Goro has been given one last chance to shine. Pitch 3 perfect innings of baseball and he'll move onto the JV team. If he fails, then he's headed elsewhere. The results are in. The new JV team is announced. Dream Island is dismissed, and the players have a few weeks at home, but Goro is surprised to learn his mom is in the hospital. What has his family been keeping from Goro?
유메시마에서 돌아온 고로는 엄마가 입원해 있는 병원으로 급히 달려간다.
하지만 엄마가 입원한 이유는 병 때문이 아니라 임신에 의한 입덧.
기쁜 소식을 뒤로 하고 집에 온 고로와 신고에게 시미즈가 저녁을 해주게 되는데…