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Season 1

  • S01E01 Video Game Crossover Web part 1 | Halo to Mario

    • March 3, 2013
    • YouTube

    I've decided to start making a crossover web, to prove that most video games all share the same universe/omniverse. I've been wanting to make a YouTube show like this for a long time, and the idea of starting with crossovers got me off my butt to do it.

  • S01E02 Female Armor, How it Works

    • March 18, 2013
    • YouTube

    As skimpy/sexy armor becomes more prevalent in video games, many people question just how it works. Here I will explain it.

  • S01E03 Video Game Crossover Web part 2 | Doctor Who to Kingdom Hearts

    • June 22, 2013
    • YouTube

    Part 2 is finally up, expect a slew of Mario links and for Megaman and some classic Sony of America stars to make their debut. This web is already getting too cramped, I'm going to have to re-organize it before next part.

  • S01E04 Top 6 Examples of Product Placement in Video Games

    • June 30, 2013
    • YouTube

    New intro, new look, and I feel as if I'm getting better at this. These are my top 6 personal "favorite" examples of product placement in video games.

  • S01E05 Video Game Crossover Web part 3 | Anime to Metroid

    • July 5, 2013
    • YouTube

    Mispronounciations galore in this one. If you haven't seen part 1 or 2 yet go do so now.

  • S01E06 How Many Final Fantasy Games are There?

    • July 11, 2013
    • YouTube

    There are a lot more than you may think.

  • S01E07 Video Game Crossover Web part 4 | Uncharted to Minecraft to Sesame Street

    • October 19, 2013
    • YouTube

    I'm BAAAAACK! And here is some more of my web, please give me more links to use in the comments below as my list now only has links that cant connect to this web at all.

  • S01E08 Is Croc a Crocodile?

    • November 1, 2013
    • YouTube

    If not, then what? Lets find out. I loved this game as a kid, was the first 3D game I played, i had the Windows 95 version. So lets learn about crocodiles and alligators and determine if this classic character truly is what his name claims him to be.

  • S01E09 LORE: Metroid and X

    • December 8, 2013
    • YouTube

    Sometimes games share lore with one another, and sometimes it's not so obvious when it does. Lets find the hidden lore in Metroid and its connection to the game X.

  • S01E10 LORE: Ghost Recon and HAWX

    • December 8, 2013
    • YouTube

    Sometimes games share lore with one another, and sometimes it's not so obvious when it does. While the link between Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and HAWX isn't so hidden to some, it's news to others.

  • S01E11 LORE: Halo and Marathon

    • December 10, 2013
    • YouTube

    This topic is a bit controversial among bigger Halo fans, but I don't care. Here we will discover the hidden lore within the Halo series and its connection to Marathon and Pathways into Darkness.

Season 2

  • S02E01 LORE: Final Fantasy XII and Vagrant Story

    • January 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    Final Fantasy shares history and shares its universe with more than just other Final Fantasy games. Here is a look at Final Fantasy XII and its connection to Vagrant Story, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders, and how all of them together make the Ivalice Alliance.

  • S02E02 LORE: The Last of Us and Uncharted

    • January 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    The Last of Us takes place in the future of the Uncharted franchise, here's how.

  • S02E03 LORE: Mass Effect and Dragon Age

    • January 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    And you thought these games were too different to be in the same galaxy.

  • S02E04 Counterfeit / Bootlegged Games

    • January 14, 2014
    • YouTube

    This is just a little vlog (in the style of YouTuber Ashens) about my experience with counterfeit games.

  • S02E05 Custom Consoles / Raspberry Pi Snes

    • January 15, 2014
    • YouTube

    Another vloggy-type video, again I had to dub over it so its a bit off. Now I'm talking about my experience with custom consoles and the Raspberry Pi. It only takes minor programming knowledge or for you to be really good at following directions to make a Raspberry Pi Snes.

  • S02E06 Nud!ty in Kirby

    • January 21, 2014
    • YouTube

    One of the developers of the game thought it would be funny to throw a hidden naked woman in the game. Well here it is.

  • S02E07 Pokémyth: Wobbuffet's Tail & Evolution

    • January 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    2 Pokémyths in 1! what a way to start a miniseries! First its the somewhat well known myth about its tail. followed by a preposterous theory involving the THREE evolutionary stages Wobbuffet goes through.

  • S02E08 The Problem With JRPG Geography

    • January 24, 2014
    • YouTube

    This problem is more common than it sounds.

  • S02E09 The Madden Curse

    • January 27, 2014
    • YouTube

    With the Superbowl coming up in America I figured it's a good time to talk about this gaming urban legend involving EA's Madden.

