David and Vanessa are down to their final four daters and must decide who is marriage material; David and Vanessa each double date with their best friends to get input from those who know them best.
David and Vanessa meet the families of their top three picks and introduce them to their own mothers; David and Vanessa must choose their top two to live with for one week each in a trial marriage.
David and Vanessa choose their final two potential spouses; David sees a new side to one of the women and is forced to call an emergency expert session when things get heated; Vanessa is falling hard, but an annoying habit may change her mind.
After four long months of dating, both David and Vanessa will finally make a decision that may change their lives forever, but before they make their final choices, they will spend a final week living with potential spouses.
In the Season 1 finale, David and Vanessa reunite with former daters for one final showdown. Later, Vanessa is unnerved when chauvinist Nathan returns to settle a score; and tensions run high when the women confront David.