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Season 1

  • S01E01 Bir Tawil - The Land That Nobody Wants

    • May 4, 2016
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    There's a patch of land between Egypt and Sudan that no country owns. Why? Can anybody claim it for themselves? (No.)

  • S01E02 Mappa Mundi - The World Worst Map?

    • May 25, 2016
    • YouTube

    In the 13th Century, some people made this world map, and it was rubbish. Were they bad at geography? Or is there an intriguing reason behind the map's odd shapes and images?

  • S01E03 Where Is The North/South Divide

    • June 10, 2016
    • YouTube

    The north and south of England are culturally, economically, historically and accently different. But where exactly is the line that splits the country?

  • S01E04 Inda/Bangladesh - The World's Worst Border

    • July 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    The border between India and Bangladesh is extremely messy and complicated. Why is this? And what's it like living there? (Until last year when they fixed it)

  • S01E05 Why is there a BLANK space in this map of East Berlin?

    • August 4, 2016
    • YouTube

    Original Title: Berlin Wall - Maps With Gaps This East German map from 1988 has a great gaping hole where West Berlin should be. Mark and Jay discover that this map with a gap is not "wrong", and it's certainly not unique.

  • S01E06 Who Owns the South China Sea?

    • August 7, 2016
    • YouTube

    There's a bit of the sea claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and China. But especially China. Why do they want it? And how do they stake their claims? Especially China.

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

  • S04E01 Why is North up?

    • July 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    Why is north up? Has north always been up? What used to be up before north was up? Does it matter if a direction other than north is up? And have vou ever been on a year five geography trip where you got lost in the woods and wet ourself in front of Mr. Dugdale?

  • S04E02 Why British cities make no sense

    • August 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    Why is Reading, a massive settlement of 170,000 people, NOT a city, while the tiny Welsh village of St Davids IS a city? Is it something to do with cathedrals? Or universities? Or is it a surprisingly simple answer which only raises more questions about how city status works in the UK, and merits a ten minute video? (No, no, and yes.)

  • S04E03 Internet Vs Ocean: the essential wires we never think about

    • September 30, 2023
    • YouTube

    Did you know that the internet is held together by a network of undersea cables? And did you also know that these cables can trace their origin back to 1850s? What has and hasn’t changed in the last 150 years may surprise you.

  • S04E04 You'll never guess the most popular internet country code

    • December 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    Have you ever stopped to think why the two-letter country codes in the world's websites are what they are? We have, and it turns out it's a fascinating tale with a lovely detailed map to stare at.

  • S04E05 The Phantom Island of Google Maps

    • April 24, 2024
    • YouTube

    Why did Google Maps have a big black smudge before 2012? And why did it disappear? And what does it have to do with Captain Cook? And what is a phantom island?

  • S04E06 There are NOT 195 countries

    • June 23, 2024
    • YouTube

    How many countries are there? Does the UN's official list of 195 include them all? Which ones are missing? Does Sealand count? Does England count for that matter? And why are Mark and Jay up a tree?

  • S04E07 How Bad Maps Win Elections - Gerrymandering Explained

    • August 31, 2024
    • YouTube

    Why does the USA draw district maps with absolutely bonkers shapes? And how do squiggly districts help the wrong politicians win elections? And have we been pronouncing "Gerrymandering" wrong for 200 years?