To make this recipe, which is basically meatballs covered in rice hence the name "porcupine meatballs" we take precooked and made meatballs that we season and place into a pot. As the meatballs cook, we add in our ingredients of chopped onions, parsley flakes, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper, olive oil and a bit of salt. We allow this to fully cook before we add in our tomato sauce into the mix to coat and cover the meatball. At the same time, we clean and take two cups of white rice to cook in our rice cooker. The rice once it is fully cooked will be used to mix in the pot with the meatballs. After the rice is fully cooked and ready, we take a small portion of it and put it into the pot that has meatballs and mix. At this point we turn off the heat take a plate and place the meatballs out using tongues and place it individually without the extra sauce and side it with come white rice. We sprinkle parsley flakes on top for garnishing.