All Seasons

Season 1

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Breaking Good Kickstarter Q & A

    • September 23, 2013

    Find out which Star Trek alien we'd each choose to be, our stance on the war on drugs, how much money we pry away from Jeff Bezos each month and the gory details of our religiously-loaded childhoods in the Q&A video that we recorded as part of our Breaking Good Kickstarter stretch goals.

  • S01E01 The Sweet Science of Podcasting

    • October 9, 2014

    A.Ron and Jim talk about podcasting, self employment, and the empire business.

  • S01E02 Hardcore Pumpkin Carving

    • October 16, 2014

    Jim and A.Ron flex their creative muscles and get into the holiday spirit by carving a bulbous orange vegetable. The spirits of darkness are appeased

  • S01E03 The Best Beer Ever!

    • October 24, 2014

    Jim and A.Ron wax poetic about our favorite beer of all time, and knock back a 750ml on air!

  • S01E04 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

    • October 31, 2014

    Jim and A.Ron swap scary stories and just generally get creep on All Hallows’ Eve!

  • S01E05 Airport “Skymall” Challenge

    • November 14, 2014

    Jim and A.Ron throw down in the Skymall challenge. It’s simple, we take an issue of Skymall, and take turns drafting our dream items from each page. In the end, we judge who had the best haul. Who wins? YOU DECIDE!

  • S01E06 Would have Fried a Turkey

    • November 24, 2014

    A.Ron discussing the finer points of frying a bird, while Jim talks about the newest podcasting phenom, “Serial”.

  • S01E07 Deck the Halls

    • December 4, 2014

    The boys decorate the Bald Move studios for the holiday season. There might also be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of Christmases long long ago.

  • S01E08 Six Million Downloads!

    • December 11, 2014

    The boys reflect on their good fortune and incredible traffic stats, plus Jim goes lip to lip with the Man Trout himself, Jonathan Banks. This is the origin of our video skit editions.

  • S01E09 Christmas Extravaganza

    • December 22, 2014

    The boys share presents for each other and from family and friends while kicking back some winter ales.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Holiday Hangover

    • January 2, 2015

    We discuss our holiday loot, what we’ve been up to, and take Q&A from the hangout!

  • S02E02 Fun with Commissioned Podcasts

    • January 9, 2015

    We discuss our various Commissioned Podcast projects, the new crowd sourced commissions concept we’re experimenting with in the VIP section of our forums, and our new Best of Bald Move awards/recognition show/series coming out…

  • S02E03 The Future of BM and Whats New

    • January 16, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss the FUTURE! Of Bald Move. What's coming out, some new stuff we're doing for 2015, etc. Plus your questions, comments, etc via the Q&A app!

  • S02E04 Club Bald Move is Coming!

    • January 28, 2015

    Kick back with your favorite food and beverage and let us entertain you! Use the Q&A app to ask questions / make comments!

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Top 10 TV of 2014 - Part 1

    • January 28, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron watched and podcasted about a lot of TV in 2014. We decided throw all of those shows into a ring and let them battle it out to find our top 10 shows of 2014. Here's the first half of the debate that created that list.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Top 10 TV of 2014 - Part 2

    • January 28, 2015

  • S02E05 Daredevil & Liquor

    • February 4, 2015

    The guys talk about Netflix’s new “Daredevil” series, a recent run to the nation’s largest liquor store, “The Party Source”, and Jim’s latest YouTube fascination, “Grocery Hauls”

  • S02E06 Tasty Insects!

    • February 13, 2015

    Come hang out with us as we eat insects, talk video games, and reminisce about our classic childhood television shows!

  • S02E07 Private Exclusive Premium Content!

    • February 20, 2015

    The boys talk about Destiny, and the future of interactive storytelling, and whatever you guys and gals got.

  • S02E08 Fix a Sammich and Grab a Beer

    • February 27, 2015

    Fix a sammich, grab a beer, and join Jim and A.Ron for some gab with the boys and your fellow fans! We talk movies, Jim’s West Wing mini marathon, what we’re looking forward to in House of Cards, and help out a person looking for classic video game recommendations.

  • S02E09 What the Hells Going On?

    • March 6, 2015

    We talk about moving away from Subbable, give the latest rundown on the crowd sourced commissioned podcast project, talk about the future of the Tinfoil/spoiler section of our GoT podcast, movies, and do a little Q&A.

  • S02E10 Content Brainstorming

    • March 15, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron will be brainstorming ideas for new content today. Join in the fun, and maybe make a few suggestions of your own!

  • S02E11 Grab a Beer

    • March 20, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron debate the pros and cons of celebrity interviews, the Parks and Rec finale, and the woes of growing a digital business.

  • S02E12 In it for the Whisky

    • April 3, 2015

    A.Ron talks about the latest installment of the Fast and Furious franchise, action movies in general, painting miniatures, the games we’ve been playing of late (Cities XL, Transistor), and some other Bald Move bric-a-brac.

  • S02E13 Going Clear

    • April 10, 2015

    We get real today as we talk about our reactions to the new Scientology documentary on HBO, “Going Clear”, and how it relates to growing up in a cult of our own.

  • S02E14 Sweet, Sweet Content

    • April 17, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss Netflix’s Daredevil, their plans for True Detective, The Deer Hunter, the video games we’ve been playing, (Diablo, Hearthstone, Destiny), our reactions to the new Star Wars trailer, and much more.

  • S02E15 The Society

    • April 24, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss their religious past and pull something from the dark recesses of the Bald Move studio closet… an alpha version of the card game “The Society” that the boys created years ago to explain what it feels like to grow up in a cult.

  • S02E16 Golden Age of Television

    • May 8, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss the problems of the glut of Golden Age television. How do you decide what to watch? How do you decide what to let go? Can you ever catch up? All this and more is pondered over Lunch.

  • S02E17 Double Dip!

    • May 15, 2015

    Grab a brew, some grub, and join us in the Bald Move studios as we discuss life, television, and whatever else tickles our fancy.

  • S02E18 I'm a Mustard Guy!

    • May 22, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron talk about duck pin bowling, the latest Destiny expansion, “House of Wolves”, their experience with MMOs in general, and their thoughts on re-imagining the Star Wars prequels.

  • S02E19 Dark Side of Podcasting

    • May 29, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss podcasters behaving badly, the dark side of podcasting, movies that we’d hate to see be re-made, how Fury Road and John Wick herald the future of action movies, and our favorite Always Sunny moments.

  • S02E20 Two Thumbs Up

    • June 5, 2015

    See all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

  • S02E21 Bad Thoughts in Mind

    • June 12, 2015

    Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It's the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

  • S02E22 Going Live

    • June 19, 2015
  • S02E23 Bacon Wrapped

    • June 26, 2015

    We talk news brunch, bacon, buckets of butter and bald move!

  • S02E24 Special Monday Edition!

    • July 6, 2015

    Due to slight schedule issue we bring a special Monday Lunch this week!

  • S02E25 Mixology

    • July 17, 2015

    It's Friday and thank god its Lunch! TGIL!!

  • S02E26 The Manhattan

    • July 24, 2015

    Its friday and its lunch! Lets jump straight into cocktails and stir up a Manhattan!!

  • S02E27 Suboptimal Shenanigans

    • July 31, 2015

    The boys are back for another lunch! We talk about what has been going on this week then have some laughs with some facerig foolery!

  • S02E28 A Look into the Studio

    • August 7, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron talk about “A Young Doctor’s Notebook”, “Top of the Lake”, Rocket League, maker mania, kayaking, and show off the backside of the Bald Move studio.

  • S02E29 Island Getaways

    • August 21, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron discuss sailing, island getaways, dispense first time convention goer advice, talk about David Simon's newest HBO effort, "Show Me A Hero", and our thoughts on "Ballers" and "The Brink".

  • S02E30 Beaver Island

    • August 31, 2015

    The boys will be talking A.Ron’s birthday, our Beaver Island vacation (that’s not a euphemism, I promise), and whatever you peeps want to ask / hear about!

  • S02E31 Raccoon Rescue

    • September 4, 2015

    We talk Raccoons, and all things Lunch!

  • S02E32 Social Supervillainy

    • September 11, 2015

    Jim and A.Ron scare themselves with ideas to ruin peoples lives, discuss some quirks of the Amazon Prime life, have some light discussion of Mr. Robot, then talk about public transportation, and beer.

  • S02E33 White Russians and Chia Zombies

    • September 18, 2015

    Jim mixes up some White Russians, A.Ron monologs about Destiny, and then we assemble some living dead. Finally, we talk about our first experiences with alcohol, and Jim talks about why he can never drink gin again.

  • S02E34 Insomnia, Streaming, Chia Disaster

    • September 24, 2015

    In this week’s episode, we learn that Jim is a horrible plant daddy, that A.Ron’s sleep has been Taken, and the guys have some petty First World problems with various streaming services as they hint at some future projects and features coming to Club Bald Move.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Operation Plan Baldie

    • September 28, 2015

    We're recording a session where we'll argue and debate the very nature of an annual Bald Move awards show, because sure why not.

  • S02E35 Qui Chier L’evier?!

    • October 2, 2015

    Have lunch with us while we shoot the shit and kill some Chia pets.

  • S02E36 BYPAX 2015

    • October 16, 2015

    This week we discuss BYPAX in Seattle, beards, conspiracy theories, and more!

  • SPECIAL 0x5 10 Million Download Q & A Celebration

    • October 16, 2015

    We pushed 10 million podcasts through the pipes, that seems like a reason to celebrate, no? You all had a bunch of great questions, and here are a bunch of so-so answers. Thanks for all of the listens and support, everybody, and here's to another 10 million!

  • S02E37 Squeak Free

    • October 23, 2015

    Join us for lunch. Who knows what we’ll get up to??

  • S02E38 Jack-o-lantern Time

    • October 30, 2015

    Time for some down and dirty pumpkin carving!

  • S02E39 Harvest Time

    • November 6, 2015

    Eat your lunch at work and watch us make fools of ourselves for an hour.

  • S02E40 Are we Live?

    • November 13, 2015

    Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

  • S02E41 Muk-Bang Fiesta

    • November 20, 2015

    Join us for lunch where you will learn about the horrors of elementary children in black-face, the wonders of Muk-Bang, and which albums of the past two decades blew Jim & A.Ron’s minds.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 25 Days of Christmas: Day 1

    • December 1, 2015

    We’re excited for Christmas, and we’ve decided to a bunch of cool things for our Club Bald Move members, and this is one of those things. Each (business) day we’re going to pull a shot off the old Bald Move Boozemas tree, drink it down, and then sing a verse of “The 25 Days of Bald Move Christmas”, and then gab a bit.

  • SPECIAL 0x7 25 Days of Christmas: Day 2

    • December 2, 2015

    Day two of the 25 Days of Bald Move Christmas rolls on! If you want to stuff our stocking with Christmas cheer, drop us a line at [email protected] or on the VIP section of our forum. We’re open for suggestions on activities or song lyrics. I think Dr. Ken has talked us into downing our 3 weekend shots before each LWJ&A in December, so THAT should be fun.

  • SPECIAL 0x8 25 Days of Christmas: Day 3

    • December 3, 2015

    Hey there! Merry Day 3 of the 25 Days of Bald Move Christmas!! We’ve strung up a bit more lights in the old studio, and admire some of the fan cards we’ve been getting, pull another couple of bottles off the tree, and unleash our third verse. as always, if you want to stuff our stocking with Christmas cheer

  • SPECIAL 0x9 25 Days of Christmas: Days 4, 5, 6

    • December 4, 2015

    Whooo! We get our weekend started off RIGHT by power slamming 3 Days of Christmas, which of course means three grabs of booze of the old tree. This led to a memorable Lunch with Jim and A.Ron, which we recorded immediately after. Well, I don’t think I’m going to remember a bit of it, but you know, it’s recorded, so there’s that. 3 days, 3 drinks, 3 new versus of our song, and we’ll see you Monday as we resume our countdown to Xmas!

  • S02E42 Three Drink Friday

    • December 4, 2015

    Thanks Dr. Ken for the inspiring suggestion to do our 3 Days of Christmas drinks on Friday just before LWJ&A, because it was a banging idea. This is the result. We discuss Jim’s very A.Ron Thanksgiving, Salty JW’s in our mail bag, rebound headaches, Stephen King’s deep and abiding fear of motor vehicles, Drew Carey and Bob Barker, and honestly God only knows what.

  • SPECIAL 0x10 25 Days of Christmas: Day 7

    • December 7, 2015

    It’s day seven of our Days of Christmas extravaganza! We talk about bad drinking experiences, share some fan artwork and cool stuff, and A.Ron shows how family Christmas pictures can go bad at the claws of a crazed feline. And of course, we grab another pair of bottles down from our tree and deploy another day’s worth of our new Xmas carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x11 25 Days of Christmas: Day 8

    • December 8, 2015

    It’s day eight of our 25 Days of Christmas extravaganza! Today we discuss how disgusting licorice-flavored booze is, where it spawns from and what that town’s name actually means. And of course, we grab another pair of bottles down from our tree and deploy another day’s worth of our new Xmas carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x12 25 Days of Christmas: Day 9

    • December 9, 2015

    DAY NINE, SUCKA! Our 25 Days of Christmas waits for nobody. We got fan mail, we got fan gifts, we got gag gifts, we settle debates on Christmas movies, and we drink another bomb from the old Christmas tree. And we’ll be back tomorrow for more!

  • SPECIAL 0x13 25 Days of Christmas: Day 10

    • December 10, 2015

    It’s day ten of our 25 Days of Christmas extravaganza! Today we recap the festival of lights and show off a pair cards from a die hard fan. And of course, we grab another pair of bottles down from our tree and deploy another day’s worth of our new Xmas carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x14 25 Days of Christmas: Days 11, 12, 13

    • December 11, 2015

    It’s days 11, 12 and 13 of our Days of Christmas extravaganza! There’s not much time to sing all this song and drink all this booze while still showing off the cards that have come in so we’re hustling along. Christmas waits for no one.

  • S02E43 Three Shots Deep

    • December 11, 2015

    It’s mostly talk about shit and shit-related practical jokes this week; namely, “Who shit the sink?”. Also, we start out 3-shots deep and keep it going from there. There will be much entertainment.

