The rebellious boy is called Nitya, 20 years ago, his mortal illness led the parents to make a vow: to place the tiny tot’s hair on the Lord’s alter — if he saved their boy’s life Allopathy or sacred vow — Nitya lived on. The parents grew forgetful till one day they remembered the vow. Both grew fretful, for Nitya was not one to fool about with. A 100 — mile journey, ending in a total head shave was not his idea of fun. But somehow, the parents managed to convince their son and they all set off one Friday morning. The journey, to say the least, was comfortable and on reaching the site, a steep hill — climb awaited them. Nitya cursed to his heart’s content — but there was no way out. On reaching the village, the party were greeted profusely by the villagers and refreshments were laid out — which Father politely refused. Worse still, the barber was missing from his house, so no shave could take place. This pleased Nitya no end, but annoyed his parents. An infuriated Nitya offered a mere four inches of his front locks to the village Headman just as the local barber came cycling desperately down the lane. Would the young lad lose his glorious mane or survive the ordeal.