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Season 1

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Songs: Christmas Song

    • December 10, 2021

    Merry Christmas! It's time to dance with Love Monster and his friends for a festive sing-a-long tune. Let’s have some Fluffytown fun in the snow.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Songs: Extended Theme Song

    • January 17, 2022

    Join Love Monster & his little community of friends for some sing-a-long fun.

  • S01E01 Sharing With Others Day

    • January 27, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster debates whether to share a box of chocolates with his friends or not.

  • S01E02 Bouncy-Slidey Day

    • January 27, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster has to overcome his fears of the big slide to rescue Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny when she gets scared.

  • S01E03 Three-Legged Race Day

    • January 27, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster is partnered with Bad Idea Puppy for the three-legged race.

  • S01E04 Show and Tell Day

    • January 27, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster worries about showing people his favourite conch shell when everyone else has unicorn-themed items for their show and tell presentations.

  • S01E05 Perfect Pineapple Party Day

    • January 27, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster's pineapple costume makes it difficult for him to participate in any of the party events.

  • S01E06 Hot Hot Hot Day

    • February 3, 2020
    • CBeebies

    On the hottest day of the year, Book Cub is worried that she will run out of cups to serve fro-yo in, so Love Monster volunteers to look after her fro-yo van while she goes to get more. But after Bad Idea Puppy encourages him to give out extra fro-yo, he gets carried away and accidentally breaks the fro-yo machine, causing a nasty mess. When Book Cub returns, she is upset, but Love Monster apologises and together with Bad Idea Puppy they clean everything up.

  • S01E07 Accidental Elder Day

    • February 4, 2020
    • CBeebies

    When Love Monster wakes with candyfloss stuck to his chin, he mistakes it for a beard and believes he has become an elder. He gets a job helping Elder Mouse at the Everything But Sprinkles Shop, but when it comes to baking elderberry pies he finds that being an elder is harder than he thought and makes a mess. Upset, Love Monster runs away and asks Elder Kitten for his help. Elder Kitten realises Love Monster's mistake and explains that he isn't an elder yet - but that he's done a very elder-y thing in asking for help.

  • S01E08 Paint a Picture Day

    • February 5, 2020
    • CBeebies

    After Love Monster volunteers Monster Teddy to pose for everyone's paintings, he realises he misses him when they are apart. Things get even worse when Bad Idea Puppy moves Monster Teddy further away to stop him getting splashed with paint. Love Monster tries to speed up the painting by offering to help his friends, but Elder Kitten wants to start his over. In the end, Love Monster can't take it anymore and poses with Monster Teddy so they can be together.

  • S01E09 Yay for Rain Day

    • February 6, 2020
    • CBeebies

    ­Rain is forecast in Fluffytown, but Love Monster is excited because his friends are coming round for an indoor activity day. They're going to knit onesies, drink hot chocolate and build a pillow fort! But when the weather turns out to be glorious, Love Monster's friends want to play outside instead. Eventually Love Monster is convinced to join them but when he does, it rains! Disappointed, his friends start to head back inside, but Love Monster says they can do his indoor activities outdoors!

  • S01E10 Special Surprise Day

    • February 7, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster has to use all his willpower not to open Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny's present before night-time - but what can it be?

  • S01E11 Clear Out Day

    • February 10, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster tries to share an old disco ball with his friends, but they all want to do different things with it.

  • S01E12 Dancing Away Day

    • February 11, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny has a dance competition out of town. Love Monster misses her while she is gone and worries that he didn’t wish her good luck.

  • S01E13 Picnic Night

    • February 12, 2020
    • CBeebies

    A mysterious giant bunny delays the night-time picnic.

  • S01E14 Carrot Day

    • February 13, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny is excited for Love Monster to try carrots, but it turns out he doesn't like them.

  • S01E15 Give It Another Go Day

    • February 14, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster doesn’t like the beach but tries to give it another go by looking for an aspect of it that he can enjoy.