  • SPECIAL 0x15 25 Days of Christmas: Day 14

    • December 14, 2015

    We’re fourteen days into this Days of Christmas thing, and our tree’s looking a bit booze-bare. Might have to hang some traditional ornaments up, or armed mousetraps, something to spice things up. But, we still got a bunch of fan contributions and verses to sing and bottles to drink extravaganza!

  • SPECIAL 0x16 25 Days of Christmas: Day 15

    • December 15, 2015

    It’s day fifteen of our Days of Christmas thingamajig! Can you believe it?! A.Ron shows of a Star Wars themed gift, and a listener present in the form of fine photography, and we take another slug and sing another verse. See you tomorrow!

  • SPECIAL 0x17 25 Days of Christmas: Day 16

    • December 16, 2015

    It’s day sixteen of our Days of Christmas extravaganza! In this episode, Jim gets shot, we share some more sweet fan cards and art, and of course, we grab another pair of bottles down from our tree and deploy another day’s worth of our new Xmas carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x18 25 Days of Christmas: Day 17

    • December 17, 2015

    It’s day seventeen of our Days of Christmas extravaganza, and the guy’s thoughts are of a galaxy far, far away. It’s Star Wars eve! We’ll be back tomorrow with full podcast coverage, but today we got Han Solo ornaments, and more Christmas cheer and caroling.

  • SPECIAL 0x19 25 Days of Christmas: Days 18, 19, 20

    • December 18, 2015

    It’s days 18, 19 and 20 of our Days of Christmas extravaganza! That means 3 shots and we’re rolling into lunch.

  • S02E44 Qui Chier L’evier?! Update

    • December 18, 2015

    A.Ron plays a heartwarming prank on his family, and has the video evidence to prove it, gifts are exchanged, and oh yeah, we'll be starting off in a 3 shot o' booze hole. You don't want to miss this one.

  • SPECIAL 0x20 25 Days of Christmas: Day 21

    • December 21, 2015

    It’s the home stretch! The 21st Day of Christmas rolls on! We recorded the remaining segments on a cold and rainy 21st of December in the Bald Move studio, before taking off our pants and settling in for a week or two of feasting, relaxing, and spending time with friends and loved ones. Hope you enjoy, and as always, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • SPECIAL 0x21 25 Days of Christmas: Day 22

    • December 21, 2015

    It’s the home stretch! The 22nd Day of Christmas rolls on! We recorded the remaining segments on a cold and rainy 21st of December in the Bald Move studio, before taking off our pants and settling in for a week or two of feasting, relaxing, and spending time with friends and loved ones. Hope you enjoy, and as always, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • SPECIAL 0x22 25 Days of Christmas: Day 23

    • December 21, 2015

    It’s the home stretch! The 23rd Day of Christmas rolls on! We recorded the remaining segments on a cold and rainy 21st of December in the Bald Move studio, before taking off our pants and settling in for a week or two of feasting, relaxing, and spending time with friends and loved ones. Hope you enjoy, and as always, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • SPECIAL 0x23 25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Eve!

    • December 21, 2015

    Ho ho ho! It’s the big night! Day 24 of the Days of Christmas finds us with a spooky reading of some fan poetry for American Horror Story, because why not? We also look back at the Ghost of Bald Move past as a fan presents us with a home made “best of” from our old Blue Yonder days. We’ll be back tomorrow with our 25th and final day; in the meantime, better double check your stockings and make sure Santa has his milk and cookies!

  • SPECIAL 0x24 25 Days of Christmas: Christmas Day!

    • December 21, 2015

    With our hearts swelled three sizes, we offer our best wishes for a Merry Christmas or Yule season, or just to the end of a great 2015, as we close out the Days of Bald Move Christmas! If you haven’t already, check out all these sick Christmas cards we got from our Club members this year! Jim and I cannot thank you enough for sharing in our love of television and success throughout the last year, and today is a time to reflect on how lucky we are, and to say “thank you” from the bottoms of our hearts. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all!

Season 3

  • SPECIAL 0x25 The Baldies 2015 - Deliberations Part 1

    • January 5, 2016

    A.Ron and Jim duke it out to determine the best drama and comedy of 2015.

  • SPECIAL 0x26 The Baldies 2015 - Deliberations Part 2

    • January 5, 2016

    Jim and A.Ron pit the best actors on the planet against each other as we try to determine who's the best for 2015. We also give consideration to our "Boomerang" category, and brain storm the worst characters, biggest surprises and disappointments, and stand out rookies.

  • SPECIAL 0x27 The Baldies 2015 - Deliberations Part 3

    • January 5, 2016

    Jim and A.Ron agonize as we rank the comedies and male actors of 2015 as we fill out our ballets for our Baldies nominations.

  • SPECIAL 0x28 The Baldies 2015 - Deliberations Part 4

    • January 6, 2016

    The Baldies machine rolls on. We continue by ranking our female actors and start sorting our worst characters, biggest surprises, and best debuts.

  • SPECIAL 0x29 The Baldies 2015 - Deliberations Part 5

    • January 7, 2016

    The machine rolls on. We start to wrap things up by making our final changes, select our nominees, and pick our winners.

  • SPECIAL 0x30 The Baldies 2015 Awards Ceremony

    • January 7, 2016

    This is it! The guys break down their favorite dramas, comedies, actors, and discuss the biggest surprises, disappointments, and much more in what will hopefully be an annual event. If you'd like to do a deep dive on how we made our decisions and crowned our victors, check out our full Baldies 2015 coverage with tons of video and audio bonus content!

  • S03E01 Welcome to 2016!

    • January 15, 2016

    It’s the first LWJ&A of 2016! Spend your lunch with us.

  • S03E02 Hungry for More

    • January 22, 2016

    Hungry for more Jim & A.Ron? Great, because it’s lunch time and we’re here.?

  • S03E03 Lunch with Us

    • January 29, 2016

    Get some takeout and come have lunch with us.

  • S03E04 Lets do this

    • February 5, 2016

    Grab your food and lets do this thing.

  • S03E05 Who Knows What

    • February 12, 2016

    Join Jim and A.Ron on your lunch break to discuss who knows what. Use the Q&A app to interact and be part of the show!?

  • S03E06 Damon, Studios Boardgames & Bows

    • February 19, 2016

    It’s time for lunch and conversation. About what? Who knows, but it will probably be boring at the start and get more interesting as it goes so maybe just tune in for the last half hour.

  • S03E07 Lunchtime Silliness

    • February 26, 2016

    End your week with Jim & A.Ron’s lunchtime silliness.

  • S03E08 Random Conversations

    • March 4, 2016

    Join us for lunch and random conversation. It will probably be entertaining.

  • S03E09 All About Us

    • March 11, 2016

    Join us for lunch where we talk about the random bullshit that has interested us or happened in our lives over the past week. Also, bring up your own topics with the Q&A app.

  • S03E10 Lets Go!

    • March 18, 2016

    Another Friday, another Lunch with Jim & A.Ron. We’re starting at 1pm so lets go!

  • S03E11 Drinks with Finks

    • March 25, 2016

    Drinks with finks who shit your sinks. It’s Lunch with Jim and A.Ron

  • S03E12 Caves, Money, & Star Wars

    • April 8, 2016

    Its Lunchtime!

  • S03E13 Online Competition & Gitting Gud

    • April 15, 2016

    Jim and A.Ron do about 45 minutes of boring video game talk about games that no one cares about before pulling out of the nose dive with listener Q&A!

  • S03E14 Prince, Louis CK, Funding

    • April 22, 2016

    Another Lunch with Jim & A.Ron. Who knows what we’ll talk about this time?

  • S03E15 Lets do this!

    • April 29, 2016

    Lunch time! Lets do this!

  • S03E16 The Struggle

    • May 6, 2016

    Will this be a hot banger or one of those lunches where we struggle to find anything to talk about? Only one way to find out…

  • S03E17 Friday the 13th

    • May 13, 2016

    Friday the 13th! What horrors await in this edition of Lunch with Jim & A.Ron?

  • S03E18 Lunch Reinvented

    • May 20, 2016

    Tired of your boring old lunch? Let Jim & A.Ron totally reinvent it for you with an hour of bullshit.

  • S03E19 Its Time for Lunch

    • May 27, 2016

    It’s time for lunch. I have no idea what we’ll get up to this time but I’m sure it will be entertaining

  • S03E20 I Dont Wanna Host This Show No More

    • June 3, 2016

    Eating, the former leading afternoon past-time of bored workers everywhere, has now been overtaken by Lunch with Jim & A.Ron. Join the masses by spending your precious 30 minutes or full hour (lucky dog!) with us. Topics include Magnum P.I., Jim being wrong about Johnny Williams, Uncharted 4, Hitman, No Man’s Sky, Cincinnati’s Gorilla scandal, Super Intelligent AI, dealing with the “Imposter Complex”, and other mental health topics.

  • S03E21 Lets do Lunch

    • June 10, 2016

    Join us and lets have lunch!

  • SPECIAL 0x31 Mailbag

    • June 10, 2016

    People occasionally send us stuff. We had a perfect storm of awesome gifts and other mail this week so we thought we'd show it off.

  • S03E22 Food on your Plate

    • June 17, 2016

    There’s more than food on your plate this afternoon. Lunch with Jim & A.Ron is happening again.

  • S03E23 Were Nutritional!

    • June 24, 2016

    Is there any nutritional value in watching two guys talk about random topics for about an hour? 9 out of 10 physicians agree. Lets just leave it at that.

  • S03E24 Smoothies all Round

    • July 1, 2016

    Grab your smoothies and join us for lunch. No, I’m not using the plural of smoothie so that each of you will grab one. I’m talking to you in particular, Bryce. We all know you’re smoothie-slamming in the breakroom 10 minutes before lunch. You’re not fooling anyone

  • SPECIAL 0x32 Battles of Westeros - Battle of Blackwater

    • July 1, 2016

    Jim and A.Ron square off in Battles of Westeros and the first part of the Battle of Blackwater.

  • S03E25 Back we are

    • July 15, 2016

    A.Ron is back from his vacation and we’re ready for another lunch.

  • S03E26 A.Ron Solo Edition

    • July 22, 2016

    While Jim is away the A.Ron will play! A.Ron talks about cars, television, growing up JW, kids, dealing with a-holes in movie theaters, and much more, without all that Jim getting in the way.

  • S03E27 First Past the Post

    • July 29, 2016

    Jim is back from vacation and ready for another lunch. We talk moving, finances, Colorado, and good god even politics. If you're curious about A.Ron's assertion that we cannot have more than two political parties in America

  • S03E28 Help Yourself

    • August 5, 2016

    Lunchtime once again and there’s nothing on the menu but Jim and A.Ron. Please, help yourself.

  • S03E29 Pre-vacation Lunch

    • August 12, 2016

    It’s a pre-vacation lunch with everything that implies; basically nothing.

  • S03E30 Island Life

    • August 26, 2016

    We’re back from the island and ready for another lunch.

  • S03E31 Live Stream Life

    • September 2, 2016

    Time for another good old-fashioned live-streaming premium lunch event – just like your grandad used to do.

  • S03E32 Get Hungry

    • September 9, 2016

    It’s lunchtime. Get hungry!

  • S03E33 Moving all Around

    • September 16, 2016

    Kick back, grab something to eat and enjoy!

  • S03E34 The Lunch to end all Lunches

    • September 23, 2016

    It’s just before our move to the new studio and this might be the lunch that brings the whole thing down.

  • S03E35 New Studio!

    • October 7, 2016

    We’re ready for the first lunch in our new studio. It might look a lot like the old studio. That’s by design though. Don’t worry, you’re not caught in a time vortex.

  • SPECIAL 0x33 Rocket City Nerdcon Promo

    • October 11, 2016

    Jim & A.Ron are going to be hosting several panels at the Rocket City Nerdcon in Huntsville, AL on Oct 22nd & 23rd, 2016. Come down and nerd out with us!

  • S03E36 Lunch with Friends

    • October 14, 2016

    Eric and Levi in town for BYPAX and they’re joining us for lunch. It should be a good time.

  • S03E37 Rocket City NerdCon Edition

    • October 28, 2016

    We’re back from Rocket City Nerdcon and ready to talk about it and whatever else comes up.

  • SPECIAL 0x34 2016 Financial Summary

    • November 3, 2016

    Bald Move had a good 2016 until now. We've hit a bump in the road and we're laying it all out for you.

  • S03E38 Remote Edition

    • November 4, 2016

    Jim has to go home to take care of the cable guy, which means it’s time for a Remote Edition of Lunch! Featured; relationship advice, video game talk, local comic book shops, updates on the Bald Move Money situation, and A.Ron goes solo for some bonus lightning round topics!

  • S03E39 Down with Bezos!

    • November 11, 2016

    It’s lunch time and we’ll no doubt have an update on our Amazon problem / fundraising progress, among other things.

  • S03E40 Nightmare Machine

    • November 18, 2016

    It’s time for the scariest of all lunches with an assist from MIT’s Nightmare Machine.

  • S03E41 Thanksgiving is upon us

    • November 23, 2016

    It’s the lunch before Thanksgiving, and all through the house, people are preparing for xmas, and the pilgrims are feeling left out.

  • S03E42 Fat and Happy

    • December 2, 2016

    Hopefully everyone came back from Thanksgiving fat and happy and is ready for yet another holiday just around the corner. Our Bad-Ass Bald Move Christmas festivities have begun!

  • S03E43 Bad-ass Christmas

    • December 9, 2016

    We’re slamming the rest of our Die Hard booze and doing another Bad Ass Christmas lunch. Yipee ki-yay, motherfuckers!

  • S03E44 Final Lunch Before Christmas

    • December 16, 2016

    The final lunch before Christmas. Thanks for an amazing 2016 and we’ll see you all next year!

Season 4

  • S04E01 Post Holiday Lunch

    • January 6, 2017

    Let’s kick off the new year with a post-holiday lunch.

  • S04E02 Friday the 13th!

    • January 13, 2017

    It’s Friday the 13th but I’m pretty sure there’s nothing scary planned. A missed opportunity, really

  • S04E03 The Lunch You Deserve

    • January 20, 2017

    We got a late start thanks to some camera issues and reconfiguration but we still delivered the lunch you deserve.

