Join ReNDoG for an epic new Minecraft 'Feed The Beast' series!
ReNDoG takes you back to Spawn, where it all began!
ReNDoG begins work on Geothermal Generators in the Cyberlabs!
ReNDoG crafts an MFE Energy Storage unit for his Llama power!
ReNDoG crafts a Macerator and starts doubling his ores!
ReNDoG crafts an Industrial Electrolyzer to get Titanium Dust!
ReNDoG crafts a Compressor and Rolling Machine!
ReNDoG crafts an Industrial Blast Furnace - a MUST WATCH!
ReNDoG shows off upgrades to the Cyberlabs and crafts a Quarry!
ReNDoG designs a new Power Box before firing up the Quarry!
ReNDoG crafts a Recycler to be plugged into the Quarry!
ReNDoG adds Autocrafting Tables to his Recycling Facility!
ReNDoG improves the Recycling Facility with Diamond Pipes!
ReNDoG upgrades his Recyclers with Overclocker chips!!
ReNDoG works on an infinite source of Llama Power!
ReNDoG works on a better energy source for his Magma Crucibles!
ReNDoG crafts a Jetpack to take to the skies!! (#FACEPALM)
ReNDoG begins his quest to acquire Molten Ender!
ReNDoG creates a machine to generate Molten Ender!
ReNDoG installs a Liquid Transposer in the Machine Room!
ReNDoG attempts to construct Tesseracts - will he succeed?!
ReNDoG heads to the Nether to setup a Lava Pump!
Can ReNDoG get his Liquid Tesseracts to work?!
ReNDoG optimizes the Nether Lava Pump facility!
ReNDoG begins work on the auto-sorting Warehouse!
ReNDoG installs the Filter and piping for the Storage Warehouse!
ReNDoG cranks up the Cyberlabs to 'All Systems Go' level!
ReNDoG makes some final tweaks to the Cyberlab systems!
ReNDoG makes an EPIC discovery on a hunt for diamonds!
ReNDoG goes on a giant quest for diamonds for the 2nd quarry!
ReNDoG needs to get back to the Cyberlabs with the Portal Gun!
ReNDoG works on installing a 2nd Quarry in the Cyberlabs!
ReNDoG fires up the 2nd Quarry to double the Cyberlabs' output!
ReNDoG works to electrify the Furnace Room!
ReNDoG begins research into breeding iron producing crops!
ReNDoG crafts a Crop-Matron to look after his crops!
ReNDoG designs a Hydration Cell factory for the Crop-matron!
ReNDoG begins the crop breeding process in the Bio Facility!
ReNDoG uses the Portal gun to retrieve the Mob Spawners!
ReNDoG begins crafting a giant automatic Mob Spawner Trap!
ReNDoG installs spawning pads to the Mob Spawner Trap!
ReNDoG works on the Death Drop for the Mob Trap!
ReNDoG installs the final two Mob Spawners!
ReNDoG prepares himself for an epic Dungeon Raid!
ReNDoG ventures into the Dungeon in search of loots!!
ReNDoG begins work on a giant Scaffolding factory!
ReNDoG builds a Humus Factory to feed his Arboretums!
ReNDoG completes the final step of the Scaffolding Factory!
ReNDoG takes you on a tour of his Feed The Beast World!
ReNDoG pimps his Stickreed crop in the Bio-research Facility!
ReNDoG edges closer to germinating Ferru - will he succeed?!
ReNDoG sets up the first scaffolding pillars of the Renstar!
ReNDoG begins work on an epic Metalworks Factory!
ReNDoG adds more productions lines to the Metalworks Factory!
ReNDoG deploys a Turtle to help construct the Renstar!
ReNDoG begins work on an automatic Ferru harvester!
ReNDoG attempts to automate the Harvester's crop-matron!
ReNDoG uses code from a Cyberdog to automate the Harvester!
ReNDoG attempts to fully automate the Ferru Harvester!
ReNDoG brainstorms ideas for the Renstar Modules!
ReNDoG designs an automatic door for the Renstar!
ReNDoG pimps out his space platform construction tools!
ReNDoG begins setting up an Enchanting Facility in the Cyberlabs!
ReNDoG begins the epic journey of Thaumcraft researching!
ReNDoG studies hard to unlock Golemancy!
ReNDoG conjures his first wooden golem worker!
ReNDoG crafts some pimping goggles to try and control the flux!
ReNDoG installs a set of Arcane Alembics!
ReNDoG completes the Thaumcraft Golem Project!
ReNDoG fixes up the roads of Rentown!
ReNDoG gets Nuclear!
ReNDoG works on securing the Reactor Chamber!
ReNDoG constructs a safe and stable reactor!
ReNDoG begins setup of the Power Control Room!
ReNDoG connects the Renstar to the Cyberlabs!
ReNDoG upgrades the power grid of the Cyberlabs!
ReNDoG sets up a facility to feed his Reactors!
ReNDoG works towards producing more copper!
ReNDoG completes the Quad Uranium Cell Factory!
ReNDoG works on the roof of the Power Control Room!
ReNDoG returns to the Renstar Space Platform!
ReNDoG begins work on the Renstar Maintenance Level!
ReNDoG installs a roof for the Nuclear Reactor Chambers!
ReNDoG creates a factory for sweet lampage!
ReNDoG goes adventuring to hunt down Enderman!
ReNDoG works on a new and efficient Renstar factory!
ReNDoG finds a way to get into the Renstar Maintenance Level!
ReNDoG builds an automatic Maintenance Level Lift!