  • S01E16 Elder Kitten Day

    • April 6, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Everyone is organising a surprise party for Elder Kitten, and Love Monster’s job is to keep Elder Kitten busy while they get things ready.

  • S01E17 Favourite Library Book Day

    • April 7, 2020
    • CBeebies

    It’s Favourite Library Book Day, but when Love Monster goes to show Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Elder Kitten his favourite book he borrowed from Book Cub, he can’t find it! What is he going to tell Book Cub? Elder Kitten's favourite book, Furlock Holmes, inspires Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny to play detective and search all over Fluffytown for the missing book.

  • S01E18 Happy to Help Day

    • April 8, 2020
    • CBeebies

    It's Happy to Help Day, so when Tinest Fluffiest Bunny asks Love Monster to help organise her dancercise outfits, he's happy to lend a hand. But when he also tries to help the In Chicks inflate their pool and the Council of Cuteness detangle their beards, he gets overwhelmed! Luckily, his friends know how to fix things in a way that makes everybody happy.

  • S01E19 Plant a Seed Day

    • April 9, 2020
    • CBeebies

    It's Plant a Seed Day, so Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny each choose some seeds from the Everything but Sprinkles shop. Although Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny's mirror-ball-dancing-flower seeds shoot upwards, Love Monster's hot chocolate flowers just won't grow, no matter what he does to help them...

  • S01E20 Snowman Day

    • April 10, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster builds a snowman called Tilty but worries when he begins to melt.

  • S01E21 Treasure Hunt Day

    • April 13, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster plans a treasure hunt but is worried that the treasure isn't that special

  • S01E22 Choose One Thing Day

    • April 14, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster struggles to find the perfect epic birthday present fo Bad Idea Puppy.

  • S01E23 Topsy Turvy Day

    • April 15, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster finds it difficult when everyone has to do things the opposite way around.

  • S01E24 Shooting Star Night

    • April 16, 2020
    • CBeebies

    A group of fireflies accidentally spoil Love Monster's stargazing garden party.

  • S01E25 Switch What You Do Day

    • April 17, 2020
    • CBeebies

    It's switch what you do day, so Love Monster and Delivery Duckling changes roles.

  • S01E26 Taking Turns Day

    • April 20, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster has to pass the time in a queue as he waits for his turn to play a cool game.

  • S01E27 Favourite Hat Day

    • April 21, 2020
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster wants to wear his favourite hat on Favourite Hat Day, but it's falling apart!

Season 2

  • S02E01 Hot Chocolate Day

    • September 21, 2020

    Delivery Duckling arrives and tells Love Monster he has been chosen to be sipping host at a special Hot Chocolate Day ceremony. She then cycles off before telling him what a sipping host does. Love Monster goes to Elder Panda to ask his advice, and he tells him there are many ways to serve hot chocolate - each person needs to find their own unique way. Elder Panda adds honey and banana from his garden to his. Love Monster starts the ceremony by adding his signature marshmallows, but then Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny announces she puts marshmallows in hers too. Love Monster thinks he needs to use something more unusual, so he adds pickles, but this doesn’t go down well - in fact, it tastes horrible! It turns out the reason why he was chosen was so that he could make hot chocolate the way he always makes it. He does, and everyone loves it.

  • S02E02 Harvest Day

    • September 22, 2020

    Love Monster has been chosen as the prize-picker at the Harvest Day contest, but when he gets there it turns out there is only one prize and three teams. This means he has to choose a winner between his friends – Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, Bad Idea Puppy and the In-Chicks. Round one is fancy fashion foodies, and everyone loves Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, so Love Monster thinks he can just pick her. Then it is round two – the veggie variety show. Everyone loves the In-Chicks, so Love Monster now has to choose between them and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny. Then it is the final round, which is the tantalizing taste test of home grown goodies, and this time everyone loves Bad Idea Puppy. Love Monster has no idea how he can pick a winner and runs off and hides, but then he realises Bad Idea Puppy always makes him laugh, so he declares him the winner.

