A beautiful green week where I'm working alone preparing the drainage and plumbing for the concrete floor. I'm locating the crossbeam where the chimney is going out of the wall. Finally, I'm out on a short hike in the valley. 0:00 Taking the tent stove out 1:30 Backing bread 8:37 Connecting rain gutters 9:46 Making a hole in the wall 13:17 Looking at the garden 14:23 Extra drain pipe 15:16 Chickens out and lunch 18:00 Fixing the hole under the wall 19:47 Out for supplies 22:10 Pouring concrete 23:48 Shovelling sand 24:39 Making a compacter 25:42 A snail 27:06 septic tank 29:12 Looking at drawings 31:13 More pipes 32:10 Testing the connections 34:57 Making salad 36:31 Connecting shower drain 38:02 Outro monologue 40:09 A hike