Ashli is a sexually inhibited social media manager who doesn't know how to kiss or hold her gas, at least that's what her clingy roommate says. Xavius is an extremely regimented assistant funeral director who doesn't like anything unless it fits within his routine or particular preferences. This includes the way a woman smells. Expert matchmakers, Pastor Cal and Dr. Viviana, do their best to turn this gassy lady and picky smeller from Unmatchables into dateables.
Danielle is a conspiracy theorist who wants a husband, but believes monogamy is a scam created by "the man." She wants multiple lovers and an open marriage. Niraj, on the other hand, is a robotic-natured engineer who is inexperienced in love and approaches dating as a calculative statistical equation. It's up to Pastor Cal and Doctor Viviana to make them each realize that what they "think" they want, may not be exactly what they need.