It all comes down to this. Gibson and Goro are finally able to fulfill their promise and dream to each other as they face off in the World Baseball Cup and go into extra innings. Their performances are able to touch the hearts of everyone watching and all support toward one specific team seems to fade as both refuse to let the game end with shutout inning and shutout inning. However a rule is revealed- if the score is still tied after the 18th inning, then the game will be canceled and a rematch held the next day.
연장전으로 돌입한 월드 베이스볼컵 결승 미일전은 불꽃튀는 대결이 이어진다.
목숨을 걸고 숙명의 승부를 위해 다시금 마운드에 선 깁슨과 이날을 기다리며 야구를 해온 고로.
한편 일본에서 고로를 응원하는 옛 팀원 라이벌 친구들은 고로로부터 용기를 얻는다는 사실을 실감하고 있었다.