Actu 1 : The Wolf Among Us - Thème d'ouverture, Jared Emerson-Johnson Actu 2 : GTA V - North Yankton Memories, Tangerine Dream, Woody Jackson, The Alchemist, Oh No & DJ Shadow 1 - Perfect Dark - Chicago Stealth, Grant Kirkhope 2 - Borderlands 2 - Ice, Jesper Kyd 3 - Megaman X Corrupted - Skyway, NitroFlasher 4 - Remember Me - Nilin The Memory Hunter, Olivier Deriviere 5 - Snatcher - One Night In Neo Kobe City, Konami Kukeiha Club 6 - Shadowrun - 3AM On A Summer Night, Marshall Parker 7 - Neo Tokyo - Departure, Ed Harrison 8 - Metal Gear II : Solid Snake - Theme of Solid Snake, Masahiro Ikariko 9 - Beyond Good & Evil - Akuda House Propaganda, Christophe Héral 10 - Fallout New Vegas - Main Theme, Inon Zur 11 - Mirror's Edge - Main Theme (Instrumental Version), Lisa Miskovsky, Solar Fields 12 - Mechwarrior II - Pyre Light, Gregory Alper & Jeehun Hwang 13 - Metro 2033 - Alone, Alexey Omelchuk 14 - Gemini Rue - Another Day's Work, Nathan Allen Pinard