  • SPECIAL 0x36 Analyzing the iTunes Charts

    • January 20, 2017

    I’m working on polishing an idea for a new show where I analyze podcast trends based on iTunes charts, Patreon and Kickstarter projects, and various other resources. This is the first episode. It’s rough, but the show will likely get better.

  • SPECIAL 0x37 The Baldies 2016: Deliberations Part 1

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on "Best Drama"! Perhaps the most prestigous of all the Baldies, Jim and A.Ron do some soul searching and plenty of debate and arguing to figure out the Best of the Bald for 2016.

  • SPECIAL 0x38 The Baldies 2016: Deliberations Part 2

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Best First Run Bald Movie”! Jim and A.Ron watched a LOT of movies in 2016, which were the best? How do we decide on what makes the cut? Is it the quality of the movie, the resulting podcast, or a little of both?

  • SPECIAL 0x39 The Baldies 2016: Deliberations Part 3

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Best Comedy”! In what is sure to be a controversial segment, we struggle to find things we’ve both seen to talk about. Comedy isn’t our strongest suit. Is the future of the Comedy Baldy in danger? Find out!

  • SPECIAL 0x40 The Baldies 2016 - Deliberations Part 4

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on "Best Commission"! We had a lot of great commissioned podcasts last year. Find out what made our top ten as Baldy nominess!

  • SPECIAL 0x41 The Baldies 2016 - Deliberations Part 5

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Best Male and Female Actor”! Jim and A.Ron agonize over who makes the cut for the coveted “Baldy” for Best Actor.

  • SPECIAL 0x42 The Baldies 2016 - Deliberations Part 6

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Other Categories”, including “Worst Disappointment”, “Best Debut/Pilot”, “Biggest Miss”, “Best Surprise”, and more!

  • SPECIAL 0x43 The Baldies 2016 - Deliberations Part 7

    • January 20, 2017

    This 2016 Baldies Awards deliberation is on "Listener Picks", which are the categories listeners were allowed to nominate shows, movies, podcasts, and actors for. Jim and A.Ron go into this with no idea what you guys and gals picked. Are there any surprises? Dare we disagree with the Bald Move Collective? How can we improve for next year? All this and more are deliberated!

  • S04E04 All Happening in the Studio

    • January 27, 2017

    There’s a lot of lunch happening around the world today and most of it is happening in the bald move studio. Get in on it!

  • SPECIAL 0x44 The Baldies 2016 Awards Ceremony

    • January 30, 2017

    Welcome to the 2016 Baldies Awards, where we honor the outstanding achievements in film and television for the year! This is the main event, the 2016 Baldies Awards Ceremony proper. Jim and A.Ron get into their finest duds and hand out Baldies to the deserving. Who’s A.Ron wearing on the red carpet? Will any celebrities show up to accept their honor? And who takes home the top prize for Drama and Actor? There is sure to be fun and controversy along the way!

  • S04E05 After the Baldies

    • February 3, 2017

    It’s the lunch after the 2016 Baldies. I can’t imagine there will be any questions or comments about it.

  • S04E06 A Life of its Own

    • February 10, 2017

    This lunch thing is really taking on a life of its own. Lets see if we can stick to just an hour this week.

  • S04E07 Any Scary Stories

    • February 17, 2017

    Lunch Time!

  • S04E08 Questions in the Wind

    • February 24, 2017

    We cut off last week’s lunch. Find out if we remember to pick up where we left off or just leave those questions in the wind.

  • S04E09 A.Ron Builds a Bed

    • March 3, 2017

    Big news on the personal project front. A.Ron builds a bed. Jim designs a maze. Plus, a meetup is in the works. All this and more during this week’s Lunch with Jim & A.Ron! You won’t want to miss it *very serious music so you know I’m not kidding*

  • S04E10 Lunch Flare

    • March 10, 2017

    We should have several more pieces of flare to show off this week as well as a whole bunch more questions from the audience. This thing is really turning into a weekly Q&A, isn’t it?

  • S04E11 Ultimate Beastmaster

    • March 17, 2017

    It’s St. Patrick’s day so we talk about anything but that, of course. Weekly updates, Ultimate Beastmaster, and your questions.

  • S04E12 The Smell of Burritos

    • March 24, 2017

    The smell of burritos fills the air of the Bald Move studio Monday through Friday. Last week, it also filled 16-Bit Barcade for our meetup.

  • SPECIAL 0x45 Empire Business: Commissioned Podcasts

    • March 28, 2017

    We're starting a new feature designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members. In honor of one of the all-time great series and the one that gave us our start, we're calling it Empire Business. It isn't meant to be a regular weekly feature, it's more of a "whenever we have something interesting to talk about and remember to turn the mics on" kind of thing. We hope you enjoy it.

  • S04E13 Coming in Hot

    • April 6, 2017

    We’re coming in a little hot this week in advance of A.Ron’s gulf-bound status. There are still plenty of questions to answer though.

  • S04E14 Been Cruising

    • April 21, 2017

    A.Ron is back from his cruise and the new seasons of our favorite shows have begun. Lunch doesn’t get much better than this!

  • S04E15 Week of Hell

    • April 28, 2017

    It’s the end of the first real hell week for Bald Move’s spring season. Will we have any energy left or will we have to limp through with booze and the promise of a relaxing weekend? Lets find out together!

  • S04E16 Cinco de Mayo

    • May 5, 2017

    It’s Cinco de Mayo. That means it’s time for Margaritas on this week’s Lunch with Jim & A.Ron!

  • S04E17 Lawn Care Revolution

    • May 12, 2017

    This week on Lunch, we talk about the electric lawn care revolution an answer your forum questions.

  • S04E18 Movantik Moment

    • May 19, 2017

    Ready for your “Movantik Moment”? Join us for an opioid-induced bowel blockage of a lunch.

  • S04E19 Turn that Burrito Leaf

    • May 26, 2017

    A.Ron has another ridiculous ad lined up for dissection this week. And as usual, we’re also spreading our A’s all over your Q’s.

  • S04E20 Episode 20

    • June 2, 2017

    Ridiculous ad of the week is back, along with questions involving TV, politics and foolishness.

  • S04E21 For Good or Evil

    • June 9, 2017

    This week we’re catching up on questions from the audience, which includes stuff like time traveling for good or evil, speculation about which badass action star is the friendliest and favorite condiments.

  • S04E22 Tin Cup Tales

    • June 16, 2017

    Geek Chic closing, another ridiculous advertisement, plenty of Game of Thrones talk and a bunch more of your questions on this week’s Lunch with Jim & A.Ron.

  • SPECIAL 0x46 Empire Business: Analyzing Survey Results

    • June 20, 2017

    We’re starting a new feature designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members. In honor of one of the all-time great series and the one that gave us our start, we’re calling it Empire Business. It isn’t meant to be a regular weekly feature, it’s more of a “whenever we have something interesting to talk about and remember to turn the mics on” kind of thing. We hope you enjoy it.

  • S04E23 Tin Cup Strikes Back

    • June 23, 2017

    After A.Ron made fun of it last week, Tin Cup whiskey strikes back. We give our opinions on Lindelof’s next project. We also take a whole bunch of questions from Twitter (#baldlunch) and the forums.

  • S04E24 Con of Thrones Wrap Up

    • July 7, 2017

    We’re back from Con of Thrones so I’m sure there will be plenty of talk of the behind-the-scenes action and more answers to your questions, of course.

  • S04E25 Worlds Worst Taco Fest

    • July 14, 2017

    Learn all about A.Ron’s trip to the world’s crappiest taco fest, what awes us, and play the “How many supreme court justices can you name?” game.

  • SPECIAL 0x47 Empire Business: Podcast Advertising

    • July 18, 2017

    We're starting a new feature designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members. In honor of one of the all-time great series and the one that gave us our start, we're calling it Empire Business. It isn't meant to be a regular weekly feature, it's more of a "whenever we have something interesting to talk about and remember to turn the mics on" kind of thing. This episode covers podcast advertising. How it works, what are the unique challenges that Bald Move faces when securing advertising, and our plans for the future. We hope you enjoy it.

  • S04E26 Top of the iTunes!

    • July 21, 2017

    It’s a very special week for Bald Move which means it’s time for a very special booze. Join us as we celebrate reaching the top of the iTunes charts and answer your questions via the forums and #baldlunch.

  • S04E27 My Virtual Boat

    • July 28, 2017

    Jim got a new car. A.Ron has a new (virtual) boat. We have both have tons of answers for the listener questions.

  • S04E28 Absolutely Nothing

    • August 4, 2017

    Absolutely nothing is going on in our lives this week so we get straight to the listener questions.

  • S04E29 Watch and Tell

    • August 11, 2017

    A.Ron’s got show and tell, Jim’s got watch and tell and we’ve both got answers to your questions.

  • S04E30 We signed up for it

    • August 18, 2017

    This episode is mostly spent answering your questions which have a lot to do with nazis and TV. I guess that's what we signed up for.

  • S04E31 A Rather Enjoyable Lunch

    • August 25, 2017

  • S04E32 Find O’ the Century

    • September 1, 2017

  • S04E33 BYPAX 2017

    • September 15, 2017

    We’re back from BYPAX and ready for another lunch. We’ll be talking about our adventures in Chicago and answering your questions.

  • S04E34 The A's to your Q's

    • September 22, 2017

    Proper wedding attire, Destiny 2, and A’s for your Q’s on this week’s Lunch with Jim and A.Ron.

  • S04E35 Hunting Houses

    • September 29, 2017

    The guys talk Houses, TV and your questions

  • S04E36 Houses, Birthdays & Your Questions

    • October 6, 2017

    There’s a little bit about buying a house and Jack’s birthday party but it’s mostly question and answer this week.

  • S04E37 West Virginia!

    • October 13, 2017

    On this week’s Lunch with Jim & A.Ron: One weird trick that banks use to refuse your cash and the Top 7 reasons that West Virginia is the greatest state in the U.S.

  • S04E38 Haunted Houses

    • October 20, 2017

    The guys talk hunted houses, whats going on in life and your Q & A's

  • SPECIAL 0x48 Empire Business: 2017 Financial Summary Update

    • October 25, 2017

    Welcome to our latest effort to give Bald Move Club Members a transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire. Today, we take a long awaited look into our 2017 financial situation. We discuss the impact the “Save Bald Move” campaign had (spoiler: it saved Bald Move), the immense amount of Game of Thrones traffic we got in July and the attending performance of the GoT club membership sale, the advertising bonanza we had, how we make projections, and how things are looking for 2018. For you nervous nellies out there, relax, the news is all good! Finally, we discuss plans for the future. And give thanks, because without you, we wouldn’t be here today. THANK YOU!

  • S04E39 Sorry No Time

    • October 27, 2017

    We’re about to go into our Stranger Things season 2 marathon so there’s no time to spare this week. It’s all listener questions.

  • S04E40 The Hottest of Takes

    • November 3, 2017

    The Guys talk Trick or Treating, Life, the Club and Q & A's

  • S04E41 Another Lunch in the Barrel

    • November 10, 2017

    The guys talk projectors, Q & A's and all things Lunch

  • S04E42 Happy Start Wars Life Day

    • November 17, 2017

    Grab some food, take a seat and join the boys for all things Lunch!

  • S04E43 Merry Culkin Keatmas!

    • December 1, 2017

    Merry Culkin Keatmas everyone! This week kicks off our 2017 Christmas celebration which includes drinks, three movies and a very special gift to be released on Christmas eve. We also talk about A.Ron’s german Christmas festival experience, our Christmas lighting setups and much more.

  • S04E44 The Christmas Spirit

    • December 8, 2017

  • S04E45 Ho ho ho!

    • December 15, 2017

Season 5

  • S05E01 New Year, New Lunch

    • January 5, 2018
  • S05E02 Lets Lunch!

    • January 12, 2018

    Join us today for all the Q & A's you can handle!

  • SPECIAL 0x49 Bald Move Studio Tour

    • January 15, 2018

    Hey, A.Ron here. I took a bit of time at the end of one of our days to do a quick and dirty video showing off the Bald Move Studio. We’re about to make major changes and upgrades to the various video and audio systems we use to produce our videos and podcasts, so it seemed like a good idea to go around and document the third major version of our studio. If you’re interested in behind the scenes details, this is the video for you!

  • S05E03 Board Game Bonanza

    • January 19, 2018

    This week the guys talk Youtube, Board Games and your Q & A's

  • S05E04 It's All About the Fade

    • January 26, 2018

    The guys tackle some technical troubles but still bring you the lunch you deserve!

  • SPECIAL 0x50 The Baldies 2017 Awards Ceremony

    • January 31, 2018

    Welcome to the 2017 Baldies Awards, where we honor the outstanding achievements in film, television, and Bald Move podcasting for the year! This is the main event, the 2017 Baldies Awards Ceremony proper. Once again we don our most formal t-shirts to hand out the Baldie gold to those deserving.

  • SPECIAL 0x51 It's Groundhog Day!

    • February 2, 2018

    We will be watching Groundhog Day the movie all day long at the Bald Move Studio this Groundhog Day (Feb 2, 2018) to raise money for the National Alliance to End Homelessness! Come watch us slowly lose our minds and numb our butts!

  • S05E05 Back to Basics

    • February 9, 2018

    Back from our 24 hour lunch masquerading as a Groundhog Day charity marathon, we’re ready to settle back into the traditional Lunch with Jim & A.Ron.

  • S05E06 The Shimmer Effect

    • February 23, 2018

    The guys discuss what they have been up to the last week, along with your questions.

  • S05E07 A.Ron Solo Edition Vol. 2

    • March 2, 2018

    It's time for lunch! This week features the rare solo edition as A.Ron lunches alone while Jim is off visiting Europe's sexy and stylish thigh-high stocking, Italy.

  • S05E08 Lunch with Cecily and A.Ron

    • March 9, 2018

    Cecily joins A.Ron this week for Lunch!

  • S05E09 Back from the Motherland

    • March 16, 2018

    Lunch time! Jim regales us with tales of Italy, and we take on your weekly Qs with lots of As

  • S05E10 All the time in the World

    • March 23, 2018

    The boys talk life, tv, travel, and whatever comes up in listener questions

  • S05E11 Accessing the Hive Mind

    • March 30, 2018

    The boys access the hive mind and look at Empire Business related goings on, along with the weekly Lunch banter.

