Sky is a beautiful single female astronomer at a planetarium and has received a gift: a thick wooden-covered book and magic pen from Vanda, her aunt who has been taking care of Sky since childhood and is a crazy writer who is suffering from amnesia.
Vanda is the author of a cartoon story about a warrior and Sky ends up falling in love with the cartoon character named Hoshi - the handsome hero warrior, who's intelligent and kind.
On the night of Sky's birthday, she wishes to get love from a man like Hoshi, fulfilled in a prayer. Hoshi and the beautiful princess Luna - Hoshi's girlfriend - along with the rival Cairo suddenly drop out of a comic book.
The story of chaos and romantic love begins. Is love possible between humans and cartoons?
- Mahatsajan Ruk Karm Gradart
만화 속 주인공에게 마음을 빼앗긴 천문학자 스카이. 매일같이 그와의 사랑을 꿈꾸던 그녀에게 말도 안 되는 일이 벌어졌다. 내 사랑 만화 캐릭터가 현실로 튀어나온 것. 게다가 만화 속 비극이 전부 사실이라니!
La ficción se vuelve realidad cuando una astrónoma conoce mágicamente a su héroe de historietas. Parece perfecto, pero los problemas ficticios resultan ser muy reales.