  • S02E03 Kite Day

    • September 23, 2020

    Elder Panda is teaching Love Monster to fly a kite. Love Monster loves to watch it swish around in the air. Elder Panda goes off to get some froyo, which is perfect on Kite Day. Before he goes, he tells Love Monster that soon it will be time for him to go on to his next kiting challenge. Love Monster looks at all the other kites and sees the dragon kite, which is the largest kite of them all. Love Monster’s small kite doesn’t seem that exciting any more. He decides to try the dragon kite for just a minute. At first it seems easy, but then a wind gets it tangled in a tree. The rope breaks, and the kite flies off, causing mayhem in Fluffytown with everyone thinking it is a real dragon invasion. Finally, Elder Panda arrives and manages to bring it down to the ground using an umbrella, and Love Monster comes clean, saying how sorry he is. Elder Panda is disappointed, but he does understand, as he too wanted to fly before he could run. Sometimes, however, you have to start small before going big.

  • S02E04 Sleepover Night

    • September 24, 2020

    Love Monster is excited about his first sleepover night with Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny but is confused when he finds out that she gets ready for bed very differently to him.

  • S02E05 Fluffytown Rocks Day

    • September 25, 2020

    Love Monster finds a lucky rock which means he can do anything - even a complicated DJ spin. But then disaster strikes, and he loses it just before he is due to go on stage.

  • S02E06 Red Envelope Day

    • September 28, 2020

    Love Monster is carefully putting the finishing touches to a set of cards that he is going to send out for Red Envelope Day. But after accidentally knocking into Delivery Duckling, the cards get mixed up, and he sends out Elder Kitten's envelope without his card in it! Love Monster must chase down Delivery Duckling and stop her from making the delivery.

  • S02E07 Tidy Up Day

    • September 29, 2020

    It’s Tidy Up Day, so everyone in Fluffytown is tidying things. Love Monster helps Book Cub to clean up the forest, and as he does so, finds several items that would make great souvenirs. These include a bunny-shaped rock, a cloud-shaped leaf and a heart-shaped stone. But he doesn't notice that each time he take a souvenir, it disturbs a forest creature that was using it. Once he finally realises this, he and Book Cub work together to put all of the treasures back in their rightful places.

  • S02E08 Ha Ha Ha Day

    • September 30, 2020

    Dr Piggles on Ha Ha Ha Day, only to find that his friend has the hiccups and is unable to make his patients laugh. Dr Piggles asks Love Monster if he can fill in for him while he rests, assuring him that he'll be right there to help out. But when the hiccups get worse, he has to lock himself in the back room, and Love Monster must find ways to make all the patients laugh by himself.

  • S02E09 Befriend A Bug Day

    • October 1, 2020

    It's Befriend a Bug Day, but Love Monster keeps accidentally annoying or scaring the bugs in his garden. When Elder Kitten reminds him that he is DJing at the Befriend a Bug party later, he starts practising his beatboxing. He notices some caterpillars on a nearby branch dancing to the music, but when he tries to approach them, they get frightened and curl up. Realising that they aren't afraid of him while he makes music, Love Monster builds them a miniature stage and happily performs for them. But when the party starts, they all appear to have vanished - or so it seems...

  • S02E10 Frozen Fun Day

    • October 2, 2020

    It’s Frozen Fun Day, and Love Monster is having trouble learning to ice-skate. He asks Elder Kitten, who is much better at it, to teach him. Elder Kitten agrees to show him how and tells him that the trick is to get back up after falling. Despite falling over again and again, Love Monster gradually gets better - but how will he do in the big show?

  • S02E11 Make Something Epic Day

    • October 5, 2020

    It’s Make Something Epic Day, and Love Monster knows exactly what he is going to make. In a fantasy, he imagines standing at the top of an epic fort in the forest while his friends come to play with him. Out of the fantasy, Love Monster gets to work on a building using rocks, twigs and wood from the forest. But when he has finished building, the fort that he has made isn’t epic at all. It’s just a pile of rocks, twigs and wood. He realises that this might be a bigger job than he thought.