  • S05E12 Who drains the drainage?

    • April 6, 2018

    We talk the latest goings on in our world, what we have been watching and questions galore.

  • S05E13 Where is the RGB?

    • April 13, 2018

    This week we discuss the dramas of life along with the questions from the Bald Move community!

  • S05E14 I'll eat your Lunch!

    • April 20, 2018

    We talk general life, the latest TV, Bald Move along with Q's to your A's

  • S05E15 Gotta raise up!

    • April 27, 2018

    We talk lawn mowing, twitch, competitive gaming, TV, and questions.

  • S05E16 Another week, another Lunch

    • May 4, 2018

    We talk travel, TV, good times and more!

  • S05E17 Well what do you know?

    • May 11, 2018

    We talk twitch, what has been going on in our lives and of course listener questions!

  • S05E18 Lava Rock Gotta Go

    • May 18, 2018

    Another lunch is upon us, we talk the usual along with questions from the forum and twitter.

  • S05E19 Don't Fear we are Here!

    • June 1, 2018

    We discuss Con of Thrones, other things going on in our lives, plus some sweet, sweet Q & A

  • S05E20 Lunch with a very special Guest

    • June 8, 2018

    We are graced with a special guest at the Bald Move HQ!, we also talk what is going on in our lives and the usual questions!

  • S05E21 Late Lunch

    • June 15, 2018

    Late and underexposed is the way we do it this week, grab some food, sit back and enjoy!

  • S05E22 Juneamatti

    • June 22, 2018

    We talk Giamatti, the latest going on in the world of Bald Move along with the weekly Q's and A's

  • S05E23 A.Ron Solo Edition Vol. 3

    • July 6, 2018

    A.Ron is back at it solo style with Jim is away!

  • S05E24 Friday the 13th!

    • July 13, 2018

    Spooky Friday the 13th edition! Making fake(?) absinthe from Le Loup Garou Alchemy!

  • S05E25 With every Friday there is a Lunch

    • July 20, 2018

    Lunch time for all! In case you want to hear the Dan Harmon story A.Ron references in the beginning of this Lunch, it’s in the first half hour or so of the Harmontown episode, “Dadfished”.

  • S05E26 A Lunch to Enjoy!

    • July 27, 2018

    We talk the usual,so grab some lunch and drink and sit back and enjoy

  • S05E27 Component Colors Engage!

    • August 3, 2018

    We talk life, A.Rons road trip, TV, along with lunch and scour the forums and twitter for questions!

  • S05E28 We know whats up!

    • August 10, 2018

    We talk music, tv, and things Q&A!

  • S05E29 An Orange on a Stein

    • August 17, 2018

    The boys talk craniums, TV, Twitch, Bald Move and everything in between.

  • S05E30 It's Crunch Time

    • August 24, 2018

    This week we talk food, TV, and whatever they can dream up

  • S05E31 Episode 31

    • September 7, 2018
  • SPECIAL 0x52 Empire Business: Club Bald Move Update 2018

    • September 8, 2018

    This is the first episode of the 2018 season of Empire Business, where we take a look behind the scenes and at the bottom line here at Bald Move. In the weeks ahead, we'll be talking about our financials, advertising, networking, our future plans, and much more. Today we'll be looking at The Club, which is both the backbone and lifeblood to Bald Move. If your interested in a deep dive on growth, subscriber retention, and serialized Club content, this video is for you!

  • SPECIAL 0x53 Empire Business: Running a Podcast Network

    • September 14, 2018

    This week's Empire Business is an interview with Jason Cabassi of Walking Dead 'Cast fame. He now owns and operates Podcastica, a podcasting network that exclusively covers television shows. We chat about how the network started, his management, coordination and monetization strategies, as well as the Bald Move network that never came to fruition.

  • S05E32 Episode 32

    • September 14, 2018
  • S05E33 Episode 33

    • September 21, 2018
  • S05E34 Episode 34

    • September 28, 2018
  • S05E35 Episode 35

    • October 12, 2018
  • S05E36 Episode 36

    • October 19, 2018
  • S05E37 Episode 37

    • October 26, 2018

  • S05E38 Episode 38

    • November 2, 2018

  • S05E39 Episode 39

    • November 9, 2018

  • S05E40 Episode 40

    • November 16, 2018

  • S05E41 Episode 41

    • November 30, 2018

  • S05E42 Episode 42

    • December 6, 2018

  • S05E43 Episode 43

    • December 14, 2018

  • S05E44 Episode 44

    • December 21, 2018

Season 6

  • S06E01 Episode 1

    • January 11, 2019

  • S06E02 Episode 2

    • January 18, 2019

    Another Friday, another lunch! grab you eats and grab your drinks!

  • S06E03 Episode 3

    • January 25, 2019

  • S06E04 Episode 4

    • February 1, 2019

  • S06E05 Episode 5

    • February 8, 2019

  • S06E06 Episode 6

    • February 15, 2019

  • S06E07 Harry Potter and the Dueling Bowels

    • February 22, 2019

    The boys talk the latest news, bidets, and questions galore.

  • S06E08 Episode 8

    • March 1, 2019

  • S06E09 Episode 9

    • March 8, 2019

  • S06E10 Episode 10

    • March 15, 2019

  • S06E11 Holiday Recaps

    • March 29, 2019

    Jim’s terrible return home trip from Italy and butt-sinks; A.Ron’s trip to Florida; the latest Star Wars properties; the QYP formula for titles; thoughts on Disney’s streaming service; Shraderbrau; A.Ron is like Neo from the Matrix; dangers of brain aneurysms; airport security; what’s the demographic for the MCU; all the establishments they the boys are banned from; how ethical is it to have a nice beard; Jim can feel himself falling apart as he ages; wedding proposals and receptions; and remember to stay healthy!

  • S06E12 Episode 12

    • April 5, 2019

  • S06E13 Episode 13

    • April 12, 2019

  • S06E14 Lunch with Jim, A.Ron & Cecily Vol. 2

    • April 19, 2019

  • S06E15 Episode 15

    • April 26, 2019

  • S06E16 Episode 16

    • May 3, 2019

  • S06E17 Episode 17

    • May 10, 2019

  • S06E18 Episode 18

    • May 17, 2019

  • S06E19 Episode 19

    • May 24, 2019

  • S06E20 Episode 20

    • May 31, 2019

  • S06E21 Just a Summer Lunch

    • June 7, 2019

    Just your standard early summer Lunch, ya’ll! If you want to see the Face Rig shenanigans we got up to in the original 07/31/2015 Lunch (which is a great early lunch, btw), click here to go straight to the right timestamp!

  • S06E22 Episode 22

    • June 14, 2019

  • S06E23 Episode 23

    • June 21, 2019

  • S06E24 Episode 24

    • July 3, 2019

  • S06E25 Episode 25

    • July 12, 2019

  • S06E26 Episode 26

    • July 19, 2019

  • S06E27 Tesla Talks

    • July 26, 2019

    Jim gives us an update on his Tesla Model 3. Cecily gives an update on her work situation. The gang considers Marvel Phase 4 and the limitations of being fat Ryan Gosling, emaciated Chris Hemsworth, or Paul Giamatti. They discuss what they would do with free wishes. Finally, the Bald Move family gets honest and they tell us something they have never told anyone before.

  • S06E28 Episode 28

    • August 2, 2019

    We discuss Star Trek: TNG; the missed opportunity for a Van Damme Ham Slam; book suppositories; the future with Starburns Audio and Pickle Me This; what chance Earth has if it needs to be defended by Jim, A.Ron, and Cecily; book recommendations from A.Ron; the dominance of being tall; the Freedom Dividend the societal contract of hit and runs.

  • S06E29 Episode 29

    • August 9, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron talk about the recent gun violence in our country; the new Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ package; the A/V setup of Bald Move; our favorite movie and video game soundtracks; the possibility of meeting Paul Giamatti; and the most stand out performance from Parks and Rec.

  • S06E30 Episode 30

    • August 23, 2019

    We discuss foot fetishes; A.Ron’s trip to Florida; A.Ron fires his therapist; what lengths they’d go to in order to find ‘The One’; Nah’leans recommendations; Sony and Disney broke up and Sony got full custody of Spider-Man; the most effective way to quit your job; how to set boundaries with your partner’s family; expectations for the upcoming Star Trek, James Bond, The Matrix 4; what their ideal parents would be if they could choose; what skills Jim and A.Ron could contribute to the zombie apocalypse to fight off roving therapists. We’ve been pumped dry for content!

  • S06E31 Episode 31

    • August 30, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron talk about their trend tradition, Double Hook Fridays; A.Ron’s birthday is tomorrow and Michelle sent a gift of Queen Funko Pop figures; US vacation policies; Andrew Luck’s retirement; new trailer talk and how they decide on upcoming shows to cover; how to manage CO2 levels in the atmosphere; the LotR on Amazon; Cincinnati chili; HYPERtheticals by Chuck Klosterman; which celebrity would get an invite to a bachelor party; was Garek redeemed on DS9; boating incidents; the global economy; and the latest season of Mindhunter.

  • S06E32 Episode 32

    • September 6, 2019

    A.Ron update us on his fence saga while fighting the worse poison ivy he has ever had in his life; Jim’s beloved old couch was put to rest; the dilemma of contractors; Cecily gives us a job update; A.Ron and Jim are given a difficult choice; their plans for UFC 242; thoughts on Better Call Saul S4, Dark Crystal, TNG, The Wheel of Time, Succession, The Good Place, The Walking Dead, Rick and Morty Season 3 and a quick Leftovers revisit. Finally, we count down Bald Move’s Top 7 Boners.

  • S06E33 Episode 33

    • September 13, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron give a Star Trek update; a good old-fashioned “what would you do” involving Russians on the ISS; coverage of His Dark Materials; whether or not you should be honest with your spouse; The Expanse coverage plans; a nice story to share about community; Jim and A.Ron switch bodies in a Freaky Friday; A.Ron’s interest in drag/trans language; the return of Old King Conan; plans to bring back Que Che L’evier; remembrance of 9/11; Wednesday night stream update; which TV character you would be; Jim’s thoughts on the new ‘Tool’ album; Andrew Yang’s “The War on Normal People” and thoughts of AI in the future; and the idea of Digital Utopianism.

  • S06E34 Episode 34

    • September 20, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron discuss the latest TNG episodes A.Ron has seen; filming locations they have visited; the new KFC chicken/donut aberration; plans for future Telltale playthroughs; Fargo S4 hype; A.Ron’s favorite Bill Simmons guests; Andrew Yang’s UBI; an El Camino prep suggestion; some kind of Tic-Tac-Tech; VR gaming; Bald Move action figures must-have accessory; the problem with ear hairs; the blight of empty malls; thoughts on remakes/reboots/sequels/prequels; a podcast suggestion; Bald Move boners and blown edits; suggestions on club membership; would they choose to learn their own future; what the perfect breakfast consists of; finally, who needs to be Incepted.

  • S06E35 Episode 35

    • September 27, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron had another successful Double Hook Friday; A.Ron and Jim have both had major life-changing events; Opus has joined the studio; they discuss difficulties in operating a business; how to handle cold calls from political campaigns; El Camino coverage; where would famous Italian guitarist Jim Jones live in Italy; whether or not to skip the last GoT books; a good old-fashioned draft and potential future bridge draft; their concert history; Star Wars fan fic; Zach Snyder’s take on anything; and finally, Jim’s go-to burrito order.

  • S06E36 5-year Anniversary!

    • October 11, 2019

    In this special episode, it's the Lunch with Jim and A.Ron 5-year anniversary! LIVE from Satan's asshole: Jim and A.Ron talk about their first ever lunch and all of the burritos they have eaten; they sum up the 7th Annual BYPAX - roller coasters at Cedar Point and their favorite games played (meta-games included) such as Game of Thrones and Secret Hitler; we hear a sick beat Murderbear made for us; we ponder once again whether a hot dog is a sandwich; we think about the most memorable/touching lunch question we’ve ever had; how to save it for the ‘cast; water or anything else with a little bit of each other’s pee in it; J&A’s opinion on the situation in Hong Kong; thoughts on the new series Devs; would you be 15 now or when you were actually 15; we speculate on how much work it is to do this much work; whether or not we’ll get to see BLINK; who would benefit from a solo character study; our thoughts on checking out garage/yard sales and our favorite finds; finally, how to continue (or not) following your favorite shows.

  • S06E37 Episode 37

    • October 18, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron occupy the space in a brand-new studio; they discuss what Camp Bald Move would look like; the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten and they weirdest place they’ve ever gotten busy; social media checkmarks; how to direct young people with big dreams; Giamatti knows that we exist; unpopular food opinions; old LWJ&A episodes; X-mas card photos; favorite holiday foods/specific hams; regional humor; lasting spooks; mind-blowing science facts; pre-therapy advice; the existence of a perfect band; and upcoming guests on PMT.

  • S06E38 Episode 38

    • October 25, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron get straight into the questions this time, because they are on a tight schedule! They answer everyone’s burning question, WTF is up with the lack of The Expanse coverage; Cecily and Alexis’ coverage of His Dark Materials; The Dresden Files dream casting; vampires in dusters; thoughts on Dark and other foreign recommendations; should D&D have known they were writing fan fiction; gimmick products that really work; how to de-skunk a pet; thoughts on the Colts and football in VERY general terms; carpal tunnel issues; the new grand (re?) opening of the Vonnegut Museum; the possibility of an arts and crafts on a drunken lunch; where to put your cart when you are done; thoughts on when it’s appropriate to use ketchup and gravy; shitting your pants stories; bidet updates; upcoming movies; favorite movies changing in a 5 year span; thoughts on Melt Bar and Grilled; playing Apex Legends; experience with Halloween pranks; and how to live with a clone of yourself.

