In a small town in Alberta a boy named Wilbur poking around an antiques store finds an old puzzle box which magically unseals itself. At Torrington Academy Diana teases Martin about his insect phobias and being a scardey-cat. They're called to The Centre and sent with Java to investigate a wave of odd occurances in the Alberta town. Wilbur now looks to be half goat and his condition is progressing. Also a farmhouse was destroyed by a storm that appeared and disappeared almost immediately. They find an odd symbol burned into the ground at the farmhouse then things get dangerous when the local sawmill starts running without anyone in it and a giant saw blade breaks free and chases Martin, Diana & Java's car. Martin decoys the blade into embedding itself in a rock then uses the Legendex to identify the symbol as an ancient Arabian symbol meaning Chaos. Searching the Legendex they find a legend about an arabian sorcerer who wanted to bring peace to his people so he drew all the cha
Martin, Diana et Java sont envoyés dans une ville de sombre apparence. Dès leur arrivée, ils sont confrontés à d'étranges événements. Au cours de l'enquête, chez un antiquaire, le trio tombe sur une sorte de boîte de Pandore...
En Martin, la Diana i en Java són enviats a una ciutat d'aspecte trist. Tan bon punt arriben, s'enfronten a esdeveniments estranys. Durant la investigació, en una botiga d'antiguitats, es troben amb una mena de capsa de Pandora d'on sembla provenir tot aquest caos desfermat...
Ihr Auftrag führt Diana, Martin und Java diesmal nach Oregon. Eine ganze Stadt wird von den merkwürdigsten Vorkommnissen heimgesucht. Die drei kommen über den Legenden-Scout darauf, dass die Chaos-Bestie in der Gegend wüten muss. Ein alter weiser Mann hat vor Tausenden von Jahren alles Chaos dieser Welt in einer einzigen Bestie gebündelt und sie in einem Zauberkasten gesperrt … (Text: Sky)