All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Excavations - Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    What is a short story? How do we judge the strengths and weakness of short fiction? Using Edgar Allen Poe's masterpiece of suspense and psychological horror, you enter the world of the short story and examine the techniques used by writers in this powerful genre.

  • S01E02 Hawthorne's "Goodman Brown" and Lost Faith

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Colonial puritanism serves as the backdrop for Nathaniel Hawthorne's tale of a young man who glimpses the evil in the human heart. You explore how Hawthorne weaves together the strands of Calvinism, paganism, and Indian lore in this surreal allegory.

  • S01E03 Under Gogol's "Overcoat"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    The next stop is tsarist Russia, where you encounter one of the most influential pieces of 19th-century short fiction. In this darkly satiric yet sympathetic story, Gogol' creates the ultimate "low man," Akaky, the predecessor of a generation of literary underdogs.

  • S01E04 Maupassant's "The Necklace" - Real and Paste

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture continues to focus on "little people" with Maupassant's classic tale of bourgeois longing and ironic reversals. In considering the story's famous surprise ending, you examine what the author had to say about morality, materialism, and the unpredictability of fate.

  • S01E05 Chekhov, Love, and "The Lady with the Dog"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    According to novelist Vladimir Nabokov, "All the traditional rules of storytelling have been broken in this wonderful story." In this lecture, Professor Krasny delineates how Chekhov's unorthodox but deft treatment of character, plot, and setting result in a masterpiece of short fiction.

  • S01E06 James in the Art Studio - "The Real Thing"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    The work of Henry James is the epitome of 19th-century Realism. Using as his source an anecdote about an aristocratic couple and an artist, James creates a unique piece of short fiction that questions the distinction between appearance and reality and raises profound questions about the social order of his day.

  • S01E07 Epiphany and the Modern in Joyce's "Araby"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture enters the 20th century, moving to Dublin and the work of one of the greatest Modernists, James Joyce. In this story from his famous collection of short fiction, Dubliners, Joyce offers a view of a boy's epiphany about life's disappointments expressed through the story of a failed quest.

  • S01E08 Babel's "My First Goose" - Violent Concision

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture takes you back to Russia and to a remarkable initiation tale set against the backdrop of the Bolshevik Revolution. Through Babel's shocking and unsettling tale, you are introduced to a singularly important theme that will recur throughout 20th-century fiction: violence.

  • S01E09 Male Initiation - Hemingway's "The Killers"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    A similar initiation into the world of violence appears in Hemingway's dark story of a young man's encounter with two hit men. The story provides an opportunity to examine the author's mastery of language and to contemplate his enormous influence on later writers.

  • S01E10 Kafka's Parable - "A Hunger Artist"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    In this satirically humorous allegory of the proverbial "starving artist," Kafka presents a grim but funny vision of the faddishness of public tastes and explores Modernists' ideas about Existentialism and the relationship of art and commerce.

  • S01E11 Lawrence's Blue-eyed "Rocking-Horse Winner"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    A young boy's uncanny abilities have dire consequences for him and his family in this dark fairy tale about materialism and familial relations. This lecture explores the story's many meanings, including its resonance with Lawrence's own complicated relationships with his mother and his wife.

  • S01E12 Female Initiation - Mansfield's "Party"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Class conflict and psychological complexity take center stage in this great Chekhov-influenced story, which traces the initiation of a young girl from pampered naiveté into the understanding of the relationship between life and death.

  • S01E13 Jackson's Shocking Vision in "The Lottery"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    The mid-century focus begins with "The Lottery," a tale that shocked the post–World War II generation. You consider how the story's revelation of a deadly and inhuman ritual reflects a new awareness of the horrors of war and human aggression.

  • S01E14 O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture turns to the great Southern American writer Flannery O'Connor, whose harrowing story of a family murdered by a serial killer presents a paradoxical vision of grace.

  • S01E15 Paley on Survival and "An Interest in Life"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    With Grace Paley, you encounter one of the first authors to reflect a feminist perspective. Paley creates the memorable character Virginia, an abandoned wife and mother who, despite her suffering, maintains a kind of faith in life and other human beings.

  • S01E16 The "Enormous Wings" of Garcia Marquez

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Myth and satire blend in this powerful allegory about a winged man who falls from the sky and upsets life in a small South American village. You consider the literary movement of Magical Realism and explore why this story has such a powerful impact on readers.

  • S01E17 A New World Fable - Malamud's "The Jewbord"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Malamud's story about a fantastical Jewish black bird named Schwartz offers another version of Magical Realism, one that reflects growing anxieties about the assimilation of Eastern European Jews in the United States during the 20th century.

  • S01E18 Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" - A Harlem Song

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture considers the great Baldwin story "Sonny's Blues," with its themes of music, drug addiction, suffering, family relationships, and the blues, and examines how the story explores the conflicts implicit in the experience of black Americans.

  • S01E19 Updike's "A & P" - The Choice of Gallantry

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Considered one of John Updike's best short stories, "A & P" is a realistic, bittersweet tale of awakening and the pain of adolescence. You consider how the story reflects both its time (the Sixties) and its place (New England) and appreciate the authentic voice of Updike's narrator, the teenager Sammy.

  • S01E20 Kingston's Warrior Myth - "No Name Woman"

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    In this story of family secrets, Kingston uses autobiographical details to create an exploration of the meaning of identity. The result is a groundbreaking work that combines strands from ethnic, cross-cultural, and feminist writing.

  • S01E21 Atwood's "Happy Endings" as Metafiction

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Atwood takes the conventions of fiction as her subject in this Postmodernist and satiric explication of what makes a "happy ending." You consider how readers contribute to the meaning of fiction and test how Atwood's story reflects Hemingway's idea that all stories end in death.

  • S01E22 Gordimer's "Moment Before" Apartheid Fell

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    This lecture begins with a discussion of the role of apartheid in South Africa and examines how Gordimer, a long-time antiapartheid activist, creates a story that sheds a compassionate light on both the victims of this oppressive political order and its supporters.

  • S01E23 Carver's "Cathedral" - A Story that Levitates

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Art, transcendence, intimacy, and consciousness-expanding substances all play a role in this subtle and beautifully rendered account of a working stiff, his wife, her blind friend, and the evening they share.

  • S01E24 Why Short Fiction Masterpieces?

    • January 1, 2008
    • The Great Courses

    Is short fiction really needed? What does this format offer that cannot be achieved in other literary forms? In this summary, you meditate on the value of the short story and take a long view of its development.