  • S06E39 Episode 39

    • November 1, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron discuss 2019 Halloween memories; we do a bit of show-n-tell; Cecily tells the lore of the Church of Joppa Road; they discuss gender-swapped costumes; what’s the most elaborate concept costume you can come up with; how to overcome your fears; should you go full lederhosen?; how to practice mindfulness and mindful meditation; why has Jim still not seen Fury Road; why is Bald Move so honest about the empire; thoughts on the latest Star Wars trailer; weekly TV planning streams; free subscriptions to brand-new streaming platforms??; thoughts on the new Mandalorian trailer; thoughts on the new BoJack episodes; best hikes in America; PG&E power outages; Daylight Savings thoughts; and finally, thoughts on the GoT news.

  • S06E40 Episode 40

    • November 8, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron discuss Double Dern Saturday; the launch of our new network Swizzbold; advice for Tesla owners; city living vs. country living; Apple+ support devices; sleep hygiene; AirBNB scams; famous or interesting genealogy; advice on dealing with grief; finding Jim’s holy grail; movies we don’t remember; our favorite movie scenes; closing out actors; the Colour Out of Space trailer; best of the decade; when is the right time to start Christmas; advice on starting a family; finally, housekeeping on housekeeping.

  • S06E41 Episode 41

    • November 15, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron discuss King’s Island game plans for the holidays; Bald Move history; fast pasta/cold pasta/gravy; live podcasts; should we be drinking milk; electronics that refuse to die; things to watch on Disney+; vegetarian Thanksgiving dishes; cheapest things you can return; Bald Move promo codes; 3 shot Friday lunches and falling off the wagon by getting on the wagon; coastal cities moving inland; “play something good”; why Jim and A.Ron go to different movie theaters; who won the week; advice on moving to America for the first time; purchases that make you self-conscious; finally, whether or not we should let our cats hunt ALL of the birds!

  • S06E42 Episode 42

    • November 22, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron discuss the Cybertruck; they discuss the Walker Stalker Con situation; Watchmen viewership/coverage vs. Leftovers viewership/coverage; will Bald Move officiate a wedding; stupid cat stories; are you buying what Kanye is selling; holiday Mario Twitch streams; how to enjoy Mr. Rogers if you are new to it; Groundhog Day plans; snow sports; download updates; Better Call Saul announces a 5th season; Thanksgiving sides that are a must have; leftover T-Day creations; weird food craving combinations; earliest memories; unique parenting techniques; finally, the Google Stadia.

  • S06E43 Episode 43

    • December 6, 2019

    Christmas plans and updates; Jim got married!; coolest gift given; regifted gift items; what would happen if the 27 club were alive today; what if you could see how many people have been blocked on Twitter; would you be anxious about death if you were cloned every time?; is it “just a kids movie”?; the New Pope coverage; binge coverage thoughts; Baby Yoda fever; belief in Santa Clause; book recommendations; understanding your beliefs; Groundhog Day plans; favorite way to celebrate birthdays; Christmas wishes; and finally, when to open Christmas presents.

  • S06E44 Episode 44

    • December 13, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron share Christmas Surprises; A.Ron shows off his Christmas albums; favorite Christmas songs; who would Arnold play better at Christmas; tips for working from home; whiskey gift recommendations (such as Loup Garou Alchemy); video games + fitness; choosing which streaming services to keep; check in on A.Ron’s shame reading of Warhammer 40k; podcasting advice; mic-drop moments; podcast names they’re proud of; Outlander coverage; what are the kids doing with our household products; the latest upset in the UK; favorite Christmas treats; picking the right pet; finally, how to properly way gingerbread men.

  • S06E45 Episode 45

    • December 20, 2019

    Jim and A.Ron open presents and share holiday stories; Christmas meal traditions; thoughts on Kumail’s new muscles; a tangent about sci-fi books; casting a new Marty McFly; things get awkward as the hosts are forced to compliment each other; they watch their language; smoking pot etiquette; did Jim and A.Ron start another cult; and favorite moments from 2019.

Season 7

  • S07E01 First LWJ&A of 2020!

    • January 10, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron catch up on games they played over the break; A.Ron catches us up on Warhammer 40k; Jim solves a debate about house shoes; living mindfully in the moment; thoughts on Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes; hypothetical follow-up projects; projects we’re excited about in 2020; how often should you clean your water bottle; how much notice you should give to leave a job; repurposing methane and cow poops; DEVs on FX/Hulu; sci-fi in the last 10 years; coverage of Fargo Season 4 and thoughts on previous Coen Brothers films; unconventional lubes; and the future of Bald Move merch.

  • S07E02 What is a Podcast?

    • January 17, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron talk about Stardew Valley; middle school swimming; HBO’s The Outsider; everyone’s best impressions; the end of Harmontown; meat reduction updates; sci-fi book recommendations; what is a podcast; charity marathon update; Final Fantasy VII remake; upcoming TV schedule; thoughts on Bald Move coverage of gaming; debate formats; TNT’s Snowpiercer; The Witcher season 2 and Netflix’s official podcast; Westworld thoughts; Watchmen news; how “prepped” are the guys; finally, thoughts on The Clone Wars.

  • S07E03 Actual Favorites Don’t Count

    • January 24, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron talk about how to properly roll your sleeves; the 3rd Annual Groundhog Day plans; thoughts on Picard; Warhammer 40k updates from A.Ron; required watching before CBS’ Picard; blooper reels; a classic fuck/marry/kill; things they irrationally hate; thing they hate about lunch; narrative devices that get on the host’s nerves; major theme parks everyone has been to; thoughts on Wellington Paranormal; Bald Move is 100% team zip-up hoodie; Jim the capitalist; the greatest story of all time; favorite vacation destinations if actual favorites don’t count; thoughts on Aaron Hernandez; the Baldies 2019; where Sekiro is on the list of games to play; cast of the current government dramatization; and finally, the official place for political discussions.

  • S07E04 Every Which Way but Lunch

    • February 7, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron argue about the future of technology; they discuss the new HBO show, McMillions; Netflix FINALLY changes the future; A.Ron and Jim discuss Star Trek Picard/TNG’s Maddox and his research; they also discuss the difference between SW and ST; thoughts on HBO’s look back at 2019; thoughts on the final episodes of Bojack; thoughts on Stranger Things splitting their final season; predictions for Oscars 2019; how Bald Move networks the network; sci-fi realness; going to a Westworld version of Lost; fake names; thoughts on community suggestions/feedback; thoughts on Briarpatch; sharing a birthday and name with someone; Jim and A.Ron’s favorite fun YT/Reddit holes; being cautious around batteries; and audiobook preferences.

  • S07E05 The First One’s Free

    • February 14, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron discuss upcoming trailers; best travel foods; the Apollo exhibit at the CMC; Valentine’s Day traditions; disastrous dates; the podcast empire business; what everyone’s sheik price would be; how to clean house; pump up the jams; Bill Murray’s age from 90-93; Parasite @ the Oscars; the length of documentaries and the justification; BCS catch-up; Bald Move TV coverage; and finally, airplane comfort.

  • S07E06 Large Marge Messed Me Up

    • February 21, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron discuss painting miniatures; the MBMBAM show in Cincinnati; the best outfit to wear to please a sheik; the worst seatmate on a plane; the recommended way to watch Game of Thrones; movies that scared them as kids; the reimagined map of the US; thoughts on the nest Altered Carbon installment; targeted Facebook ads; do masks bring out the crazies or do they stop them; the right way to eat pancakes; an update on Christmas presents; award-winning Avengers; Jim updates us on being a landlord; the best burger in America; Westworld 3 trailer; how to have sex with a robot; gender betrayal; Mark Hamill asks Trump to pardon the Star Wars holiday special; a Lunchtime shirt; series that should just be left as books; finally, watching Picard through the CBS app.

  • S07E07 Premium Content

    • February 28, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron fix the volume; A.Ron has a terrible movie theater experience; they address the recent Better Call Saul shake-up; can a lightsaber pierce Captain America’s shield; the most powerful species in sci-fi; A.Ron’s last trip to High Island; the amount of hoodies that Jim owns; the pronunciation of GIF vs. JIF; the Mount Rushmore of tv characters; the Mount Rushmore of chips; thoughts on the second season of Dark; candles that smell like bad ideas; Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards; wanting to know if you are dying; storylines that affect you most; a Cecily/Alexis #baldlunch; best TV soundtracks; thoughts on the finale of The Good Place; coronavirus/COVID-19 updates; best games of PS4/XBox; euphemisms for sex; fast paced life in a fast paced world; finally, the modern day Clint Eastwood.

  • S07E08 God’s Only Dipstick

    • March 6, 2020

    A.Ron visited an old friend; A.Ron explains feminism to his wife; Cinemark management sucks; plans for Star Wars Celebration 2020; should you shush during movies; overrated foods; James Lipton’s questions; advice for struggles with addiction; tax write-offs; 10 year anniversary plans; dream themed resorts; ideal voting situations; experience with sneaking; overrated movies; favorite rom-coms; thoughts on The Last of Us; baboon or badger; animated Harry Potter; dream game show; coolest restaurant experience; what would you do with $10,000,000.

  • S07E09

    • March 13, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron try not to get COVID-19; #flattenthecurve; plague plans; A.Ron loves Morningstar; why Jon Hamm is amazing; winning cooking competitions; VR technology; homemade Chiptole; Swizzbold scheduling; Cecily and Alexis’ next project; what happens in an actual apocalypse; A.Ron believes in society, maybe too much; thoughts on The Outsider and Quibi; RIP Max Van Sydow; phone calls with Bald Move; non-perishable recipes; opening credit intro on television shows; energy drink preferences; favorite slasher movies; near death experiences; Uncharted: The Hunt for Bald Moves and Atlantis; CoD”s Warzone; Lego Masters; modern tech leads to modern issues.

  • S07E10 Summer Bummer

    • March 20, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron have lunch, Cecily updates everyone on Animal Corssing: New Horizons, A.Ron updates us on Doom 64; A.Ron and Jim discuss their personal Corona-truths; rice recipes; nacho hate and Jim’s definitive opinion; A.Ron’s electric mower; Summer Bummer plans; biblical moments in times of crisis; HH feng-shui; drunk snacks; predictive AI vis a vis Tom Clancy; A.Ron’s rice stockpiles; finally, thoughts on sweat soup; support local wherever you can!

  • S07E11 Medical Seconds

    • March 27, 2020

    A.Ron gets an unethical exam and watches Beastars; Bald Move celebrates it’s 10th anniversary; advice for themselves 10 years ago; Director’s Cut of Aliens; avoiding dark themes in dark times; NIN released new albums and #RTJ4 released new tracks; quarantunes; best Walking Dead episodes to rewatch; COVID-19 cults; movies they’ve fallen asleep and walked out of; UPS surveillance; Cecily updates everyone on Animal Crossing: New Horizons; Jim and A.Ron update everyone on DOOM: Eternal; Jim talks about the good ole’ days; TWD playthrough; the shame of small-town American governments; the four boxes of democracy; update on books everyone is reading; ethics of shaving a beard in a pandemic; buying a house in a pandemic; thoughts on Tiger King; stopping the spread of coronavirus; putting characters in other shows; and profiteering off of the quarantine crisis.

  • S07E12 Character Assessment

    • April 3, 2020

    Jim, A.Ron, and Cecily take a personality quiz; Bald Move participates in an April Fool’s joke; they discuss Easter traditions; back scratching during a massage; Kingdom on Netflix; historical events on your birthday; the quarantine drinking companion; Reading from the Scriptures; their favorite Star Trek series; stimulus bill thoughts; podcast numbers in a pandemic; amusement park discounts; Winds of Winter updates; old guy moments; haircuts; psychiatric emergencies in Star Trek; provisions in quarantine; Cats (2019) review; WWII in television/movies as a trend; kids movies to watch over and over again; who plays you in a movie; keeping your family safe with layoffs; finally, self-sustaining in the time of coronavirus.

  • S07E13 The Snail or The Dart

    • April 10, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron have a good Friday; Cecily is scared of horses on trails; closing of liquor stores; can Jabba the Hutt 69; which came first, the snail or the dart; Rocketeer memories; bidet-pdate; handwritten notes from JW’s; last movie seen at the cinema; feelings on being 30; exclusive podcast networks; beard advice; gifting club subscriptions; Die Hard reboot with David Harbour; library holds; John Prine; celebrities dying?; milk thoughts; online security; AR shopping; upcoming content drought; instant pot updates; sharing custody in the time of corona; west worlds to visit; Jim and A.Ron visit ganj-world; current reading lists; and the Dune movie.

  • S07E14 Mining the Productive Resources

    • April 17, 2020

    Cecily has her penultimate episode; Jim and A.Ron talk about David Lynch; Jim is playing Plague Inc; Fiona Apple fetched the Bolt Cutters; birthday shoutouts; pandemic plotlines playing out on TV; Zendaya as Chani in Dune; DEVS, The Plot Against America and BCS catch-up; Solar Opposites thoughts; future clothing; cinematic holes to fill; social distancing relaxation plans; handling layoffs; last meal taco/burrito; actors showing up in surprising places; dick pics; revisiting your faves; Wilhelm Scream; Tiger King thoughts; keeping close during work from home conditions; spending your stimulus check at Chipotle; becoming a landlord tips and tricks; The Expanse voice narrator, Jefferson Mays; Marvel Phase 4; finally, sponsoring a club membership.

  • S07E15 Candle in the Wind

    • April 24, 2020

    Cecily has her last lunch; Jim and A.Ron discuss The Joy of Painting, Commando, and Rock Band; beards; Cincinnati chili recipes; Cecily’s top moments with Bald Move; 2-player board games; milk alternatives; why my dick so long and hard; Alexis love; internet practices; side hustles; Breaking Bad viewed through a current lens; entrance songs; pod or cast; Planet of the Humans; corona-cancellations we’re looking forward to returning; feedback; corona rice; shocking aspects of being 30; pro-gloves or not; Westworld Season 4 announcement; living life on loops; targeted ads; generalizing locals; weird podcast listening places; 5 perfect films; MtG Arena; finally, Cecily says goodbye!

  • S07E16 The New Normal

    • May 1, 2020

    We talk about movie theaters and coronavirus, road trips, and a host of other topics. Join the forum to ask questions with fellow club members here or use #baldlunch on Twitter!

