The old coach advises to Aomine to keep playing basketball until he can find a worthy opponent. Teiko wins the National finals. The old coach collapses and the young one takes over coaching the team. The team individually undergoes rapid growth in power. Aomine leaves mid-practice and the coach gives him permission to skip practices, leaving Aomine in even more despair. After an act of insubordination, Akashi goes head to head with Murasakibara, and just when Akashi is about to lose, he switches personalities and crushes Murasakibara. Akashi gives the rest of the team permission to skip practice as long as they win matches. He later tells Kuroko who failed to convince Aomine that there is two of him.
자신의 뛰어난 농구실력 때문에 상대방이 의욕을 잃는 모습을 보자 아오미네는 연습과 시합에 흥미를 잃게 된다. 무라사키바라 또한 주체할 수 없는 힘에 아카시에게 대들기 시작하는데.
El viejo entrenador aconseja a Aomine que siga jugando baloncesto hasta que encuentre un oponente digno. Teiko gana la final nacional y el viejo entrenador se derrumba.
La Teiko vince per il secondo anno consecutiva il torneo nazionale, ma mentre i giocatori diventano sempre più abili, lo spirito di squadra si sgretola.
Die Wundergeneration führt die Basketballmannschaft der Teiko Mittelschule zum wiederholten Mal an die Spitze des Landes. Vor allem Daiki Aomine hadert jedoch damit, keinen würdigen Gegner zu finden. Und dann fordert Atsushi Seijuro heraus.