The episode begins as Goro goes to the Doctor. The doctor informs him he shouldn't even walk for the next month, but when Goro vows he will play in the next game, the doctor drops Goro as a patient. Goro secretly goes to many clincis until he finds a doctor that says Goro could play if he has freezing injected into his foot before each game, but he would only be allowed 30 pitches. After being caught trying to find the family stamp, Goro's mom gives in and allows him to play. Before the game Goro lets Taiga know about the freezing, and Taiga vows to pitch the entire game so Goro won't have to come in. Goro tries to talk to Komori before the game, but Komori pushes him off as he reveals his only emotion right now is to get Mifune to Koshien. Komori thinks he has Taiga scouted, but Taiga tricks him with an inside fastball to get Seishuu through the 1st inning scoreless.
2차전 상대는 코모리를 비롯한 옛 미후네 동중학교 동료들이 버티고 있는 미후네 고교.
미후네의 주장 코모리는 경기 직전에 불펜을 찾아온 고로를 매몰차게 대한다.
그리고 드디어 시작된 미후네전은 탄탄한 조직력을 보여주는 미후네에 질질 끌려가는 전개가 된다.