Archangel Michael visits Kevin at the school, demanding to know why he is allowing William to roam freely when he knows that the demons are after his soul. Desiring to observe William, Michael poses as a student at the school named Elliot Eden and boldly challenges William to take first place on an upcoming exam. Initially irritated by him, William meets Michael later in the library and befriends him. However, Dantalion is suspicious of "Elliot", sensing that he has "too much light". During the exam, Michael uses his powers to transfer notes from another student's desk onto William's, causing him to be accused of cheating and sent to the punishment room to await his trial. While there, Isaac and Camio visit him, the latter offering his assistance to help prove William's innocence. Michael comes to see William that night, questioning if he would choose Heaven or Hell, but is chased away by Kevin's arrival. At the trial, Michael transports William and Isaac to another dimension and prepares to perform "ecstasy" on William to turn him into Heaven's pawn. Dantalion appears and engages in a battle with Michael, who tells the former that he knew Dantalion when he was human and taunts him of his past cruelty. Enraged, Dantalion defeats Michael and Kevin interferes before Dantalion could kill him. Once Michael returns to Heaven, William is proven innocent with Camio's help back at the trial. In Hell, Baalberith informs Gilles de Rais that there is a possibility that Lucifer will not awaken from his sleep while Astaroth plans to bring William to Hell to protect him from Heaven.
교회에서 기도 드리는 케빈 앞에 대천사 미카엘이 나타난다.
미카엘은 천계를 대표하는 사자로서 솔로몬의 영혼, 윌리엄을 보러 왔다고 하는데...
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