Young Japan plans the Japansese Representatives to determine which team is more suit to play in the World Baseball Cup. After having a chance and failing to score at the top of the 1st Katori is sent to the mound and later Akutsu follows. Both of them are overpowered by the experience the Japanese Representatives have and see their slider and knuckle ball hit with ease. Katori leaves with the team trailing 4-0, and Akutsu loses all confidence when that score grows to 9-0. Finally Goro is sent out to try and change things around. He reveals his gyro fork, but a fatal flaw is found in it forcing him once again to rely on his gyro fastball.
드디어 시작된 일본 국가대표와 신예팀의 대결.
하지만 선발 등판한 카토리와 구원 등판한 아쿠츠가 일찌감치 처참하게 강판당하고 만다.
생각보다 일찍 찾아온 기회에 신이 난 고로는 이 경기에서 이겨서 국가대표 자리를 꿰어찰 생각으로 가득했는데…