Game 1 of the Championship between the Falcons and Bats takes place with Yaguinuma in the stad to see who will prevail in the bet between Goro and Gibsion Junior. Junior has promised if Goro strikes him out even once, then he will return to Japan to apologize at the feet of Honda's grave, but if he homers off of Goro even once, then Goro must leave America permanently as soon as the series is over. Which side will prevail, and what will happen if they should both prevail?
트리플A 챔피언 결정전 1차전 뱃츠 대 팔콘즈.
그런데 뱃츠는 초장부터 얻어맞으면서 패색이 짙게 드리우게 된다.
이를 보다 못한 고로는 자원등판을 하고, 오랜만에 깁슨 주니어와 격돌하게 되는데…