Quatro jogadores fortíssimos ainda resistem como podem, mas vai ser muito difícil segurar o riso nesses últimos minutos de jogo. E uma paródia irresistível do leão mais amado do cinema pode quebrá-los de vez. Além disso, Tom Cavalcante e Clarice Falcão agitam a reta final com desafios, performances e até uma apresentação musical surpresa. Afinal, quem será que vai rir por último no LOL?
Time is running out and the end is near. Four very strong players still resist, but it's going to be very difficult to hold back laughter in these last minutes of the game. Fatigue kicks in, one of them gets distracted and laughs at himself. Three comedians continue, and laughter moves closer and closer when an on-set invasion and an irresistible parody of cinema's most beloved lion could break them for good. Inside the Loser's Room, expectations are so high to know who will win the show that they even make a betting pool. Meanwhile, Tom Cavalcante and Clarice Falcão rock the final stretch with challenges, performances and even a surprise musical presentation. After all, who will be the last laugh?