When Keene has the pitchers walk the #4 man three times in one game despite being up 12 to 0, the rest of the team begins to doubt his leadership at truly knowing what is best during a game. Goro challenges him to another match to show that a pitcher's pride can help the team just as much as his data baseball. In the end it could be Keene that learns another aspect of the game or it could be Goro that is fired for defying his catcher.
분명히 실적은 내지만 팀에 어울리지 못하고 겉도는 키인.
배터리를 믿었다가 배신당한 키인의 과거를 들은 뱃츠 멤버들은 그런 키인을 탓하기도 어려웠다.
그러던 어느 날, 경기중에 잠시 내려온 메이저 타자와 대치하던 와중에 키인의 데이터가 무용지물이 되는 상황이 찾아오는데…