  • S02E12 Do Something New Day

    • October 6, 2020

    Love Monster is finding it hard to think of something new to do on Do Something New Day, so he heads to Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny’s house to see if she has any ideas.

  • S02E13 Challenge Yourself Day

    • October 7, 2020

    Love Monster is excited to start a Challenge Yourself Day adventure with his friends. He’s planned a mountain hike with a special sunset surprise for them at the peak. At the base of the mountain, Love Monster hands out equipment to Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, Bad Idea Puppy and Book Cub. But when he tries to talk through his plan and warm-up, his friends play with their equipment and have fun doing their own exercises. A little frustrated, Love Monster blows his whistle to get their attention and says it’s time to start climbing.

  • S02E14 Super Sound Day

    • October 8, 2020

    Love Monster heads out to meet up with Book Cub, who has a special Super Sound Day surprise for him. Before he meets her, he hears a buzzing bee and has fun beatboxing to it.

  • S02E15 Lost Things Day

    • October 9, 2020

    Love Monster arrives at the Lost Things Office, ready to help Elder Bunny try and reunite the citizens of Fluffytown with possessions they might have lost.

  • S02E16 Frosty Frolics Day

    • December 7, 2020

    It’s Frosty Frolics Day, and Love Monster plans to spend it with Bad Idea Puppy and his cousin Good Idea Puppy, who has come to visit. Love Monster thinks that since Good Idea Puppy is the guest, she should choose which activity they do first. She decides that they should start with the ice slide. Love Monster and Good Idea Puppy go together and have a great time, but Bad Idea Puppy has to go on his own and struggles to slide down. After the slide, they visit the Frosty Frolics Fayre, and Good Idea Puppy and Love Monster accidentally choose activities made for two all day long. Finally, just as Love Monster and Good Idea Puppy are about to go on a tandem ski through the forest, Bad Idea Puppy asks if this time he can go with his cousin so he won’t be the odd puppy out. Love Monster happily agrees, but soon he realises that frosty frolics aren’t fun on your own, and that Bad Idea Puppy must have been feeling left out all day.

  • S02E17 Day After Woo Hoo Day Day

    • January 1, 2021

    A half-asleep Love Monster exits his house and walks towards the green, passing snoozing citizens on the way. He notices that the whole of the green is covered with litter and snoring Fluffytowners. Love Monster remembers that yesterday was Woo Hoo Day and the whole of Fluffytown had a big party - which makes today the Day After Woo Hoo Day. Love Monster attempts to clean up all of the mess on his own as a nice surprise for his friends, but he struggles and soon realises that it is a very big job. He should ask for help! He wakes everyone up, saying if everyone picks up one piece of litter each, they can tidy up the green in no time. Elder Kitten says he knows just the song for the job. Love Monster and Elder Kitten lead the Fluffytowners in singing a funky, tidying up song as they each pick up a piece of litter to clean the green. Everyone takes their piece of litter to the recycling centre where they queue up to do their bit for the environment.

  • S02E18 Invent Something New Day

    • March 15, 2021

    Love Monster and his teammate Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny are excited to be entering the Invent Something New Day contest at the recycling shed. The challenge is to take something old that doesn’t work anymore and make something new. The competition judge, Elder Chick, reveals that the winner will be awarded the Invent Something New Day trophy. She sets a quirky timer, and the competition begins! Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny look through the materials in the shed and try and come up with a winning idea. They each come up with ideas, but neither are good enough. Just then, Elder Chick tells them that they only have half the time left to finish their inventions. Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny sigh and collapse onto a sofa, but they are bounced back up by some exposed springs. That gives them both an idea! Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny wants to make a self-boinging-pogo-stick, but Love Monster wants to make a chocolate-shake-maker. They only have enough time left to make one, so they decide to split up and make their own inventions. Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny struggle to make their inventions work on their own. With time running out, Love Monster speaks to Book Cub, who tells him that sometimes things that don’t seem to go together… do. Love Monster is struck by this as he looks around and sees the other teams helping each other finish their inventions in contrast with Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, who is still struggling with hers. Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny agree to put their two ideas together, and they create the choc-to-pogo just in time. Elder Chick awards the teammates the trophy! Sometimes two heads and two tails really are better than one!