  • S02E10 Pokémyth: Dittos Evolution Tree

    • January 27, 2014
    • YouTube

    Mew, Ditto and...Weezing!? Learn two myths about ditto, the common theory about their connection to mew, and this new theory involving their evolution tree.

  • S02E11 PokéMyth: Slowpoke the Omniscient

    • January 28, 2014
    • YouTube

    This actually makes a lot of sense.

  • S02E12 A History of Totaka's Song

    • January 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    I love game developers who do fun little things like this. Totaka Kazumi is one cool dude, and here are many of the places he has put his song into.

  • S02E13 Video Game Crossover Web part 5 | Gnoggin | Sonic and Street Fighter

    • February 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    It's finally here, the final installment of The Great Crossover Web. It's been fun guys.

  • S02E14 Mario's Balls

    • February 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Oh Nintendo, you so silly. Consider this a Nintenuendo. I'll be doing other vids on them too. Like the Nudity in Kirby one.

  • S02E15 WORST Title Screen EVER!?

    • February 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Here are some good title screens, followed by the WORST one EVER!

  • S02E16 How Many Mario Games are There?

    • February 17, 2014
    • YouTube

    Short answer: Too many.

  • S02E17 PokéMyth: Arceus and the Unown

    • February 23, 2014
    • YouTube

    Arceus single handedly created all of the Pokemon reality, or did it?

  • S02E18 Ridley in Smash Bros. 4

    • February 24, 2014
    • YouTube

    Too many people dont like this idea because its "impossible." I'm here not to say it will be done, but to show that it is possible.

  • S02E19 Top 5 Achievements of Gamers

    • March 4, 2014
    • YouTube

    Not in any necessary order or anything, just 5 crazy things some gamers have achieved.

  • S02E20 Actually Catch Mew in Red and Blue!?

    • March 4, 2014
    • YouTube

    Yes, this is just one of the parts from my other video: Top 5 Gamers Achievements. But I've decided to also upload it separately for people who are only interested in this.

  • S02E21 Does Blowing into Cartridges Work?

    • March 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Blowing into any cartridges has the same effect, we simply focused on the NES because it had this problem way worse than any other system.

  • S02E22 Team Fortress 2: The Clone Wars

    • March 21, 2014
    • YouTube

    Ever think its strange that all the mercenaries of the same class look and act exactly the same? Let find out how that's possible.

  • S02E23 Game Theory: TF2 Pyro Male or Female | DEBUNKED

    • March 28, 2014
    • YouTube

    Time to bust some myths, or rather theories about games. The mystery of the Pyro's gender is a big one, but according to our friends at Game Theory, he is undoubtedly a homosexual man.... or is he? Lets pick apart the evidence and find out if it really holds up.

  • S02E24 The Quantum Tongue of Goat Simulator

    • April 1, 2014
    • YouTube

    Never before has anyone had such a serious discussion of such a ridiculously stupid and fun game.

  • S02E25 Fallout Theory: Vault Boy's Dark Origins

    • April 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    That smile, Vault boy is way too happy, but is that really simple happiness? Or is it something darker....

  • S02E26 Game Theory: Fart Rocket Physics DEBUNKED

    • April 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    Game Theory, Wario is not 10 feet tall, I am sorry but someone needs to correct you on that. Silly Goose.

  • S02E27 PokéMyth: Pokeball Possession

    • April 8, 2014
    • YouTube


  • S02E28 PokéMyth: Inter-dimensional Gengar

    • April 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    As Gastly evolves, it slowly breaks through.....

  • S02E29 PokéMyth: Creation of the Legendary Beasts

    • April 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    Sometimes referred to as the legendary dogs, (though I'm not sure why, Raikou is obviously more cat-like) This common Pokrmon urban legend has been going around for quite some time, Lets explore it!

  • S02E30 Sceptile in Smash Bros.

    • April 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    I predict it to be so!

  • S02E31 Palutena in Smash Bros.

    • April 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    Could the leaks be true? Let's look at Sakurai to see.

  • S02E32 PokéMyth: Clefable & Gengar

    • April 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Here we explore yet another simple, common theory.

  • S02E33 PokéMyth: Genesect is Kabutops

    • April 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    Could Team Plasma of altered the genetic code of a Kabutops as they revived it from a fossil and created the very powerful Genesect!?

  • S02E34 Pokémon Name Origins: 1st Gen

    • April 27, 2014
    • YouTube

    Why are Pokemon named the way they are? Here we begin our journey to find out with the original 151 Pokemon.

  • S02E35 Pokémon Name Origins: 2nd Gen

    • May 2, 2014
    • YouTube

    Me and Nolan are at it again, continuing with generation 2, Gold and Silver.

