女性メンバーがかつてXと行った思い出のデート地に行く、シャッフルデートの司令が入る。 他の男性と行く思い出の場所。期待と不安を孕んだ1日が動き出す。 翌日は全員で花火大会へ行くことに。特定のカードを引いた2人が、2人きりで鑑賞できる特別シートへ。その幸運な二人とは!?
A shuffle date command over the female members memorable date sites. What are the thoughts of each of the five pairs at their memorable dates? The next day, all 10 of them decide to go to a fireworks display together. There, those who drew the lucky card in a game were given special seats where they could watch the fireworks alone. Now, who will be the lucky couple?