All the water in DenTech City has dried up! World Three has captured Tory and his father Dr. Froid and forced them to use their NetNavi IceMan to freeze the programs that control DenTech City's Waterworks. Lan and his friends rush to save the day, but with MegaMan encased in ice and the Waterworks decaying, can they possibly stop World Three in time to restore the city's water?
町中の水道から水が出なくなった。水道局のプログラムが、アイスマンによって氷結されてしまったのだ。原因を探りにプラグインしたロックマンもアイスマンに氷漬けにされてしまう。 色綾まどいは、水道局職員の氷川を監禁し、息子の透を脅してアイスマンをオペレートさせていたのである。熱斗は氷川親子を救い出せるのか?
Maddy rapisce un dipendente della Water Works Factory, per poi costringere suo figlio, Tory Froid, ad utilizzare il suo Net-Navi IceMan per congelare tutta l'acqua in modo da poter inquinare tutto l'approvvigionamento idrico di Dentech City. Fortunatamente, Lan ei suoi amici vengono coinvolti e grazie a MegaMan e agli altri loro Net-Navi riescono a mettere fine a questo disastro.
Toute l’eau de DenTech City est asséchée ! World Three a capturé Tory et son père, le Dr Froid, et les a forcés à utiliser leur NetNavi IceMan pour geler les programmes qui contrôlent les installations hydrauliques de DenTech City. Lan et ses amis se précipitent pour sauver la situation, mais avec MegaMan enfermé dans la glace et les installations hydrauliques en décomposition, pourront-ils arrêter le Monde Trois à temps pour restaurer l'eau de la ville ?