The first show in the series began with a parade on Main Street U.S.A. Host Johnny Jacobs introduced the evening's guests, who passed by in the parade. The program included lively musical numbers and performances, including the Dapper Dans performing ""When You and I Were Young, Maggie"" (from 1866 by James Butterfield and George Johnson) with a new patter chorus (this turned the song into ""Maggie Blues"") written by composer Jimmy McHugh. The quartet sang the song with McHugh while they did the patter. The producers had built a fake barbershop beside the Disneyland firehouse in the doorway that led into the Emporium. The quartet also rode the four-seater bicycle on this program. Jim Schamp and Ron Browne remember it being a very wild scene in Town Square because it was a live broadcast.
Johnny jacobs opens the show at the Plaza Gardens, feturing The Elliott Brothers warming up for the concert. They and the Disneyland Date Nighters have been performing for 6 years there.
The Show starts of along the riverfront in Fronteirland and then switches over to a trip on the Mark Twain Riverboat.Performances include ""Waiting For The Robert E. Lee"" sung by The Excelsior Banjo Band and Music by The Yong Men Of New Orleans Band.
This episode takes place in Tommorowland. Annette Funicello is a guest host.With a bacdrop of music performed by The Spacemen.
Starts off with music highlights by the Disneyland Band, followed by several comedy acts and a performance by the Osmond Brothers. The Johnny Jacobs mingles with guests and poses to them questions about their hometowns and familys.
This episode starts off with Conch Shells and Polynisian Dancers.The Royal Tahitians of Disneyland perform.
The Fronteir has neevr been the same, starting with the dance steps of the Gonzalez Trio, going to performances by the Villa Fontana Violinists from Mexico City, Then there is an apperance by Zorro as he vanquishes a foe on the rooftop, and finally finishing with a ride through the Rainbow Caverns and the Painted Desert.
Features the comedy of Dave Berry followed by a trip throght the Douglas Moon Rocket and finishing with performances by Harry James and the Osmond Brothers.
Magic tricks and musiacl numbers abound after a parade through the Sleeping Beauty Castle of all the known Disney Characters of the Day, along with a guest host stint by Alice (of Alice In Wonderland Fame).
The show starts off with a ride on the Disneyland Railroad, in the middle bandits stop the train, long enough to present the nights guests, this is followed by Indian Dances in Fronteirland.
A celebration of swing music performed at the Magic Kindom by the Elliott Brothers.
A salute to jazz, this episode takes place almost entirely on the Mark Twain River Boat and features performances by the Hot Jazz Society Marching Band, The Albert Mcneil Choir, Voices of the Hope, The Young men From New Orleans and Kid Ory.
This episode featured only Disneyland performers, and each act was introduced to a version of the High Ho Song done by the Seven Dwarfs