Die Avengers versuchen, AIM davon abzuhalten, Hitech-Waffen aus der Zukunft zu stehlen. Dadurch wird die Aufmerksamkeit von Kang, dem Eroberer, aus dem 30. Jahrhundert, geweckt.
The Avengers try to stop A.I.M. from stealing high-tech weapons from the future ever since it was discovered that they upgraded the gear of Whiplash and Spymaster. Their fight with A.I.M. attracts the attention of the 30th-century warlord Kang the Conqueror since it was his technology that A.I.M. used as he takes control of the A.I.M. Agents present.
Les Avengers essaient d'empêcher l'A.I.M. de voler une technologie de pointe du futur, ce qui attire l'attention de Kang le Conquérant, Seigneur de la Guerre du 30e siècle...
Gli Avengers e l'A.I.M. attirano l'attenzione di Kang!
Los Vengadores intentan detener a AIM sobre el robo de armas de alta tecnología del futuro, sino de atraer la atención, al señor de la guerra del siglo 30, Kang el Conquistador.
Os Vingadores e a A.I.M. atraem a atenção de Kang!