Ninja the Wonder Boy started out life in 1979 on the Japanese Tokyo Channel 12 as Manga Sarutobi Sasuke. Set in Feudal Japan each week the brave but buffoonish young trainee ninja Sasuke would fight to defend his region and friends from the evil intentions of Master Ninja Hanzo and the rival Iga Clan.
Inspired by a novel by Kazuo Den which had already been animated into a TV series in 1968 titled Sasuke. The novel follows the same basic premise but in a far more serious and realistic tone, following the life of young Sasuke who is sent away by his father to learn the ways of the ninja and defend the country from the oppressive Shogunate.
Manga Sarutobi Sasuke's lead was a comedic take on a popular character of childrens literature made famous in the early 1900's. This character is believed to have been based on Kozuki Sasuke, a ninja legend from the Meiji era of Japanese history.
Sasuke si allena dal Grande Maestro Bianco per diventare un ninja, ma prima di diventarlo a pieno titolo dovrà affrontare pericolose missioni per sventare i piani di Hanzo combattendo contro i suoi sgherri. Nelle sue missioni Sasuke opera al servizio del suo signore Ieyasu ed è accompagnato dal monaco guerriero Iron Monk. La serie che si occupa di tematiche ninja ha un taglio spesso umoristico diverso dalle altre produzioni di genere di quel periodo.
محارب النينجا ساروتوبي (ساسوكي) هو أحد "أبطال سانادا العشرة"، مجموعة المحاربين الأسطوريين الذين عملوا تحت إمرة الساموراي سانادا يوكيمورا خلال فترة المقاطعات المتحاربة في اليابان وساهموا في معارك قلعة أوساكا ويُظنّ بأنه مات في الحملة الصيفية لحصار أوساكا عام 1615.
『まんが猿飛佐助』(まんがさるとびさすけ)は、1979年10月9日から1980年4月15日まで東京12チャンネルで放送されていたテレビアニメである。東京12チャンネルとナックの共同製作。全24話。放送時間は毎週火曜 19:30 - 20:00 (日本標準時)。