  • S02E36 Mario Theory: The Koopaling's Parents

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    According the the game manual, the Koopalings are the children of Bowser, according to Miyamoto, they are not. Which is it Nintendo!? Lets use science and genetics to see if Bowser truly is the father of these Koopa Kids.

  • S02E37 PokéMyth: Deoxys is Missingno. Canonized!?

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    Consider the following.

  • S02E38 PokéMyth: Ghastly is a Dead Cloyster

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    This is just silly.

  • S02E39 PokéMyth: Kabutops an Ancient Scyther?

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    Pokémon dont just evolve in the way we see first hand...

  • S02E40 PokéMyth: The Triforce in Pokemon?

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    Could it be? Nintendo does like to hide little references and Easter eggs all over the place.

  • S02E41 PokéMyth: The Last of Us Pokemon!?

    • May 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    Could it be!?

  • S02E42 PokéMyth: Digletts Butt.

    • May 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    Or should I say, "underside"?

  • S02E43 Pokémon Name Origins: 3rd Gen

    • May 11, 2014
    • YouTube

  • S02E44 Mario Theory: Bowser Jr's True Mother

    • May 16, 2014
    • YouTube

    The classic theory of "Peach is Bowser Jr's mother" is about to be debunked, by lizards! But then...who is Bowser Jr's mom?

  • S02E45 Game Theory: How Fast is Sonic? DEBUNKED

    • May 20, 2014
    • YouTube

    Let's Tackle one of Game Theory's most controversial episodes. Just how fast can Sonic the Hedgehog actually run? VSauce3 and good ol' Game Theory previously examined the "Science of Sonic," but Vsauce's conclusions were all based on Sonic running faster than the speed of sound, and Game Theory's mathematics seemed a bit off. Based on evidence exclusively from the Sonic video games, can the mascot of SEGA really break the sound barrier? Even with Gnoggin's new found math?

  • S02E46 What if You were Falcon Punched??

    • May 25, 2014
    • YouTube

    Lets use advanced physics to find out how to make the classic Falcon Punch actually possible. Then apply one to your face.

  • S02E47 Ultimate Crossover: How it Works #0

    • May 26, 2014
    • YouTube

    It's finally starting back up again! woooo!

  • S02E48 Ultimate Crossover Web: Super Mario

    • May 30, 2014
    • YouTube

    To start this web, we begin with the single franchise that may have one of, if not the most crossovers ever. Listing off all places Mario has been along with items from his world was no easy task, nonetheless, here it is, for you enjoyment. Stay awesome, and keep using your heads.

  • S02E49 Ultimate Crossover Web: Zelda

    • June 5, 2014
    • YouTube

    Nintendo's second biggest franchise has crossovers galore!

  • S02E50 Mario Theory: Koopalings are the 7 Deadly Sins?

    • June 5, 2014
    • YouTube

    Could this joke by AVGN actually hold true?

  • S02E51 Pokémon Name Origins: 4th Gen

    • June 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Why are Pokémon named the way they are? Continuing with the 4th generation of Pokémon, we learn the origins of many more Pokémon Names.

  • S02E52 Pokémon Name Origins: 5th Gen

    • June 18, 2014
    • YouTube

    Continuing with generation 5, we learn more and more about the origins of Pokémon names, we find their hidden meaning, and find what languages they are spread out into.

  • S02E53 Pokémon Name Origins: 6th Gen

    • June 19, 2014
    • YouTube

    FINALLY! the last gen of Pokémon. (as of right now). Lets explore the origins of the names of the final bunch of Pocket Monsters.

  • S02E54 Zelda Theory: Nazi Link?

    • June 21, 2014
    • YouTube

    What heavily processed meat. Seems many people like to point and accuse things of popular franchises without doing much research into them.

  • S02E55 Kingdom Hearts Theory: Xion gave Dual Wielding Powers

    • June 21, 2014
    • YouTube

    Xion, the cute pseudo-member of Organization XIII, may have provided more to Roxas and Sora than she ever dreamed of.

  • S02E56 Sonic Theory: Misinterpreted Prophecy

    • June 21, 2014
    • YouTube

    Many people think Knuckles was completely an antagonist in his first game, or that he was just stupid and listened to Eggman / Robotnik. When really, a vague prophecy is to blame.

  • S02E57 TF2 Expiration Date Theory: How Much Bread was Teleported?

    • June 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    What does he mean by "done nothing but teleport bread for three days." How much is that exactly? How much bread did Soldier teleport? Let's use some math and figure it out!

  • S02E58 How Does Mario Throw Fireballs Underwater?

