Gerade als die Mädchen der Aquors-Idols überlegen, was sie am Infotag ihrer Schule darbieten können, damit sich im kommenden Schuljahr mehr Schüler anmelden, erhalten sie die Nachricht, dass der Infotag abgesagt wurde.
Despite not making it to the nationals, the girls become eager to enter the next Love Live! event taking place next spring. As the girls prepare to hold a concert at a school open house, Mari is perturbed by a phone call from her father, something Kanan and Dia are quick to pick up on. Mari eventually reveals to the others that, despite her attempts to overturn her father's decision, the school open house will be cancelled as it has been decided Uranohoshi High will officially stop accepting new students and be closed down. As Chika is initially hit hard by this news, she remains determined not to give up and make a miracle happen, a sentiment that is quickly met by the rest of Aqours.
2학기가 시작된 우라노호시 여고. 다음 러브라이브가 결정되고 당연히 러브라이브에 나가기로 결정한 아쿠아. 하지만 에상치못한 난관이 그들을 막아서는데.
As aulas voltam na escola de Uranohoshi! As membros da Aqours estão com sua determinação renovada para manter a escola aberta! Contudo, uma notícia ruim as deixa para baixo...
Tras lo ocurrido en la temporada anterior, las chicas de Aqours lucharán nuevamente por llegar al Love Live, pero reciben una noticia desastrosa.