마침내 윤수와 재회한 승유는 곁을 맴돌며 가까워지려 노력한다. 노정아는 유능한 학원강사가 된 윤수의 정체를 모른 채 자신의 딸 지나의 지도를 부탁한다. 한편, 승유와 함께 있는 윤수 앞에 성재가 나타나는데...
Now that he has reunited with Yoon-soo, Seung-yoo tries to get close to her again. Noh Jung-ah, who doesn't know that Yoon-soo has become an elite instructor at an academy, asks the academy for the guidance of her daughter, Ji-na. Meanwhile, Sung-jae appears in front of Seung-yoo and Yoon-soo, who are together.
Jung-ah intenta que su hija vea a una reputada pero reservada tutora. Seung-yoo invita a sus estudiantes a participar en su nuevo proyecto.
Jung-ah möchte, dass ihre Tochter bei einer angesehenen Lehrerin Nachhilfeunterricht nimmt. Seung-yoo lädt seine Schüler*innen zur Teilnahme an seinem neuesten Projekt ein.