    • June 28, 2014
    • YouTube

    Mario has few power-ups that are more iconic than the fire flower, which gives him the ability to throw fireballs. But have you ever wondered how those fireballs work underwater too? Lets find out!

  • S02E59 Ultimate Crossover Web: Metroid

    • June 30, 2014
    • YouTube

    Traveling around the galaxy lets you explore distant lands and meet many interesting characters, though it looks like the Metroids are doing that more than Samus.

  • S02E60 Mario Theory: How does the Fire Flower Work?

    • July 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    After exploring many possibilities, I've found the natural equivalents to the fire flower; this is how it lets Mario shoot fireballs.

  • S02E61 PokéMyth: N is a Zoroark

    • July 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    This is Gnoggins mini-version of this common theory. That N from Pokémon Black and White is actually a Zoroark.

  • S02E62 PokéMyth: Flight of the Doduo

    • July 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    This joke gets ran into the ground all the time, seems that every nerdy web-cartoonist has their own version of it.

  • S02E63 PokéMyth: Kangaskhan's Dark Secret

    • July 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    It all makes sense! NOTE: There actually are no male Kangaskhans (that are capturable). But we can assume there are a few very rare males, because the pokedex entries for Kangaskhan either refer to them as "it" or "the females." Also Kangaskhan is a Gen 1 pokemon. Gender was not introduced until Gen 2.

  • S02E64 PokéMyth: Why the 4 Move limit?

    • July 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    In the games you can only use 4 moves, obviously its because Pokémon are just stupid, right?

  • S02E65 PokéMyth: Giovanni the Hero

    • July 23, 2014
    • YouTube

    So does that make Red the bad guy here?

  • S02E66 PokéMyth: Cubone is an Unlit Charmander

    • July 24, 2014
    • YouTube

    The theory of Cubone being a baby Kangaskhan is a classic one, but here is our take on the matter.

  • S02E67 Game Theory: How Fast is Sonic? Part 2

    • July 29, 2014
    • YouTube

    Just another bit of evidence that was finally found that further debunks the misconceptions about Sonic made by the team over on Game Theory.

  • S02E68 Why the Lombax are so Advanced

    • August 2, 2014
    • YouTube

    Lets take a look at this classic fuzzy furry and find out just why this species is so technologically advanced when compared to the rest of their universe. It's got nothing to do with the size of their heads!

  • S02E69 Top 5 Weddings in Video Games

    • August 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    Feels good man. What is YOUR favorite wedding in a video game? These, in my opinion, are the greatest. Remember that word: Opinion. If I haven't played the game then I don't have an opinion on it.

  • S02E70 Takamaru in Smash Bros! but Who is he?

    • August 11, 2014
    • YouTube

    Oh Sakurai. So Takamaru has recently been confirmed for Smash 4, as an assist trophy, but either way, a large number of people don't know who he is, so here is a video explaining him!

  • S02E71 Kickstarter and the Gaming Industry

    • August 16, 2014
    • YouTube

    Lets have a discussion about Kickstarter, Its good and bad. Do you think its good for the gaming industry?

  • S02E72 Prince Sable in Smash Bros! But Who is He?

    • August 18, 2014
    • YouTube

    Yet another obscure Japanese only Nintendo character has been announced to be an assist trophy in smash brothers. So who is this guy?

  • S02E73 How Does Luigi Walk on Water?

    • August 26, 2014
    • YouTube

    Enjoy this video about Luigi's apparent ability to walk on water in Mario 64 DS.

  • S02E74 The Science of the Spy's Invisibility Cloak

    • September 6, 2014
    • YouTube

    The science of invisibility is both complicated and very interesting, let's apply it to Team Fortress!

  • S02E75 Five Nights Away From Freddy

    • September 7, 2014
    • YouTube

    Of all the ideas people have come up with to avoid these killer animatronics, why has nobody thought of this?

  • S02E76 Pokémon Theory: BLUE is in Team Rocket!

    • October 20, 2014
    • YouTube

    Blue is easily the most iconic Pokémon rival. But is there more to him than meets the eye? Is he willing to partner up with the crooked Team Rocket to fulfill his dream of becoming the very best? Lets look at the facts!

  • S02E77 Genetic Memories: Assassin's Creed is Possible

    • October 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    Let's discuss a recent study that suggests that maybe, to some extent, the idea of your ancestors passing down memories is possible.

  • S02E78 Terraria Truth, Minecraft Chaos: Random Maps in Gaming

    • November 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Mystery Dungeon, Age of Empires, all of these games use randomly generated maps, but how can a computer calculate out randomness? is it really random?

Season 5

Season 6