and paranormal, this short piece will explain the inexplicable...
A short informative look at the world of crime, law and the penal system
Recovered from the vaults, a short informative piece exploring one of the many facets of modern life. Get the information you need, where you need it and learn all about.....The Celebrity!
An informative piece that was recently recovered and restored. This one deals with one of nature's wonders - the Atheist
An informative piece hauled from the archives detailing the complex nature of politics...