Love in Sadness is a love story that encapsulates the mythical-like fate of love that is so coveted that it ignores all bounds. In it, love outweighs what the world thinks, ignores the pain and anguish with it, and pursues its destiny. In the drama, Ma Ri is a beautiful girl, married into wealth with a seemingly perfect life. Ironically, her husband, In Wook, who looks like a more than ideal husband, is an obsessive lunatic who is also violently abusive. When he pushes her too far, she reaches out for help from Jung Won, an honest, smart, handsome plastic surgeon. And when he agrees to help her escape from her husband's hands, they fall in love. But In Wook, who is consumed by his obsession for her, isn't going to let her get away from his grasp. Watch as these two characters struggle to stay on their arduous road to love.
'쫓기는 여자, 쫓는 남자, 숨겨준 남자'. 사랑은 흔하나 진짜 사랑은 힘든 시대! 진정한 사랑을 찾아가는 세 남녀의 격정 멜로 드라마
正元與河景在一起時沒能發現她的真心,一直以為他倆彼此熱烈相愛。 在得知河景有外遇時,他也只是默默忍耐,等待河景回到自己身邊。 他迴避為了重新獲得愛奮起抗爭,懼怕證實河景的感情早已冷卻,生怕河景真會離他而去。 河景因車禍成為植物人時,正元為自己不能讓河景再站起來感到自責。 他無法原諒自己雖然深愛河景,卻沒有竭盡全力就退卻。 因此在河景臥床的5年裡,他才更無法拋下河景離開。 他想治好河景,不再追問和計較,理解並原諒她…… 就這樣把他們的愛延續下去。 但是河景沒給他這個機會就離開了人世。 此後,愛情又一次降臨了。
正元想發生變化。 他不想再畏縮和退卻,而想坦率地面對兩人的現實。 他搞不清自己是愛瑪利酷似河景的面龐還是愛瑪利本人,但終於擺脫內心的煩惱,醒悟到自己愛的不是瑪利的面容,而是瑪利本身。 在醒悟到這點以後,他面向瑪利勇往直前,為了維護自己和瑪利的愛情不惜一切。 他向瑪利表白愛意,為了保護瑪利不受仁旭威脅不顧任何危險,哪怕自己因此粉身碎骨也在所不惜…… 這份愛情值得維護。 如今正元哪怕痛苦也感到幸福,只要能保護在他心中綻放的瑪利……。