A huge thanks to the experts who helped us on short notice with the video. Especially “Our World in Data”, the online publication for research and data on the world’s largest problems – and how to make progress solving them. Check out their site. It also includes a constantly updated page on the Corona Pandemic.
In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus.
What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?
Im Dezember 2019 berichtete die chinesische Regierung von einem Virus, das sich rasant verbreitet. In den folgenden Monaten traf es weitere Länder. Täglich wurden es mehr Fälle. Es war das “mit dem schweren akuten Atemwegssyndrom assoziierte Corona-Virus 2”, das die Krankheit COVID19 auslöst. Bekannt wurde es als Corona-Virus. Aber was passiert eigentlich bei einer Infektion, und was sollten wir tun?
En diciembre de 2019, las autoridades chinas comunicaron que un virus estaba infectando a sus ciudadanos. En los meses siguientes alcanzó otros países y se duplicaron los casos en pocos días. Nos referimos al “coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave 2”, que provoca la enfermedad llamada COVID 19, a la que todos simplemente llamamos Coronavirus. ¿Qué sucede cuando infecta a un humano y qué debemos hacer todos?
Nel dicembre 2019 le autorità cinesi hanno segnalato al mondo che un virus dilagava nelle città. Nei mesi seguenti si è diffuso in altri Paesi, i cui casi raddoppiarono in giorni. Il virus è "severe acute respiratory sindrome-related coronavirus 2" (grave sindrome respiratoria acuta da coronavirus 2), che causa la malattia chiamata Covid-19, e che tutti chiamano semplicemente Coronavirus.
Cosa succede realmente quando infetta una persona e cosa dovremmo fare tutti noi?