  • S07E17 On the Edge

    • May 8, 2020

    This week on lunch: Detailed plans for the return of Watching Dead. Edge or middle of brownies? Are cast iron pans worth it? Tiny Houses. Beard fiddling. And more.

  • S07E18 Quarantine Classic

    • May 15, 2020

    In this week's lunch, we talk about modding a Playstation Classic, run through a classic movie face-off to pick the winners, and get in touch with our true selves thanks to the coronavirus quarantine.

  • S07E19 The Tenets of Podcasting

    • May 22, 2020

    This week we talk about the new Tenet trailer, the pains of getting old, home improvement projects, recast Ocean's 11 from shows we've covered, Spotify and podcasting, and much more.

  • S07E20 Keep on Movin’

    • May 29, 2020

    This week we talk about what factors we consider when moving, shows that we were sad to move on from, and whole lot of other stuff. Listen here to discover the topics for yourself.

  • S07E21 A Mammoth of a Problem

    • June 5, 2020

    This week's lunch includes topics such as the current events in America (but not too much), bringing back wooly mammoths, T-Rex faces, getting rid of peanut butter, re-purposing abandoned theaters / shopping malls, and more.

  • S07E22 Speed Laundry

    • June 12, 2020

    This week Jim announces the LFL, his new league for the professional sport of laundry folding. We also consider the PS5 reveal, whether you can sprint a mile, gardening, protests, corona cuts, and much more.

  • S07E23 A Juneteenth Episode

    • June 19, 2020

    This week we talk about Juneteenth, the wonders of baking soda and super glue, stinky foods, really really long trails, and much more.

  • S07E24 Father’s Day Confessions

    • June 26, 2020

    Ron talks about his Father's Day experience, including a few confessions. Jim repairs his Aeron (not a typo). Potential new holidays to replace broken ones. The politics of being apolitical. Freestyle canoeing. Last of Us 2 thoughts, and much more.

  • S07E25 Water World Patties

    • July 10, 2020

    This week we examine Kevin Costner's 100% efficient digestive tract, online schooling, conspiracy theories we flirted with, what we think about the name "Bald Move" 10 years in, and a ton of other listener questions.

  • S07E26 Laser-Engraved Turkeys

    • July 17, 2020

    This week we talk about a death in the Bald Move family, Grant Imahara's passing, the fastest we've ever driven, our Covid-era sleep schedules, laser-engraved turkeys and attempt to envision season 12 of Breaking Bad with Scott Gimple at the helm.

  • S07E27 Episode 27

    • July 24, 2020

  • S07E28 Neoeyes

    • July 31, 2020

    This week we talk about putting eyes on Neowise, how to get through preaching door-to-door, downloading knowledge matrix-style, weird bucket list items, the best credits sequences on TV, the Lovecraft Country trailer, and more.

  • S07E29 Strap on a Helmet, Kids!

    • August 7, 2020

    We discuss mating frogs, computer builds, racing-mania, sitcoms, our scariest, most painful motor vehicle experiences, and more. Apologies for the sub-par audio. We both forgot to record on our respective ends this week! PREEEEEE.... you know.

  • S07E30 Michael B. Jordan’s Gnarled Dong

    • August 14, 2020

    This week we talk about our latest gaming session with Fall Guys, the best pranks we've pulled, our best movie theater experiences, how to meet in the middle when buying a house, and go all in on an impromptu QYP involving Anthony Hopkins taking over the world while Willem Defoe and Michael B. Jordan try to stop him.

  • S07E31 Episode 31

    • August 21, 2020

  • S07E32 Borkfast

    • August 28, 2020

    On this week's lunch, we cover the worst meals we've ever had, showing the younglings T2, the latest Batman trailer, advice for George Lucas, a heated salsa debate, going back to movie theaters, and more.

  • S07E33 Classless Action

    • September 4, 2020

    This week we talk about Jim's adventures in PlayStation modding, Impossible meats not being available outside the US, TV we thought we'd hate but ended up loving, bringing Michael B. Jordan back as Black Panther, the trailer for HBO's documentary "Class Action Park", and a whole host of other questions from the audience.

  • S07E34 Depends on the Apocalypse

    • September 11, 2020

    This week we talk about root beer cravings, the demise of the "mexican pizza", an update on Jim's PlayStation modding dreams, A.Ron's MAME cabinet project for the winter, and of course, the 19th anniversary of 9/11.

  • S07E35 Is Concrete a Cereal?

    • September 18, 2020

    This week Jim is trying to finish an awful short story, A.Ron is visiting family, and we talk about rural broadband, podcasting in the apocalypse, motorsports, recognizing a friend in porn, how to interview when you're not excited about it, and much more.

  • S07E36 Knorkpoon

    • September 25, 2020

    Wherein we discuss A.Ron's lightweight camping plans, the results of Jim's bloody mary pickle experiment, digitally-enhanced actors and awards, PS5 / Xbox launch advice, our worst retail experiences, our trust levels in regards to automated driving, and more.

  • S07E37 Backpack Camping

    • October 2, 2020

    A.Ron talks about his backpack camping experience and questions from the audience.

  • S07E38 Space Tennis

    • October 9, 2020

    A.Ron gets a flight stick for Star Wars: Squadrons, remote BYPAX preview, chocolate mike, tennis and sports and stuff, and much more from the audience.

  • S07E39 BYPAX 2020

    • October 16, 2020

    The very first virtual BYPAX happened this past weekend. (thanks, COVID) We talk all about it, plus A.Ron extols the virtues of the robe and we answer audience questions.

  • S07E40 Tesla Surplus

    • October 23, 2020

    This week Jim talks about his experience transferring his Tesla lease, A.Ron gives an arcade update and takes his son to an army surplus store to gear up for airsoft, and we answer some very good and important questions from the forums and Twitter about pierogies, Ellen Ripley, and useless superpowers.

  • S07E41 Sith Day

    • October 30, 2020

    This week is a Halloween-themed lunch with discussions of candy, costumes, scary movies and games, and our favorite cereals.

  • S07E42 Post-Holiday Holiday Warmup

    • November 6, 2020

    Lunchtime! This week Jim issues a correction to a previous week's misinformation and makes the Goodfellas prison sauce, A.Ron digs in his eye, and we wrapup our Halloween festivities by welcoming the Christmas season into our lives.

  • S07E43 Trash Talk

    • November 13, 2020

    This week we talk trash about the Jones household potentially getting a cat as well as literal trash and recycling. We also tell the tale of our friend named "Burns" getting blown up and round everything out with an impromptu Bald Move podcast bracket to determine which is our all-time best show.

  • S07E44 Blue Eyes, White Bishop

    • November 20, 2020

    This week we talk about the new cat terrorizing the Jones household, A.Ron's teacher shortage, the destruction of Arecibo Observatory from GoldenEye and Contact, A.Ron's woodworking / Christmas village, Thanksgiving meal plans, the strangeness of The Queen's Gambit and more!

  • S07E45 Merry COVID Christmas!

    • December 4, 2020

    Christmas Lunchtime! This is it. This lunch is the kick-off event for the 2020 Holiday celebration here at Bald Move. We took Thanksgiving off so this is a super-sized lunch spanning both holidays. Join us as we imbibe our typical three drinks and spread the Christmas cheer.

  • S07E46 Christmas Vacation

    • December 11, 2020

    Christmas Lunchtime! The second of our Christmas lunches is upon us. Come join us as we discuss A.Ron's latest holiday, how our Secret Santa exchange is shaping up, and field a bunch of questions from the fans. It's a big lunch this week, I hope you can finish it all!

  • S07E47 Christmas Break

    • December 18, 2020

    Christmas Lunchtime! Thanks for joining us for the Christmas 2020 season. We're signing off with an extra-large helping of LWJ&A, but you'll still have our super secret christmas movie podcast and video review coming up on the 23rd. Enjoy! We'll see you in the new year.

Season 8

  • S08E01 You Get What You Get

    • January 8, 2021

    Our first lunch of 2021 starts off with a discussion of what we got up to during our time off and some of the gifts we got for Christmas. Then I go all in on a new NAS, we talk about watch parties, A.Ron eviscerates Chrysler with a scathing rant, we talk fantasy books and our reading habits, and more. And during the whole lunch, we manage to only talk a little about what went down in our Capitol two days ago.

  • S08E02 Evil Cyber Elon

    • January 15, 2021

    This week we talk more about the gifts we received for Christmas, A.Ron's sleep paralysis episode, investing in stocks and TSLA, a run on Bitcoin, the future of real estate, and much more.

  • S08E03 There Will Be No Line Kissing

    • January 22, 2021

    This week there’s something for everyone. We use Cuphead as a springboard to talk about the most difficult games we’ve ever beaten, try to come up with our top 3 movie posters, talk about politics and YouTube as ex-JWs, whether (and how) we track our TV / movie viewings, the fantasy future of bald move, and sports nostalgia from our youth.

  • S08E04 Game$tonks

    • January 29, 2021

    This week on lunch we explain what’s going on with the Gamestop stock (GME) and then take questions from the audience about camping gear, Back to the Future remakes, and a whole lot more.

  • S08E05 Stealth Camping

    • February 12, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about A.Ron’s new obsession with the art of camping where you’re not supposed to, Jim’s new YouTube channel idea to provide cityscape noises for new remote workers in the suburbs to sleep to, as well as stock options and weed cryptos.

  • S08E06 The Wizard

    • February 19, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about more financial stuff including the Gamestop congressional hearings, Jim's recent experience trading options, and blockchain sports highlight investing. We also discuss our nostalgia for the giant Nintendo ad that was "The Wizard" and how we had no idea that it was an ad as children. Finally we answer a bunch of listener questions.

  • S08E07 40k Kryptonite

    • February 26, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about Warhammer and Wizards teaming up for some 40k-flavored cards before moving on to TCGs in general and their value as collectibles. We also discuss our favorite cheeses, advice for making it easier to move, and much more.

  • S08E08 Non-Fuckable Tokens

    • March 5, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about our gaming habits, which currently consist of Destiny 2 and Valheim, and our sleeping habits as society's "Sentinels". We also riff on video game RPG leveling systems, and tokens that cannot be easily fucked with.

  • S08E09 Rise and Grind

    • March 13, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk alittle more about Gamestop's stock and investing in general, getting vaccines on May 1st and whether you should feel guilty getting them earlier, beard dye shampoos, our personal vices, and whether 16 should be the new legal voting age.

  • S08E10 Vaccine Nation

    • March 19, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about A.Ron's fascination with gaming lore, our excitement for the impending COVID vaccinations, and answer a boatload of listener questions such as whether we will go back to in-person podcast recordings when we get the vaccine.

  • S08E11 How Dad Are You?

    • March 26, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we take the dad joke quiz, A.Ron gives an update after getting the COVID vaccine and then talks about dark sky parks and camping, and we answer a lot of TV questions.

  • S08E12 HGH Face

    • April 9, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk a little about getting the first dose of COVID vaccine, the recent royal deaths (both rap and other), Jim’s new scale modeling interest and mistakes, and A.Ron’s experience camping with his son over the break, as well as answering a ton of listener questions.

  • S08E13 Baja Blast-Off

    • April 16, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about the business models of making models, A.Ron's side-effects (or lack thereof) from the 2nd dose of COVID vaccine, fill out a fictional Bald Move museum, list some new badasses who need consideration for our list, and answer a whole host of other questions.

  • S08E14 Pulaski’s Red

    • April 22, 2021

    Lunchtime! In this truncated and premature episode we talk about my reaction to and recovery from the second dose of COVID vaccine. Then I show off the first 2 packs of my Enterprise build-up. A.Ron talks about his canceled camping trip and getting his son into For All Mankind. And finally we take questions from the listeners asking us to recast LOST and come up with a line of Bald Move-inspired weed strains.

  • S08E15 Foundational Issues

    • April 30, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week, A.Ron talks about the crazy morning that almost made him late for lunch and then asks the audience for help with the foundation of his house. Then I give an update on the Enterprise D model build-up that I've started working on and, of course, we cap it all off with listener questions.

  • S08E16 Jonathan Franks is the Devil

    • May 7, 2021

    Lunchtime! We can't ignore the big losses over at Giant Bomb so we talk about that for a good half hour before getting around to A.Ron putting his first toe back out into the world after being vaccinated, which eventually turns into a conversation about freedom and safety laws. Sound interesting? Join us for the podcast to hear all of that plus a bunch of listener questions.

  • S08E17 Some Stories are Worth More Than $5 per Month

    • May 14, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week Jim gives an update on his Enterprise D model as well as a new type of modeling he didn't know existed at all, A.Ron talks about his inline skating experience, the problem with our forums might be solved, and we cap it off with a discussion of the new COVID guidance.

  • S08E18 Greenland is the new Florida

    • May 20, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about hvac / motorcycle repair, mini chalet update, what tv shows influenced us, alien life and more.

  • S08E19 Kentucky 10

    • May 28, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week A.Ron talks about his experience hiking through Kentucky's most gorgeous gorge, Jim talks about his air conditioning breakdown, then we follow it up with stories from a JW encounter, NFT memes, and a ton of other questions from our viewers.

  • S08E20 Suckin’ Footh

    • June 4, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about Jim's meeting with his realtor, A.Ron's Bo Burnham love, what a Jurassic Park / Fast and Furious crossover would look like, and then answer a whole lot more listener questions.

  • S08E21 Procedural Regression

    • June 11, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week the cicadas get their revenge on A.Ron, as do the nightmares he's having after playing phasmophobia and watching The Conjuring 3 in the same week. Jim gives a big update on his modeling hobby and then we take listener questions.

  • S08E22 Foreskin for Everyone!

    • June 18, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about removing babies' toenails and pinky toes, Mike retiring from PAX, going out after covid, and take questions from the audience.

  • S08E23 Crampedgrounds

    • June 25, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week A.Ron talks about his latest trip to the Red River Gorge that didn’t go quite how he expected, then we answer a bunch of questions related to TV, life, and the nature of the universe.

  • S08E24 Technically Progressive

    • July 2, 2021

    Lunchtime! A.Ron talks about his adjustment to progressive lenses and we answer questions from the audience.

  • S08E25 Making Love to America

    • July 9, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about our 4th of July fireworks experience, the rising price of video games, rank the TV streaming services, and take listener questions.

