Noch zwei Wochen bis zum Regionalausscheid. Ihre Mitwettbewerber werden mehr Unterstützer haben, weil sie aus größeren Schulen kommen. Aber die Aqours glauben an sich und an ihre Chika.
The girls learn that there are only 57 prospective students so far and the deadline for attaining 100 needed students will coincide with the regional qualifiers, which will be held at the same place from the last time. As Kanan reminisces about the special routine she developed two years ago that led to Mari's injury, Mari and Dia convince her to let Chika try it, as they have only one chance left at Love Live. Chika spends two weeks trying to learn the routine without success, until Kanan convinces her that she must give up on it should she not manage to do it the next morning. She then spends the entire night practicing, later joined by the rest of Aqours, who thank her for gathering them together. As the sun rises, Chika finally manages to perform the routine, which she does perfectly as they perform in the regional qualifiers.
입학 희망자가 좀처럼 늘지 않는데다 전교생 수가 적은 탓에 지역예선에서 불리해진 아쿠아. 위기를 해결하기 위해 내놓은 방안을 카난은 썩 마음에 들어 하지 않는데.
Em preparação para as preliminares regionais do Love Live, Mari e Dia sugerem a Kanan que as Aqours usem a formação que as três criaram há dois anos.
Las chicas de Aqours parece que esta vez tienen bastantes expectativas de cara al Love Live, pero no es suficiente. Tendrán que darlo todo para seguir adelante para lograr su sueño.
前回突破できなかったラブライブ!地区大会に向け、必死に練習を重ねる9人。しかし地区大会では会場に出場校の生徒が応援に来るため、生徒数の少ない浦の星女学院は不利になってしまう。生徒数の不利をカバーする方法を見つけようと、「Saint Snow」の聖良にアドバイスを求める千歌。そんな折、3年生から渡されたノートには、かつて鞠莉がケガをしてしまった高難易度のパフォーマンスが記されていた。 Aqoursらしさとは、輝きとは――。自分のことを“普通で非力”だと思い込んできた千歌は、その答えを求めて大技へ挑む。