Murata, Jozak and Conrad infiltrate the castle and manage to find a box full of swords. When an intruder alarm is sounded, Murata discovers it was not them that had been found. He realizes with dismay that Yuri had followed them there. They met up with Wolfram and Adalbert and return to their hideout to plan Yuri's escape. Meanwhile, Yuri was captured by the White Crows and imprisoned in a cell. Jeneus, a member of the White Crows, offers to help Yuri escape as he does not want a war between Big Cimaron and The Demon Kingdom but was turned down by Yuri who believed that Conrad would come to save him. Conrad, dressed in his old Big Cimaron military outfit pretends to come for the throne as he has a right to it, sneaks into the castle and waits for Murata's orders to save Yuri.