  • S08E26 Grape Nuts

    • July 16, 2021

    This week we discuss the truth behind Grape Nuts, the pain of reorganizing your desk, A.Ron's progressive glasses update, and the $1.6m Mario 64. Plus, Q&A with our Club Members

  • S08E27 Uber Cheats

    • July 30, 2021

    Lunchtime! A.Ron is back from vacation and ready to talk about the recent Beaver Island renovation, Jim talks about his new ramen spot which leads to a conversation about the ripoffs that are food delivery services, then we answer questions from the audience in this extended edition of LWJ&A.

  • S08E28 If it Don’t Make Monitors it Don’t Make Sense

    • August 6, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week A.Ron debates the entire world about whether he should add a fourth monitor to his streaming setup, we talk about Disney's plans for the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, give our advice on sock fashion in your 30s, and answer a bunch of other viewer questions.

  • S08E29 Pregnant with House

    • August 20, 2021

    Lunchtime! Big things are happening this week with A.Ron coming back from a family vacation with a truly excellent video, I get and accept an offer on my house that leads to all sorts of stresses and discussions, and then we chat about a bunch of listener topics.

  • S08E30 Pokémoba

    • August 27, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week Jim refuses to talk about his stressful experience selling his house and finding a new place to live and A.Ron talks about his experience with the new Pokémon-based MOBA game, Pokémon Unite. And of course we answer questions from the audience.

  • S08E31 Appawling

    • September 3, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week I give a big update on the sale of our house and the hunt for a new place to live, and A.Ron talks about his new current favorite game, Wingspan. Then we answer a bunch of listener questions.

  • S08E32 Keanu vs Costner

    • September 10, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about the paperwork involved in closing on a house, the risks of getting COVID on a flight and review the merits of the careers of Keanu Reeves and Kevin Costner.

  • S08E33 The Apartment Experience

    • September 24, 2021

    This week we talk about how Cedar Point has spoiled A.Ron for roller-coasters and how I'm adjusting to apartment life after selling my house, as well as answering a whole bunch of listener questions.

  • S08E34 Reverse Beaver

    • October 1, 2021

    Jim talks about injuring his leg during the move, A.Ron talks about cold camping then defends his decision to travel the COVID skies. Then we answer some listener questions, including a discussion of The Sopranos final moments and where it stacks up against the other greats such as Breaking Bad, The Leftovers, and more.

  • S08E35 Airtight

    • October 15, 2021

    This week Jim talks about playing Hitman 3 but, more importantly, about his upcoming doctor-recommended procedures that will hopefully have him "airtight", then A.Ron gives a rundown of all the various boardgames played at BYPAX this year. Then we get to the listener questions and cap it all off with some serious talk about heavy issues.

  • S08E36 Italy People

    • October 22, 2021

    This week A.Ron talks about his Chicagoland airsoft experience, we struggle to prove that Italians are real, and also express our sympathies for everyone involved in the "Rust" on-set accident.

  • S08E37 2 Birds, 1 Witch

    • October 29, 2021

    This week we ask the question "What the hell is All Hallow's Eve?", A.Ron talks about his spooky fog machine disaster, and Jim gets the "all clear" from his butt doctor.

  • S08E38 Now nut November

    • November 5, 2021

    This week A.Ron talks about the Manning brothers alternative football commentary, Jim tours a Tudor house, and then we both give advice for first-time home buyers and talk about our past relationships with alcohol.

  • S08E39 Jurgen Schnitzel

    • November 12, 2021

    Today we talk about our recent experience at the Germania Society of Cincinnati's "Christkindlmarkt event, run down our history with Magic: The Gathering, then answer a ton of audience questions.

  • S08E40 Tear-away Denim

    • November 19, 2021

    Lunchtime! This week the lawn mower man continues to pester Jim well past the mowing season and a question about the oldest clothes we own leads us into a discussion about "salvage denim".

  • S08E41 The Wednesday Friday Gents

    • November 24, 2021

    Lunchtime! Thanks to the holiday it's a Wednesday lunch that everyone has access to for the next 60 days via our Twitch VOD archive. This week we're talking more about monitors, coffee beans, and The Expanse.

  • S08E42 Extreme Fire Truck

    • December 3, 2021

    Christmastime! We're kicking off our Christmas celebrations this week with my big announcement that I'm moving AGAIN! Then we talk about the trials and tribulations of our first experience playing the board game "Root" together, our strategy on buying and selling used cars, and this year's Christmas project (because we're just not busy enough this holiday season), A Very Belter Christmas, as well as a whole slew of other things, courtesy of questions from our incredible fans. Come get extra "festive" with us this Christmas!

  • S08E43 Christmastime!

    • December 9, 2021

    Join the guys for a festive Lunch!

  • S08E44 Full Service Lawn Care

    • February 17, 2021

    Christmastime! Join us for this super-sized, final Christmas episode of 2021 where we talk about Jim's good house news, answer all the listener questions, then conduct our annual watch party of our One-Man Manger Christmas project.

  • SPECIAL 0x119 Empire Business: State of the Empire 2022

    • March 1, 2022

    Find out what has happened at Bald Move in 2021 and where we're going in 2022.

Season 9

  • S09E01 Speed Queen & The Bedroom Swag

    • January 7, 2022

    Lunchtime! We're back from break with a whole bunch of stuff to talk about. Jim has closed on his house and has a laundry dilemma. He's also been to the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights off-season. A.Ron has been painting minis and his son has been buying the family Christmas gifts.

  • S09E02 Home Improvement

    • January 14, 2022

    Lunchtime! Jim tells the tale of his move and we answer a bunch of listener questions.

  • S09E03 Breaking and Etherneting

    • January 21, 2022

    Lunchtime! This week Jim talks about his plans to rewire his house with ethernet cables, then we talk about some of the TV and games we watched and played over the holiday break, including Unpacking and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine.

  • S09E04 Unsalted, Unplowed, Undriveable

    • January 28, 2022

    Lunchtime! It's a snow day today, which prompts us to talk about that most nostalgic of feelings when you know there's the possibility of an unscheduled day off from school. Then we go deep into A.Ron's chimney to talk about the woes of remodeling. Finally, it's all topped off by listener questions.

  • S09E05 Mock Lunch

    • February 4, 2022

    Lunchtime! This week we're prepping for our 24hr Groundhog Day charity marathon. Jim is building Chinese LEGO and losing a battle with his house while A.Ron is snowed in.

  • S09E06 I Have Questions

    • February 18, 2022

    Lunchtime! We’re back from our post-groundhog stream vacations and ready to clear the backlog of your questions that have built up over the past 2 weeks.

  • S09E07 Glasglow Fleshlight

    • February 25, 2022

    Lunchtime! This week we debate the merits of audiobooks vs e-reading vs dead trees, as well as what to do when you reach the bottom of cereal or soup. A.Ron plans his father / son ski trip, Jim plans his brother’s Tesla parade, and we finish it all off with some discussion of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • S09E08 Cheese-Pumping Heart

    • March 4, 2022

    Lunchtime! A little earlier than usual. Skiing trips, Gary Gygax as a Jehovah’s Witness, an impromptu QYP, baseball, cereal rankings… this episode has it all!

  • S09E09 Happy Guys, Hey Friday

    • March 11, 2022

    Lunchtime! A.Ron is back from his skiing trip and boy does he have some stories including snow troubles in Breckenridge and a cook-your-own-steak experience. Then Jim talks about the board game Black Orchestra, which happens to be pretty relevant to Bald Move’s podcast coverage.

  • S09E10 Dingo Roo Man Woman Wombat

    • March 18, 2022

    Lunchtime! This week we talk about our latest commission for Succession and the adventure of building Chinese Lego.

  • S09E11 Neelix wants a Footjob

    • March 25, 2022

    Lunchtime! We talk a little more about robes before getting on to big announcements in A.Ron's life, which leads to a discussion of our first cars. Then we answer listener questions such as what Star Trek race we would want to be.

  • S09E12 Orifice Borealis

    • April 1, 2022

    Lunchtime! Happy April Fools’ Day! Bad April Fools’ Day? Do we wish people April Fools’ Day? On this week’s lunch episode, we’ll answer those questions and more, such as “Pokémon is cool, but why do people like Gengar so much?” Jim, the world’s oldest millennial, weighs in on Kitchen Nightmares and A.Ron ponders the question “Can a journey be emotionally fulfilling if it never ends?” Join us for our takes on popular TV and the niche shows flying under the radar with tons of random stuff in between.

  • S09E13 Wolverine Cannot Be Circumcised

    • April 8, 2022

    Lunchtime! Coming to you with another Bald Move Lunch is Jim and A.Ron who's in a robe again and he promises this has nothing to do with his mental health. On this episode, learn about the merits of a portable bidet and the game Wingspan where you are rewarded with snacks. A discussion of turns of phrase comes up and we read a question from a Gen X-er who is wondering if he should have any fucks left to give. Sounds like he couldn’t care less, and yes, the turn of phrase is couldn’t care less. Get it together people. Next Lunch will be the message in a bottle episode of legend. Prophesied four years prior, the 4/15/22 Lunch is now upon us.

  • S09E14 The Alpaca is the Superior Dollar

    • April 15, 2022

    Lunchtime! The Lunch of Legend has arrived. Long ago predicted by a glorious typo, the time capsule episode is here. Let’s crack it open and read some of these eerily correct and downright hilarious predictions. Hold onto your pineapple, the Water Wars are coming.

  • S09E15 I Would Set the Bathroom on Fire

    • April 22, 2022

    Lunchtime! Looking to get out of jury duty? Be self employed. Not sure what to do with the disposable container your sibling gave you? We have an answer. Where do you look when using a urinal? At the ceiling. The more you know…and do you want to know more?

  • S09E16 Big, Stupid Glob of Butter

    • April 29, 2022

    Lunchtime! Hopefully you have some waffles on hand because the food talk in this episode is going to make you hungry. Jim hangs his waffles on a line to cool, so he might be a serial killer. And we’re placing bets for who’s going to die in the last eight episodes of The Walking Dead. Maybe it’s everyone? Because who knows if these spinoffs are actually going to happen.

  • S09E17 $35 For a Ton of Crushed Gravel

    • May 6, 2022

    Lunchtime! Property Brothers? What about Property Podcasters? A.Ron and Jim talk about the next steps in home renovation and their beef with HOAs. Speaking of HOAs, A.Ron and Jim are creating board games, and my favorite is sneaking around the HOA. It’s the closest I’ll get to owning a house. Would you attend Jurassic Park all expenses paid with a 10% chance of death? Surprisingly, not a tough question for these guys to answer


    • May 13, 2022

    Lunchtime! Happy Friday the 13th! On this Freaky Friday, Jim and A.Ron discuss what they would do if they woke up in each other’s body. Jim is going to eat tide pods, what a friend. Find out the best place to sit when watching a 3D animated movie from. According to Jim, the best place to get brunch waffles is Gabby’s Cafe in Cincinnati. And someone finally asks the question I’ve been wondering for a month, what kind of android is Jim? Turns out he’s ::ERROR::DATA NOT FOUND::, so I’m terrified.

  • S09E19 Quit Mortuus Aperta Intus

    • May 20, 2022

    Lunchtime! We covered A LOT today. Ever wonder the difference between prestige and pulp? Hear our officially unofficial answer. What are your favorite foods, board games, and opinions on your local strip club? Hear a passionate stance on Taco Bell and an idea for a Penalty Box for bad episodes of good shows. And I think we should have a competition to see who can come up with the best coat of arms for Bald Move. Real talk, tell the people you care about that you love them. Life is fleeting, let’s make the most of it. And no Lunch next week because we’re covering Stranger Things!

  • S09E20 E.T. Gets High on Reese’s Pieces

    • June 3, 2022

    Lunchtime! Your favorite fashionistas are here to deliver officially unofficial renovation tips, camping stories, and job advice. Who is your dream 90s superstar Avengers casting? Personally, I would like to see Denzel Washington as Iron Man playing opposite Danny DeVito as Thor. And let’s start that commune together. Meet me in the forest and bring toilet paper.

  • S09E21 An Old Dan Harmon Trick

    • June 10, 2022

    Lunchtime! Today’s burning questions: which two actors would make the worst looking baby? And who has the better “hand extended” power, Eleven or Chris Pratt in Jurassic World? One can break spines and the other can calm a velociraptor. But then again, only one has been in interesting projects this year. Perhaps that is the true power. Hang out with us as we chat yard remodelling, favourite streaming platforms, and the popularity of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza.

  • S09E22 The thing about Scary Spice

    • June 17, 2022

    Lunchtime! It's the 20th anniversary of Spice World this week and A.Ron is here for it while Jim is dealing with the mother of all air conditioning problems. There's some talk about vacation plans before we get to answering some listener questions.

  • S09E23 Paragon of Pissing

    • July 8, 2022

    Lunchtime! We’re back! And with the backlog of questions, we’re covering everything from home improvement projects, 80s and 90s nostalgia, and how to escape religious solicitations in public. Are you looking forward to House of the Dragon like us? We have podcast recs for you to get your GOT fix in the meantime! And NO, it is not okay to pee in the shower. That’s gross. Stop it. End of discussion.

  • S09E24 Mt. Cuckmore

    • July 15, 2022

    Lunchtime! This week we discuss A.Ron’s latest obsession with the James Webb Space Telescope, his trip to the Van Gogh Immersive Experience, and Jim gets bad news about his very expensive Enterprise D model.

  • S09E25 Bitch Lunch

    • July 22, 2022

    Lunchtime! Welcome to the third lunch of the month, aka Bitch Lunch, dedicated to complaining about Amazon, the decline of independent tech stores, and the particulars of Chromebook software. Did you know the future of healthcare is being slingshot to the hospital? While you’re flying your way to the ER, you can high-five the Walmart and Amazon delivery drones dumping stuff no one needs into backyards.

  • S09E26 HOTD Premiere

    • July 29, 2022

    Lunchtime! Get the rundown of A.Ron’s adventures in LA at the HOTD premiere and the holy grail of West Coast food, In-N-Out. Is that four-footed dragon logo a marketing ploy or theory-crafting fodder? With some Internet entertainers relying on getting paid for giving good reviews, Jim and A.Ron are proud to say they will talk shit about any show, any day if it’s their honest opinion.

