mother did we need to get so high?
How did I ever make a video essay about LOLITA?
Bon appétit! ????
A story of stomach illness and some solitude in the time of coronavirus. Bottom's up!
What's the deal with LO'S DIARY? I examine the derivative Vladimir Nabokov's LOLITA work written from Dolores Haze’s perspective. Was it successful in being the feminist retelling of LOLITA it wanted to be? Well... Let’s talk about it.
The Absurd Horror of Marge Simpson is a video that exists.
It's time to re-evaluate The Bell Jar... and Sylvia Plath in general.
One whole year of YouTube! Here's the first in a new, ongoing series discussing art & the artist - a topic that never goes out of fashion. For this round, I examine "Artistic Temperament" and "Problematic Faves" via Lana Del Rey, Pablo Picasso, and Stephen Sondheim. Hope you like it!
To quote the great Penelope Scott: "As an Amewican... (f*ck)."
The video in which I hit on someone's late uncle (I'm so sorry), stumble upon a review written by my literary nemesis, and tell these darn kids to get off my lawn & read things other than 'The Great Gatsby'!!
Nuance, Part 2: The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Genius and Here’s Why! Or, How to Forgive Jesus and Still Feel Ashamed of Your Mother in the Morning, or, 'I Have Mentioned Phoebe Bridgers in My Video and Will Continue To Do So Until I Get a Girlfriend Out of It!’
It's complicated.
Mother made you your favorite, open wide...
In which I discuss Emily Prager’s 'Roger Fishbite', another re-imagining of Lolita from Lo’s perspective.
It’s time to examine a celebrity grief niche…
"I hope you had a good time eating human meat." - Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
you're gonna need a bigger brain.
Blink and you'll miss the ivory-billed woodpecker!