  • S02E19 Moon Cake Day

    • March 15, 2021

    It’s the morning of the Moon Cake Day festival. Love Monster announces to everyone that he is going to make an enormous, record-breaking, strawberry moon cake for the finale, which will take place at his house later. The festival begins, and Love Monster borrows a recipe book from Book Cub on how to make moon cakes. Love Monster reads the list of ingredients; he’ll need eggs, butter, flour and strawberries. Book Cub reminds him that big moon cakes take a little longer to make, but they are worth the extra work. Love Monster is excited to start baking but is immediately distracted by Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, who invites him to join in the rabbit lantern race. Love Monster decides to have one quick race, and then he’ll start the moon cake. When Love Monster begins to head home, he is distracted by the sounds of Elder Panda playing a beautiful melody on a guzheng. He decides to stay for one little song but ends up staying longer to have a go himself. He plays a cool song and beatboxes along, but then he realises that the sun is setting, and he hasn’t even begun making his moon cake. He quickly starts to run back to his house but is distracted yet again – this time by Book Cub’s shadow puppet show. Enthralled, Love Monster sits down and accidentally watches the whole show. It is now really late! Love Monster rushes to the shop to get the ingredients for the moon cake and hurries back home. But when he gets back, he realises that he has forgotten the strawberries! Just then, everyone arrives outside - they’re ready for the moon cake. Love Monster panics and starts throwing together the ingredients and adding in pickles and onions in place of the strawberries. But it’s too late: there’s not enough time to finish it and his cake is a disaster. He admits to his friends that he got distracted by all of the festival fun and didn’t leave enough time to make the enormous moon cake he promised them all. Everyone is disappointed, but Elder Kitten says that mini cakes

  • S02E20 Starring Role Day

    • March 15, 2021

    It’s Put on a Play Day, and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Bad Idea Puppy are both hoping that they are picked for the starring role in a play called The Mystery Package. Love Monster doesn’t know which role he would like. When Elder Kitten announces that this year he would like to play a tree, Love Monster is given the role of the director. Love Monster isn’t sure what a director does, so Elder Kitten tells him that it means he is the leader, so he just has to be fair and make choices so that the play is the best it can be. Love Monster holds auditions for the starring role of the package presenter, and first up is Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny. She does a dance routine accompanied by some off-key hum-singing and Love Monster loves it. He’s excited to give the role to his best friend, but just then Bad Idea Puppy rolls in on his skateboard and auditions with a cool stunt, before crashing into some props. Love Monster loves Bad Idea Puppy’s audition too and can’t decide who to give the starring role to. He’s worried about having to pick between his friends. Love Monster avoids making a decision and tries to help paint the set instead. Bad Idea Puppy skates in holding a paint brush, eager to show off his skills as a package presenter. But rather than deliver the brush to Love Monster, he loses control of the skateboard and accidentally paints the sky of the set grey. Love Monster worries about the set, and just then Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny arrives to present him with a soft pillow to calm his nerves. But when she tries to deliver the pillow to Love Monster, Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny trips on a paint can! The pillow rips, sticking bits of fluff to the set like gloomy clouds. Bad Idea Puppy and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny ask Love Monster again which one of them he is going to choose for the starring role, but Love Monster doesn’t want to hurt either of his friends’ feelings. Before he has to make a decision, they are interrupted by Delivery Duckling, who arrives dramatic

