The Summer Tournament is underway, and things begin poorly for Mifune East when Goro oversleeps. Goro manages to arrive with the game still in the first inning only to learn Mifune East is losing 3-0. Goro is put in and reveals that he has been learning to control his pitching and combine speed and control together. After rallying to win, thanks to a walk off homer from Yamane, the rest of the team goes to evaluate their next opponent while Goro goes to watch Toshi. While in the stands he meets the coach of Yakahama Little League who reveals Toshi's parents abandoned him a couple of years earlier and took his little sister with them leaving Toshi by himself. He now lives with his grandparents, but like Goro he must overcome the obstacle of not playing in the Senior Leagues if he is to become a Pro.
드디어 막을 올린 중학교 마지막 대회. 하지만 고로는 1차전부터 지각이었다.
치명적인 결함을 개선한 덕분에 1차전을 승리로 이끈 고로는 토시야가 있는 토모노우라 중학교의 경기를 구경하러 갔는데…
거기에서 만난 카시모토로부터 토시야에 대한 충격적인 이야기를 듣게 된다.