Bestrebt, die Little Busters neu zu gründen, will Riki als erstes Masato dazu bewegen, wieder beizutreten. Doch Masato lehnt die Einladung ab und weist Riki mit den Worten "Zeit für mich, zu beweisen, das ich der Stärkste bin" zurück. Nach diesem Moment gerät Masato außer Kontrolle und schlägt jeden, der sich ihm nähert. Rin erzählt Riki, dass Masato sich so verhält wie er als Kind war. Riki und Rin stellen eine Falle auf, um den randalierenden Masato zu stoppen, aber dann...
Determined to reform the Little Busters, Riki attempts to invite Masato, who refuses, claiming that what only matters to him is to become the strongest. Soon after, Riki and Rin hear news of Masato attacking other classmates and comes with a trap to catch him. However, the trap fails to restrain him fully and he starts pursuing them, after setting another trap with Rin's help, Riki manages to wear down Masato to the point of being able to defeat him barehanded. The knocked down Masato then reminisces that before meeting Kyousuke, he used to be treated as a fool by his peers until he trained his body enough to beat down whoever insulted him, but became isolated because of it, until Kyousuke appears and defeats him also using traps, leading to them becoming friends. It is also revealed that the reason for his rampage at school was because he suddenly started seeing everyone else as himself and believed that he could only become his own person by becoming the strongest of them all. After renewing his friendhip with Masato, Riki realizes that he must eventually defeat Kyousuke as well for his and his friends' sake, while a serious Kengo watches over him from afar.
스스로가 리더가 되어 다시 한번 리틀 버스터즈를 결성할 것을 결심한 리키. 과거 쿄스케가 그러하였 듯이 우선은 마사토를 동료로 만들기로 한다. 그러나 린과 함께 식당에서 찾아낸 마사토의 상태는 어딘가 이상해 보였는데...
理樹與鈴決心重建Little Busters,首先找真人加入。沒想到真人不但拒絕,還說要證明自己是最強的,看到人就打。鈴看到真人失控的模樣,回想起小時候的往事。為了阻止真人,理樹與鈴設下了陷阱…