  • S02E21 Pool Party Day

    • March 15, 2021

    Love Monster is finishing the preparations for his pool party when he notices a very small leak in his inflatable pool. As Love Monster inspects the leak, Bad Idea Puppy, Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Delivery Duckling arrive ready for the party. Love Monster thinks he could tape the leak up quickly but doesn’t want to miss out on the fun with his friends, so he leaves it. Love Monster, Bad Idea Puppy and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny have fun playing in the pool, but when Love Monster borrows Bad Idea Puppy’s scuba mask, he sees that the water level is going down. Love Monster notices that the leak is getting worse, but before he can fix it, Bad Idea Puppy asks him to play some music so he can dance. Love Monster says he will fix the leak after one dance. He starts the music, and Bad Idea Puppy challenges him to a dance-off. The pair have fun trying to out-dance each other, but then Love Monster slips in a puddle caused by the leak. He looks at the leak but gets distracted again by Delivery Duckling hitting a volleyball his way. Wanting to join in the fun, Love Monster says he’ll fix the leak after a game. Love Monster and Delivery Duckling play volleyball, but their game is cut short when Love Monster slips on a bigger puddle caused by the leak. Caught in the volleyball net, Love Monster scoots across the ground towards the leak like a worm, accidentally dragging the snack table along with him too. He tries to plug the hole in the pool with his finger, but it’s too late: the rest of the water comes gushing out, the pool rips and Love Monster floats away on the grass. The party is ruined, and Love Monster is upset, but his friends comfort him and help him tidy up. Love Monster picks up a long strip of the ripped rubber pool, and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny is on the other end. She slips and slides down, which gives her an idea for the party. The friends work together to construct a fun slip-and-slide out of the ripped pool, and they take turns sliding down. When it

  • S02E22 Spectacular Sparkly Night

    • March 15, 2021

    Love Monster is playing a quiet game of checkers with Monster Teddy when a firework makes a loud bang outside and startles him. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Bad Idea Puppy arrive and check if he is okay. Love Monster asks what the noise was, and his friends explain that it was a firework, ahead of the Spectacular Sparkly Night show that evening. Love Monster really wants to see the amazing fireworks with his friends, but he doesn’t like being scared by the loud noises. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny suggests that maybe they can help find a way to make the fireworks less scary for him. The friends visit Book Cub, who gives Love Monster a pop-up book called Fabulous Fireworks. Love Monster starts to read, and in a fantasy he floats through a beautiful display of fireworks without any explosions. He is suddenly snapped out of the fantasy by a loud bang. In the sky above, some more fireworks go off, and Love Monster is scared again. He says that fireworks are much better when they are quiet. The friends visit Elder Kitten to see if he has any quiet fireworks. But Elder Kitten says that all of the fireworks for the show are loud because the louder they are, the more sparkly they are. Elder Kitten thinks that if Love Monster understands how a small firework works, maybe they won’t seem as scary. After making sure Love Monster and his friends are a safe distance away, Elder Kitten sets off the long fuse for a small firework. Love Monster watches anxiously as it burns down, getting more and more nervous until he can’t take it anymore, and he runs home. That evening at his home, Love Monster plays some music on his decks to cheer himself up. Just then Bad Idea Puppy arrives dressed as a firework. Since Love Monster doesn’t like the noises of real fireworks, he’s made himself into a quiet one. He makes quiet firework noises, but Love Monster doesn’t notice him. Eventually, Love Monster sees Bad Idea Puppy and he realises that he can’t hear him over the music in his headph

  • S02E23 In A Spin Day

    • March 22, 2021
    • BBC

    Love Monster has agreed to teach Bad Idea Puppy how to DJ for the In a Spin Day opening ceremony. He starts by trying to teach him the beginning of his In a Spin Day song. The song is composed by pressing a series of buttons in a particular order, which Love Monster slowly demonstrates. But when it’s Bad Idea Puppy’s turn, he forgets the order and hits other random buttons, causing the song to go super-fast or super-loud. Not how Love Monster wants it to be.

