Ein Neuling in der Wildnis Alaskas tut sich schwer, die wichtigsten Überlebensregeln zu beachten. Sue dagegen kennt die Gegend wie ihre Westentasche und wappnet sich für Bären-Angriffe: Seit Tagen streunen die hungrigen Tiere nahe an Sues Camp vorbei. In Wiseman hat Erik Mühe, seine Fleischvorräte vor dem Verderben zu schützen, und die Hailstones kämpfen bereits mit meterdickem Eis. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
To make ends meet, Andy and Kate teach subsistence and survival skills, and Cody Allen has ventured into the bush from Oregon to learn how to live off the land from the experts. In Kavik, Sue preps her weapon arsenal as bears are still roaming the tundra, hungry for food. In Wiseman, Erik must prepare for the meat he will bring in from his upcoming hunting trips. In Noorvik, the Hailstones need essential seal oil. Agnes and two of her children must fly to a nearby village for a seal hunt.
수전은 곰의 습격에 대비해 총을 고르고 캠프 주위에 커피 가루와 표백제를 뿌린다. 애그니스 헤일스톤은 존과 틴미악을 데리고 코체부로 가서 바다표범을 사냥한다. 앤디는 본인이 운영하는 생존술 캠프에 온 새 손님을 맞아 이것저것 가르친다. 에릭은 장대를 잘라 고기 거치대를 만든다.