Metade do jogo já foi e tem gente que não ri nem debaixo d'água. Passadas três horas, eles vão pra guerra com seus personagens. Noemia Oliveira com seu Bonecão de Posto, Igor Guimarães com seu Mergulhador e Thiago Ventura com seu Espartano medroso e sem amigos. Tom e Clarice também têm algumas cartas na manga para provocá-los. Ainda assim, esses operários da comédia não desistem de lutar.
Half of the game has flown by and there are people who, apparently, don't laugh even underwater. After three hours of competition, they don't feel the fatigue and go to war with their characters. Noemia Oliveira bets big with her 'Tube man', Igor Guimarães goes deep with his Diver and Thiago Ventura features a fearful and friendless Spartan. Tom and Clarice also have a few comic cards up their sleeves to tease them and will leave them on the verge of a fit of laughter with a game full of strange objects. Still, these comedy workers don't give up fighting, even when they fall into the worst comic trap there is: laughing at themselves.