Für Chip und Agnes heißt es: jetzt oder nie. Der baldige Frühlingsbeginn bedeutet, dass ihnen nur noch wenig Zeit bleibt, um Karibus zu jagen und das Fleisch einzulagern. Gelingt ihnen das nicht, fehlt der Familie über Monate die Nahrungsgrundlage. Auch Andy kämpft mit der Schneeschmelze: Am reißenden Yukon entlang versucht er, Baumstämme für Brennholz ins Camp zu befördern – eine schier unmögliche Aufgabe. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The end of winter is quickly approaching. Chip and Agnes have one last chance to harvest caribou until late summer. If they succeed, they will have meat for food and trade for months. Sue stumbles upon a mysterious object in the tundra, and fears for a potential encounter with a predator. Glenn is on the hunt for food and fur, and the wolf tracks he spots remind him there is more than one hunter in Chandalar. Andy sets out to collect wood before the rising temperatures melt away his snow trails.
수전은 연못송어를 잡으러 나섰다 허탕만 치고 들꿩을 잡아 돌아온다. 헤일스톤 부부는 성공적으로 살진 카리부 다섯 마리를 잡는다. 앤디는 새 헛간을 지을 통나무를 벌목해 온다. 글렌은 집 근처에 사냥을 위한 눈길을 새로 낸다.