As the number of contacts between SAINT and humans increases, VESPER officers agree that alone and stripped of most of her combat capabilities, Mahoro is in danger. To counteract this threat, her combat support mech unit, V1046-R9 Slash Zero, is authorized to join her in the human world. In the meanwhile, the Hiryu town Summer Festival is fast approaching. Each year, the leading citizens of the town select one girl to be featured in the hours-long Dance of the Dead, a grueling performance that pushes one to the limits of her abilities and endurance. This year, Mahoro is the one chosen. In the few days remaining before the Festival, then, she is occupied almost entirely with pracicing the dance. The question of what to wear for the event, which calls for traditional clothing, is answered when Suguru pulls his his mother's yukata and Cmdr. Misato's kimono out of storage. After extensive practice, Mahoro performs magnificently, dancing nonstop for three hours and eleven minutes. According to one of the residents, hers is the best dance in at least a decade. Following the conclusion of it, her and Saori, herself chosen to perform several years earlier, engage in some not-so-friendly "competition" at the various festival booths, with Suguru as the prize - which leads, in short order, to both of them being banned. As the festival comes to a close with a fireworks display, Suguru remarks that this is the first time since the death of his parents that he has been able to actually enjoy himself. In due time, as him and Mahoro rejoin the rest of Suguru's classmates to watch the fireworks, he asks Mahoro to come to the festival next year, as well. Knowing what he still does not, though, she pauses. Her answer, "it'd be nice to come again," - nothing more, and nothing less.
Mahoro a été choisie pour danser lors du festival d'été qui doit se tenir dans quelques jours. Elle compte bien en profiter pour passer un bon moment avec Suguru. Mais, comme toujours, la présence de Mlle Shikijo va quelque peu gâcher la soirée...
히류우시의 여름축제!
마호로는 반상회장으로부터 본오도리 공연에서 중앙에 서서 춤추는 역할을 부탁받는다.
히류우 토박이라 해도 1년에 단 한명만 허락하는 대단한 역할이였다.
마호로는 역대 춤추는 역할을 했던 사람들의 사진을 보던 중 시키죠 선생님의 모습을 발견하고 대항 의식을 불태우게 된다.
스구루는 그런 그녀에게 예전에 자신의 어머니가 입었던 유카타를 건네게 되는데…
A medida que aumenta la cantidad de contactos entre SAINT y los humanos, los oficiales de VESPER están de acuerdo en que, sola y despojada de la mayoría de sus capacidades de combate, Mahoro está en peligro. Para contrarrestar esta amenaza, su unidad mecánica de apoyo de combate, V1046-R9 Slash Zero, está autorizada para unirse a ella en el mundo humano. Mientras tanto, el Festival de Verano de la ciudad de Hiryu se acerca rápidamente. Cada año, los principales ciudadanos de la ciudad seleccionan a una niña para que participe en la Danza de los Muertos de una hora de duración, una actuación agotadora que lleva a uno al límite de sus habilidades y resistencia. Este año, Mahoro es el elegido. En los pocos días que quedan antes del Festival, entonces, está ocupada casi por completo con la práctica de la danza. La pregunta de qué ponerse para el evento, que requiere ropa tradicional, se responde cuando Suguru saca el yukata de su madre y Cmdr.