The story begins in the Northern Qi Kingdom. The prime minister Gu Qing Hong (Zhang Xiao Long) schemes to murder his wife Miao Qian Qian (Wang Li Kun), the daughter of an aristocratic family, together with her whole family. However, the Emperor of the Southern Liang Kingdom (Allen Ting)’s younger brother Xiao Feng Qing (Joe Cheng), who’s actually a half-alien, rescues Qian Qian. Qian Qian from then on lives under the name Nie Wu Shuang and enters the palace of the Liang Kingdom. A love triangle between Wu Shuang and the Xiao brothers ensues. But behind Wu Shuang’s necklace lies a huge secret: twenty years ago, a fairy came down to earth after war on the Phoenix Star broke out and she was pursued. There she saw a little girl, Qian Qian, who was about to drown. She then gave her the “Heavenly Tear”, a stone with a huge power: whoever owns it will be able to unify the country. A demon who’s half-human half-machine and hides in the Qi Kingdom is after the stone.
봉황성에서 탈출한 장군 귀교는 창세호를 타고 지구에 불시착한 성녀의 행적을 추적한다. 성녀가 가진 천루신석과 호국신조를 찾아 봉황성을 재건하기 위해서다. 지구에 도착한 성녀는 란국의 황제를 만나 황궁으로 들어가고, 계유상이라는 새 이름을 얻어 아들 소봉청을 낳고 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 하지만 둘 사이를 질투한 정비는 그녀를 요녀로 몰아 벼랑에서 떨어져 죽게 하고, 이때 천루신석도 함께 사라지는데...
鳳凰星,因過度武裝破壞生態,變作冰川。聖女季柔桑(母其彌雅飾)帶能量石“天淚”逃走,被國師鬼姣(管軒飾)及半人半機械的姣童(南笙飾)追擊,逃至另一蔚藍的星球。而這裡正是處在魏晉之後南北分裂的地球東方大陸,這夜天放異光,鳳凰出現,五光寶石從天而降,傳是“至尊寶藏”,誰能奪寶便統一南北。蘭王蕭昱(朱泳騰飾)守獵,遇季柔桑,驚為天人,與之生下五子蕭鳳青(鄭元暢飾)。季柔桑為逃避鬼姣追踪,以假死沉睡,將“天淚”交給一五歲遇溺的女孩繆芊芊(王麗坤飾)。二十年後繆芊芊被滅門,墜江後被蘭國睿王蕭鳳青所救,“天淚”再現,令她體內的能量提升。繆芊芊改名聶無雙進蘭,與蕭氏兄弟(丁子峻、鄭元暢飾)展開三角虐戀。鬼姣潛伏離國,掌控高洋兄妹(夏銘浩、白冰飾),欲奪回天淚,把地球能源吸走。聶無雙在聖女的啟發下,以一己的大愛,犧牲生命,阻止這滅頂之災 。