  • S09E27 I’m gonna go hit this back wall!

    • August 5, 2022

    Lunchtime! Jim gives a model building update. Did you give away your brother’s Pokemon cards without asking? Jim and A.Ron have some advice for you. If you’re looking for show recs, home owning advice, and funny social gaffes? Well, you are in the right place. Next week lunch will be Thursday!

  • S09E28 Diarrheadecks

    • August 11, 2022

    Join in the friendly chat where A.Ron gives a review of King’s Island that is so thorough, it’ll make you nostalgic for RollerCoaster Tycoon. And surprise, surprise, Jim is still working on those models. Would you go to a natural park that lets you practice bushcraft? Like Minecraft in real life? What would you call it? And the House of the Dragon podcast will be FULL coverage and coming soon!

  • S09E29 Jim, Look at the Camera

    • August 19, 2022

    Lunchtime! Hope you packed a good lunch, because there’s a lot of food talk in this episode. We’re bringing you a mini-Empire Business update. Content-maggedon on the horizon, no screeners this year (please don’t cry), but rest assured you’ll still be getting all of your officially unofficial coverage. Do you know the origin of A.Ron’s son’s name? Find out more on how to eat a great tenderloin sandwich, thoughts on tattoos, and Jim’s models update at the lunch table.

  • S09E30 Jared Harris is Jim’s Small Council

    • August 26, 2022

    Lunchtime! Do you like the taste of liquid Ding Dongs? Jim will drink it on air. From this low-brow quandary to the high-brow conversation surrounding the pros and cons of the streaming and binge model, we’ve got a lunch that will satisfy your need for both mindless and mindful content.

  • S09E31 The B.M.P.U.

    • September 2, 2022

    Lunchtime! Oktoberfest was a hit for A.Ron and Jim. Live vicariously through this episode to experience the fun and food. But don’t let Jim eat too much, because apparently he cannot belch. When Jim isn’t painting his minis, he and A.Ron have been hitting the gym. Anyone interested in Bald Move sweatbands?

  • S09E32 Ask Me About The Game

    • September 9, 2022

    Lunchtime! I would like to confirm that I, Talitha the producer, am indeed a real person. Get a super up close look at Mt. Buffmore and a Baldie prototype. Need advice on a wholesome birthday prank? We’ve got you covered. Did you know Chris Pine is a bottom? A.Ron and Jim’s professional analysis says he is. Get your niche knowledge here on this week’s lunch!

  • S09E33 It’s Wild That We’re Not Crazier

    • September 16, 2022

    Lunchtime! Looking for a psychedelic trip? This is a lunch to watch as your beloved and befuddled hosts work through some technical difficulties at the very beginning of the video stream. Jim is still working on making a back catalog available on Patreon. The Amazon Football Conspiracy goes deeper than you think. We get a professional revision of the Emmy’s and find out which shows Jim and A.Ron are looking forward to.

  • S09E34 The U.A.P. Conspiracy

    • September 23, 2022

    Lunchtime! Want to build upon your already intense paranoia? Bring along your favorite conspiracy theory and join in the chat about the football-Bezos, British Rock Culture, and U.A.P. conspiracies. Are you aware of the cost of living in the 1960s? But more importantly, are you aware that Jim EATS the skin off of the kiwi?! And you’re not alone on the daily quest for a healthy sense of self. Join us at the table for this episode of Lunch.

  • S09E35 You Can’t Trust Wendy

    • September 30, 2022

    Lunchtime! Join the age old debate; Five Guys v. In-N-Out. A.Ron declares that there will be a fast-food tier list at some point. Don’t you love it when Jim loses his chill and gets on a mini-rant? He’s got one about The Rings of Power. How do you tell someone they’re oversharing with you? And get A.Ron and Jim’s first impressions on The Last of Us show trailer. And there will be NO lunch next week.

  • S09E36 The Legends of BYPAX

    • October 14, 2022

    Lunchtime! Wondering how BYPAX went? Maybe you’re wondering what BYPAX is? Jim and A.Ron have stories from BYPAX from this year and years past. Learn the complexities of betting on fake horses, hear about celebrity encounters, and find out about the indirect way Bald Move scares the school children

  • S09E37 Super Cringe

    • October 21, 2022

    Lunchtime! Looking for some book recommendations? A.Ron and Jim have suggestions. As we approach the Spooky Day, get some Halloween costume previews. Not sure about your costume? Check out the Keepin’ It Leal shirts in the Bald Move Merch Store for a quick ensemble to declare your fealty. Even though the world is getting scarier by the day, your favorite podcast hosts are here to bring a smile to your face.

  • S09E38 Pumpkin Day Approaches

    • October 28, 2022

    Lunchtime! King Jimhaerys has taken over Ireland and video game nostalgia has taken over A.Ron. Looking for some pumpkin carving inspo? Look no further. Jim has a pitch for a remake of A New Hope that will be sure to get you excited about Star Wars again. Ever wonder about the ratio of A.Ron:Jim speaking during the podcast? As their producer, I have an estimate.

  • S09E39 Episode 39

    • November 4, 2022

    Lunchtime! We’re about to check out for a week of vacation so we’re keeping it loose today with some recaps from Halloween and listener questions.

  • S09E40 Turkey Talk

    • November 18, 2022

    Lunchtime! Get an update on Jim and A.Ron’s current favorite games. Turns out, they are very willing and excited about going to war. Since The Walking Dead finale is approaching, we have a recap for you. Jim and A.Ron have Thanksgiving food and advice for you, so don’t come to this lunch hungry! And Jim has an update on his 3D printer. And we’re taking next Friday off to enjoy the long weekend!

  • S09E41 Paul Goblinmatti Drinking Rum

    • December 2, 2022

    The Bald Move First Rum Christmas is in full swing! The Christmas archive is now available to Club Members. And A.Ron’s Christmas playlist is live for all to enjoy. This is a lunch you will want to watch! Jim cranks out some AI art creations live. It will shock, delight, and scare you. And hear about A.Ron and Jim’s future authorial ambitions.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x35 2016 Financial Summary Update

    • November 9, 2016

    Jim & A.Ron give us a quick update on the final side of the Bald Move Empire

  • SPECIAL 0x54 Empire Business: Podcast Movement

    • September 24, 2018

    Jim and A.Ron talk about the panels, technology and connections made at Podcast Movement 2018

  • SPECIAL 0x55 Empire Business: Advertising

    • October 1, 2018

    In light of our recent visit to Podcast Movement as well as some stats measurement changes, we feel it's time to revisit the topic of advertising in this week's Empire Business. We cover everything from an update on our success / failures with advertising, the overall podcast advertising metrics, and even our opinions on the way podcast advertising is handled.

  • SPECIAL 0x56 Empire Business: State of the Empire 2018

    • October 8, 2018

    It's that time of the year again, the time just before our tax deadline where we open all the books (mostly because our accountant demands it). Join us for an in-depth look at the past, present, and future of the Bald Move as it stands in 2018.

  • SPECIAL 0x57 Empire Business: Studio Tour 2018

    • October 15, 2018

    As we move out of the studio we've been in for the past 2 years, we thought we'd give a quick tour of our technical setup as well as all of the decorations and other stuff you don't get to see in our usual videos. This space has served us well but the next studio will be bigger, better, and hopefully more professional.

  • SPECIAL 0x58 One-Man Manger: A Very Giamatti Christmas

    • December 23, 2018

    All 8 days of Paul Giamatti’s One-Man Manger. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  • SPECIAL 0x59 The Baldies 2018: Best Debut & Pilot

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x60 The Baldies 2018: Best Drama

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x61 The Baldies 2018: Return to Form

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x62 The Baldies 2018: Best Male Actor

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x63 The Baldies 2018: Best Commissioned Podcast

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x64 The Baldies 2018: Best Female Actor

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x65 The Baldies 2018: Worst Career Suicide

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x66 The Baldies 2018: Worst Disappointment

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x67 The Baldies 2018: Biggest Miss

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x68 The Baldies 2018: Biggest Surprise

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x69 The Baldies 2018: Best Comedy

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x70 The Baldies 2018: Most Under-Appreciated Bald Move Content

    • January 30, 2019

  • SPECIAL 0x71 The Baldies 2018 Awards Ceremony

    • January 30, 2019

    Welcome to the annual Baldies Awards, the most prestigious Cincinnati-based podcast fake awards show on the planet, where we honor the outstanding achievements in film, television, and Bald Move podcasting for the year! This is the main event, the 2018 Baldies Awards Ceremony proper. Once again we don our most formal t-shirts to hand out the Baldie gold to those deserving. Who takes home the top prize for Drama and Actor? There is sure to be fun and controversy along the way!

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Groundhog Day 2019

    • February 9, 2019

    Last year Jim and I endured 24 hours of the movie Groundhog Day, which meant we watched the film roughly 4,328 times. This year we resolve to swashbuckle our way through the entire Star Wars movie catalog, in chronological order! Live! For 24 hours! Non-stop! In the brief interludes between movies, we’ll be watching segments of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special to bring that little bit of extra pain.

  • SPECIAL 0x73 New Studio Planning

    • April 17, 2019

    The boys look into designing the new studio, dive behind the scenes of the inner bald move studio planning!

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Mailbag

    • May 10, 2019

    The boys have a look at some goodies received from Bald Move fans

  • SPECIAL 0x77 50 Million Download Q&A

    • June 12, 2019

    To celebrate our recent passing the big 50 millionth podcast downloaded milestone, we take to the mics to answer all the burningest questions our loyal listeners have for us. Our past, Bald Move's future, our opinions on everything, who we'd cast in movies about ourselves. Thanks to everyone who's ever downloaded a pod and for all the love and support! See you at 100 million!

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Empire Business: Breaking News

    • July 10, 2019

    Hey everybody. We have had to temporarily take down the ability to sign up new Club members because shady bags of crap were using our system to automatically test tens of thousands of stolen credit cards. This does not affect any Club member, your account wasn't compromised, and none of your card information was stolen, but it cost us a lot of money and we're taking down Club sign ups until we get a fix in place to keep this from happening. We think we'll have that by the weekend. Existing Club members should not be impacted at all, and renewals should process unless your credit card has expired.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Empire Business: 2019 Video Strategy

    • July 18, 2019

    Welcome back to the Empire Business, a podcast series designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of Bald Move, exclusively for our club members. This installment talks about our strategy for building a video audience to compliment our existing podcast one, how we'll be using Twitch and Youtube in the future to successfully implement that strategy, and what this means for you, as a Club member.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Empire Business: Advertising 2019

    • July 26, 2019

    In this episode of Empire Business, Jim and I take another look at the seedy side of podcasting; advertising. We've got a new backend host to show off, a new ad partner, some thoughts on advertising and our philosophy regards it, and some exciting news about a partnership with Starburns Audio for an upcoming high profile project!

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Empire Business: Club Update 2019

    • September 16, 2019

    We've been through another big season of Club Bald Move sales so it's time, once again, to update you all on how it's going.

  • SPECIAL 0x82 Empire Business: Commissions 2019

    • September 30, 2019

    In the latest Empire Business installment, Jim and A.Ron talk about the future of commissioned podcasts.

  • SPECIAL 0x83 Empire Business: State of the Empire 2019

    • October 21, 2019

    We're started a feature designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members. In honor of one of the all-time great series and the one that gave us our start, we're calling it Empire Business. It isn't meant to be a regular weekly feature, it's more of a "whenever we have something interesting to talk about and remember to turn the mics on" kind of thing. We hope you enjoy it.

  • SPECIAL 0x84 Mailbag: November 2019

    • December 6, 2019

    People send us cool stuff all the time, and we wanted to give thanks and show off said cool stuff. How do? A mailbag video!

  • SPECIAL 0x85 Empire Business: Quite a Pickle

    • January 14, 2020

    This feature is designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members. This episode features the details and timeline of events that was the coverage of Rick & Morty.

  • SPECIAL 0x86 Groundhog Day 2020

    • January 31, 2020

    In 2020, Bald Move is watching 24 consecutive hours of natural disaster themed movies to support relief efforts for the Australian bushfires. Jim, A.Ron, & Cecily (and a special guest??) will be watching 11 diaster-themed movies back to back for 24-hours straight live on Twitch to support the Australian Red Cross.

  • SPECIAL 0x98 The Baldies 2019: Best Debut & Pilot

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x99 The Baldies 2019: Worst Disappointment

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x100 The Baldies 2019: Best Documentary

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x101 The Baldies 2019: Best Drama

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x102 The Baldies 2019: Biggest Surprise

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x103 The Baldies 2019: Best Male Actor

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x104 The Baldies 2019: Best Female Actor

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x105 The Baldies 2019: Best Comedy

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x106 The Baldies 2019: Best Movie

    • February 19, 2020

  • SPECIAL 0x107 The Baldies 2019 Awards Ceremony

    • February 19, 2020

    After many hours of deliberations, A.Ron, Jim, and the Bald Move community have arrived at the winners of this year's Bald Move Awards.

  • SPECIAL 0x109 The Baldies 2020: Biggest Miss, Best Documentary, Biggest Surprise

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x110 The Baldies 2020: Best Comedy, Biggest Disappointment, Best Debut

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x111 The Baldies 2020: Best Movie

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x112 The Baldies 2020: Best Male Actor

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x113 The Baldies 2020: Best Female Actor, Best Commission

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x114 The Baldies 2020: Best Drama

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x115 The Baldies 2020 Awards Ceremony

    • February 10, 2021

  • SPECIAL 0x116 Empire Business: State of the Empire 2020

    • April 15, 2020

    Jim and A.Ron update the club on the current state of the empire, earlier in the year than usual. It's not all good news, but in the interest of transparency, we are being honest with our club members.

  • SPECIAL 0x117 State of the Empire 2021

    • March 22, 2021

    Join us for a deep dive into the finances of Bald Move over the past year and a half as we struggle with the pandemic and post-Game of Thrones downturn. Find out what we've done to stay afloat and how much longer we think this podcasting thing can last.

  • SPECIAL 0x118 Empire Business: Community 2022

    • June 29, 2021

    A.Ron and I talk about some changes coming over the next year to the ways you're able to interact with us.