  • S02E24 Dress Up Day

    • March 22, 2021
    • BBC

    It’s Dress Up Day in Fluffytown, and Love Monster is excited to show off his Music Monster superhero costume. It’s a superhero character that he has invented, and his superpower is his beatboxing, which makes villains run away.

  • S02E25 Very Dark Night

    • March 22, 2021
    • BBC
  • S02E26 Super-Fun Day

    • March 22, 2021
    • BBC
  • S02E27 Movie Night

    • March 22, 2021
    • BBC

Season 3

  • S03E01 A Very Merry Unicorn Day

    • December 6, 2021

    When it doesn’t snow on Unicorn Day, Love Monster uses snow bubbles to cover Fluffytown with snow so Glitterhorn can deliver their presents, but he accidentally snows everyone in!

  • S03E02 Jam Session Day

    • January 24, 2022

    Love Monster and Bad Idea Puppy get locked in his bathroom.

  • S03E03 Camping Buddy Day

    • February 25, 2022

    Love Monster goes camping with Delivery Duckling, but things keep going wrong for him.

  • S03E04 Splash About Day

    • January 26, 2022

    Love Monster is excited to be an assistant lifeguard for the day.

  • S03E05 Happy Healthy Day

    • January 27, 2022

    Love Monster feigns illness, but the fibbing makes him feel ill for real.

  • S03E06 Super Rainbow Day

    • January 28, 2022

    Love Monster searches for the magic sparkle dust at the end of the rainbow.

  • S03E07 Siesta Fiesta Day

    • January 31, 2022

    Love Monster is frustrated when he can't get to sleep on Siesta Fiesta Day.

  • S03E08 Makeover Day

    • February 1, 2022

    Love Monster and his friends redecorate Elder Kitten's living room, but not in his style.

  • S03E09 Woodworking Day

    • February 2, 2022

    Love Monster crafts a special toy plane for himself, but he is worried about sharing it.

  • S03E10 Fluffytown Swap Day

    • February 3, 2022

    Love Monster has a clear-out for a bring-and-swap event but can’t let his old things go.

  • S03E11 Take a Treat Day

    • February 4, 2022

    Bad Idea Puppy tries to beat the speed record for treat-taking but takes them all instead.

  • S03E12 Moving Day

    • February 7, 2022

    Bad Idea Puppy listens in on a Council of Cuteness meeting and mishears that Take My Time Tortoise is moving. The false news spreads as he and Love Monster plan a leaving party.

  • S03E13 Party All Day Day

    • February 7, 2022

    Love Monster wants to make sure he does all the activities on Party All Day Day, but he starts to feel tired before his favourite bit - the conga!

  • S03E14 Babysitting Day

    • February 7, 2022

    It is Babysitting Day, and Love Monster is practising with Monster Teddy because he is going to look after a real baby. Just then, there is a knock at the door and it’s Caring-And-Sharing Koala with his baby, Quiet Koala. Caring-And-Sharing Koala places the sleeping baby in a basket and thanks Love Monster for looking after his pride and joy, before handing him a huge bag of things to keep the baby happy.

  • S03E15 Sparkle and Shine Day

    • February 7, 2022

    Love Monster trades in his old scooter for a shiny new one but finds he can no longer do a lot of the fun things on it that he used to do with his old one.

  • S03E16 Breakfast for Dinner Day

    • February 7, 2022

    Love Monster has planned the perfect dinner for his friends, but after he spends too long on the decorations, he runs out of time to cook - and things go from bad to worse.

  • S03E17 EXtreme Snowy Sports Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    It’s Extreme Snowy Sports Day and Love Monster is excited to show Monster Teddy the extreme slopes on Mount Fluffaroo. At that moment, Delivery Duckling skis down and covers Love Monster in snow. She apologises saying she was having ‘snow’ much fun that she didn’t see him. Love Monster continues to the slopes, but at that moment, Elder Kitten makes an announcement reminding everyone they have to be taller than the picture of the safety seal if they want to play extreme sports.

