Nach einem Streit findet sich Lizzie plötzlich im Körper von Matt gefangen und umgekehrt. In der Schule führt das zu einigen Turbulenzen.
In this Freaky Friday-inspired episode, Lizzie and Matt switch bodies for a day. Matt (in Lizzie's body) and Lizzie (in Matt's body) go to each other's school and end up in amusing situations. They both solve each other's problems at school but the next day, they return to their normal selves, leading Lizzie to wonder whether it was all a bad dream.
Comme tous les matins, Lizzie et son frère Matt se disputent. Soudain, en prononçant les mêmes mots au même moment, ils échangent leur corps : Lizzie devient Matt et Matt devient Lizzie. Tous deux sont obligés de s'habituer à leur nouvelle situation, qui ne manque pas de provoquer une cascade de quiproquos...
Lizzie e Matt si scambiano i loro corpi come nel film "Quel pazzo venerdì". Grazie a questo scambio riescono a scoprire le piccole difficoltà quotidiane che entrambi devono affrontare.