Goro warns the varsity that if they don't come at him seriously, then he'll pitch a perfect game against him. Everyone is shocked to hear such a proclamation, but that doesn't shake Toshi from his depressed state. in the 7th inning Goro begins to tire, and it's up to Toshi to call the right signs to get the JV out of this jam as well as overcome his own fear of Goro leaving.
함께 카이도에 들어와 함게 코시엔에 가고 싶었던 토시야.
그랬던 토시야가 고로에게서 느끼는 배신감은 엄청났고, 그것은 의욕을 빼앗아 경기에 도저히 집중할 수 없을 지경이었다.
하지만 고로가 담담히 털어놓는 진심이 토시야의 마음을 울리는데…