  • S03E18 Be a Brave Bunny Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster is dancing down the street towards Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny’s house carrying a balloon. He has made up a dance for her birthday – the Bunny Bop! He is really excited to perform his special dance for his best friend, but doing it in front of anyone else makes his feet go wobbly. He continues to her house, and she excitedly answers the door before he even has a chance to knock and says it’s just what she wanted for her birthday – her bestie and a balloon! Love Monster chuckles and hands her the balloon wishing her a happy birthday. Attached to the balloon is an invitation, which she reads. It’s for a super-duper special Bunny Bop just for her. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny gives Love Monster a big hug and says that it’s going to be the best bit of her whole birthday. Love Monster thinks that sounds like a very big deal, so he had better get back to practising.

  • S03E19 What's Going on Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster wakes up and goes to his calendar to see what Fluffytown will be celebrating that day. But when he gets there, he is confused to find that there is no special day sticker on his calendar today. Love Monster looks worried; how can he prepare for the day’s activities if he doesn’t know what day it is? Love Monster decides that he will just have to prepare for everything and loads up his cart with an array of random items.

  • S03E20 Make a Plan Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    It’s Make a Plan Day and Love Monster and Elder Panda are in the Everything but Sprinkles Store getting supplies for the very busy day they have planned together. They’ve planned crafting, bonsai snipping, hot chocolate sipping, kite flying, DJing and pipa playing. Elder Panda realises that he has forgotten to get the stickers for their crafting so tells Love Monster to wait for him with the basket while he goes to get them. He heads off, but while Love Monster waits, he hears an announcement over the loudspeaker from the store owner Elder Mouse.

  • S03E21 Magic Show Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster performs in the One Trick Magic Show but gets carried away and accidentally hogs the limelight from Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny by performing three tricks instead of one.

  • S03E22 Treat Your Friends Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster can’t wait to pamper Eager Beaver and Book Cub at the Fluffytown spa for Treat Your Friends Day. Elder Sheep welcomes them to the spa and guarantees they will be relaxed before they leave. But when they take their time to relax, Love Monster tries to rush things causing everyone to be stressed instead.

  • S03E23 Lost Parcel Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster helps Delivery Duckling try to deliver a lost parcel so she can keep her 100 per cent delivery record, but all the clues they find send them down dead ends.

  • S03E24 Elders Away Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Elder Kitten has a big announcement. He tells everyone that today is Elders Away Day, when the Council of Cuteness goes on holiday, and says they need a volunteer to lead Fluffytown. Eager Beaver puts her hand up and says that if she is picked, they will break the record for the most fun things done in one day. The Elders are impressed and Elder Kitten announces that Eager Beaver will be the leader for the day. But Eager Beaver becomes so determined to break the fun record that she bosses her friends around.

  • S03E25 The Big Beanbag Bash Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    It’s the Big Beanbag Bash Day and Love Monster is very excited to throw some beanbags and win some games. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny does better than he does, and Love Monster feels jealous of the attention that she gets. He becomes so frustrated that he kicks a beanbag and it hurtles towards the scoreboard, knocking all the points to the ground, ripping the bunting and giving Delivery Duckling, Elder Chick, Elder Panda and the In-Chicks a fright. The crowd is stunned into silence. Love Monster is horrified at what he has done and immediately says sorry. He explains that he wants everyone to cheer for him like they cheer for Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny. She admits it did feel good and tingly inside when everyone was cheering for her, but she says that everyone has something they are good at and Love Monster is the best beatboxer in Fluffytown. Love Monster realises that she is right and starts beatboxing. The Fluffytowners start having fun again and begin cheering for him

  • S03E26 Road Trip Day

    • May 2, 2022
    • CBeebies

    Love Monster is on a road trip with Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny in her carrot car. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny is finally going to Carrot Rock Canyon just like her great-great-aunt did. However, they find the route a lot harder than they thought. When they finally end up in Carrot Rock Canyon, Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny thanks Love Monster for taking the hard way, and they take some photos of themselves at the amazing canyon.