"On a distant and embattled planet called Edenoi, a young prince named Dex is given great powers by his grandfather, the king, and is sent to the planet Earth to protect it from the advancing evil of Count Dregon and his vicious Insectivores. Once on Earth, he is adopted by a kind family and learns to live as a human. With his companion Ferbus by his side, Dex is ever vigilant. Ready at a moment's notice to call on his powers to become Masked Rider."
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 5 | ||
Season 1 | September 1995 | July 1996 | 27 |
Season 2 | September 1996 | November 1996 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | September 1995 | November 1996 | 40 |
Unassigned Episodes | 5 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | September 1995 | November 1996 | 40 |
Unassigned Episodes | 5 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Rob Malenfant | 16 | 02/03/1996 - 11/05/1996 | |
Worth Keeter | 16 | 09/23/1995 - 09/17/1996 | |
Shuki Levy | 4 | 09/16/1995 | |
David Frost (II) | 3 | 10/14/1995 - 11/04/1995 | |
Terrence H. Winkless | 3 | 10/14/1996 - 11/20/1996 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Mark Litton | 8 | 10/28/1995 - 11/20/1996 | |
Jane Macintosh | 6 | 10/14/1995 - 09/17/1996 | |
Margo McCahon | 6 | 12/23/1995 - 11/04/1996 | |
Clifford Herbert | 5 | 09/30/1995 - 10/31/1996 | |
Joseph Kuhr | 5 | 09/23/1995 - 11/18/1996 | |
Steve Sessions | 2 | 09/11/1996 - 10/14/1996 | |
Peter Meech | 2 | 10/07/1995 - 11/11/1995 | |
Shell Danielson | 2 | 09/16/1995 | |
Glen A. May | 1 | 10/21/1996 | |
Diane Mathers | 1 | 04/27/1996 | |
Michael Ryan | 1 | 02/17/1996 | |
Kati Rocky | 1 | 02/10/1996 |
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